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^ Thanks so much, Katie. I'll ask my mom about them. That's where it seaps out on me too. I definetly need longer ones. Being a girl is so hard at times. D:

^ No problem. I remember getting my sheets a mess all the time, and having to get them washed everyday. My mom was happy to buy them for me, so she didn't have as much laundry to do. :D

Seaps is spelled with an 'a'? Whoops. I spelled it with two 'e's. Ah well. I'm not a great speller. xD

^ Oopsies, Esther is correct about spelling seep. xDD

Anyway, I've only got it on my sheets once before. I usually feel it on my leg and rush to the bathroom. I've ruined many pairs of underwear and a few pairs of shorts. D;

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Seep is spelt with two e's. Pinky promise. <3

There I go again - filled with useless information. Anyway, I had to skip swimming today because I had my period and am too terrified to try tampons. That really sucked because for one thing, it was totally obvious to everyone why I had to skip it, because I seemed fine, and also because swimming is my thing. I'm good at it, and I'm always showing off with the demonstrations. So I just sat at the side and counted the red tiles opposite me. And then I started cheering everyone on in the relay and everybody ended up getting distracted. Because I'm sexy like that. xD

I tried a tampon and it hurrrt bad.

So now I just use pads.


I haven't had my period in a while anyways.

I'm due to start again in 5 days xP

I really hope we don't have to do a swimming unit it gym, as there is an outdoor pool like right next to our school. I cannot handle tampons 'o_o

or the embarrassment of my peers seeing me in a bathing suit

^ I tried shoving it behind where you pee [urthea?], but before your butt crack. I used a mirror. There's like, a dark pit in between the two.
Only 10? Because then you would miss more than half of the swimming days, and it defeats the purpose of swim class. x3 Believe it or not, 10 is usually enough. :(

Our school mandates Physical Education every year. If you don't have your Phys Ed credits, you can't graduate. If you didn't have to take it, like, no one would. xD

`Krystal - Get the overnight pads. I HAVE to use them. I quickly found out that with just a regular [or even a heavy] pad at night, I get blood all over my bed. I use Always Overnight - they're much longer in the back, so the blood can't seep out [That's where the blood seeps out and onto my sheets when I sleep]. Since I started using the overnight pads, I haven't had a leak since. I highly reccommend them. :rolleyes:
o.o; I'll ask my mom. xDD [i'm almost done with mine, so I don't think it'd be absolutely necessary. <_< ] But.. [i hope I don't gross you out with this..] I actually watched where the blood came out of. Dx So I found out it goes inbetween the flap part.

Your right, actually. Your period only lasts for about 5 or 7 days, and [in my school] we only have Gym once a week [+ Fieldhouse.]. But I'm not sure if your school has gym everyday. :|

Tampons xD

I never tried a tampon xD Is it okay to practice before you period? I might attempt at this xD

Ickk...I'm on my period today. Not fun at all.

I'm not trying to be disgusting here, but do any of you girls get it really thick sometimes? Like I'm not talking heavy, but i'm saying THICK. I know it's kinda gross but I'm just curious.

Tampons xD
I never tried a tampon xD Is it okay to practice before you period? I might attempt at this xD
No, I read somewhere that a tampon can be painful to take out if you're not actually on your period. Because it hasn't absorbed enough blood flow or something. DUNT DO IT! And if you're wondering how a girl too scared to try those long cotton things that you put up there, I researched it. xD

I want to try tampons, but I can't figure it out. XD I just realized, how did you guys know how to use one? No one ever explained this to me.
I got mine today. My first period where I can use tampons with out being scared!

Its hard to explain how to use them. Read the instruction/info sheet. Its handy.

And a mini one to start with, I had to go with out an applicator an most girls start with an applicator. Carefree silk-ease are easy to get in.

Its one of those things you can't really been shown how to work...

Ahh crap. Period for Summer Jam...

.... do any of you girls get it really thick sometimes? Like I'm not talking heavy, but i'm saying THICK. I know it's kinda gross but I'm just curious.
Sometimes the flow can look thick. Not everyone gets it - or sees it :puroperatchi:

Don't forget that a menstrual period is actually the womb "cleaning" itself over several days. A very thin lining (almost like a layer of skin) along with the blood is passed during your period - so the thickness you mention might be part of the lining.

Tampons xD
I never tried a tampon xD Is it okay to practice before you period? I might attempt at this xD
I've seen "Puberty Education" videos - the ones shown in the UK anyway - and was surprised to hear them suggest that girls could practice with a tampon even if they don't have a period :puroperatchi:

Personally, I agree with Esther.

The blood flow acts as a lubricant on the tampon - so although it should be possible to insert one and remove one even if you haven't got a period, I can tell you it will be much more uncomfortable to do so and could possibly put you off trying another time if it is painful.

Best to wait until you are bleeding and practice then. If at first you don't succeed, you can always try again later, or the next day, etc. :ichigotchi:


My friend doesn't mind the idea of trying tampons and crap w/ out ur period, but she would never do it, xD.

My friend also wears pads on heavy discharge days. I'm thinking of doing that, but i want to here ur opinion

Tampons xD
I never tried a tampon xD Is it okay to practice before you period? I might attempt at this xD
I heard that you actually shouldn't attempt to insert a tampon when you're not on your period. [Maybe the instruction manual in the tampon box? I don't remember...] Something about how your vagina muscles are a bit more widened and relaxed during your period, I believe. Don't quote me on this, though.

  I want to try tampons, but I can't figure it out. XD I just realized, how did you guys know how to use one? No one ever explained this to me.
Well, I got this book from Bath & Body Works when I was younger, and it explains how to insert a tampon with pictures. :'D

I'm sure if you Google it, or go to, you can find some more information. ;3

And the box of tampons you buy should come with a detailed informational sheet on how to insert a tampon, safety concerns, etc.

First of all, if you're just starting out, you should get a tampon that comes with an APPLICATOR. And it should be slender or thin, and maybe 'gentle glide' or some sort. [i tried Playtex Slender Gentle Glide :) ]

Basically, you sit / stand up [Whatever is most comfortable for you] and hold the tampon at an angle toward your back. You hold your tampon with one hand [i use my right hand - I recommend your dominant hand] with your forefinger on the part that you 'launch' the tampon with, and your thumb near the bottom of the fat part of the applicator. [i don't know technical terms here, lol] Use your other hand to spread apart the skin in between your legs.

Your vagina should be just behind your URTHEA(sp?), or where you pee. Use a mirror to help you locate it. It's almost like a black pit. It's wider than your buttcrack.

Slowly guide the applicator into your vagina. Once you find the entrance, slowly slide the applicator up. When your hand reaches your crotch, it's probably in far enough. Then, 'launch' the tampon by pressing the long, thin part of the applicator up. This releases the absorbant part of the tampon inside you. :lol:

Then, slowly remove the applicator, and throw it away. You shouldn't be able to feel the tampon in you. If you can, it's probably in crooked. You can attempt to adjust it, or just start over with a whole new tampon. The string should be hanging down between your thighs.

Oh, and don't forget to wash your hands before and afterward! :D

I've attempted a few times to get a tampon in properly [About five times in one day - I needed it for a dance recital in December], but have never suceeded. I had a very hard time finding the hole / getting the tampon to go up the hole. Whenever I shoved my tampon around 'down there', it seemed to have no place to go. This is when you use a mirror, which I did. My mom said I could lubricate the applicator by smearing Vasaline on it, but I didn't try that [yet]. Most people don't have this problem, though. [Except for Band Geek] xD

Hope this helps? :3

My friend also wears pads on heavy discharge days. I'm thinking of doing that, but i want to here ur opinion
There's nothing wrong with doing that. I wear pantyliners a lot on heavy discharge days. I've been discharging A LOT lately... and my period is due in about a week or two [unless I skip because I'm working out so much. :lol: ] If it's heavy, sticky, and uncomfortalbe, of course you can wear a pad!

Yeah, my discharge is way out of control! I changed my underwear 3 times today, so I think I should use the pads, so school will be okay, 'cause I don't bring underwear to school, xD. So next time I'm out I might buy pads, for discharge. Once I was at school, and went to the bathroom and like all of my underwear was yellow, it was awful! I'm just glad nobody noticed, that would be horrible! Has anybody here had something like this happen?? [SIZE=14pt][/SIZE]

I got one from American Girl call Your Body and You.  The pictures were creep-tastic...*shudders*  :)   :lol:
I have that book too!

I don't have my period yet, but I do have discharge often.

When I first heard about getting periods... I was nervous...

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