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I got mine at the end of september. though the other one of my besties i my asked if I had gotten mine i said yes then she asked my other bestie and she said no she lied she didn't have to lie she always lies grrr

I got mine at the end of september. though the other one of my besties i my asked if I had gotten mine i said yes then she asked my other bestie and she said no she lied she didn't have to lie she always lies grrr

^ Yep, I've just turned 13. Perhaps it's genetics. My mother didn't get her period until 14 and my grandma didn't get hers until 15. My dad didn't start going through puberty until high school, and I seem to be following in his tracks, since I could still pass for a third grader.
Meh, guy puberty is different than girls. Most guys go through puberty later than girls. (which explains why they can be immature. ;D) So most likely you're maturing is more related to the women in your family than it is from the men.

It probably is genetics, but it can also just be how your body is built, everyone is different. Genetics can give you a general time frame for these sort of things, but it is never official.

@ Mckenna - Discharge is basically a white/yellowish substance that comes from "down there". It helps keep that area clean, and sometimes can be more prominent leading up to your period.

And puberty is the process of your physical growth and sexual maturity. It is very different for boys and girls though, because it involves different hormones.

Okay, I have kind of a problem.

I've had my period for going on a year and a half now. I'm fifteen.

For the first ten or so months, it was completely normal, arriving every 28-30 days. Very regular right from the get go.

Then, beginning in like July, my periods started coming sooner and sooner... like 24 days in July... and it's been working it's way down. The past few times it was coming every seventeen days, and this time it was only fifteen days in between. And they're full blown periods, not like, mini things. :p

So basically, they're getting consistently closer together. What is considered "regular" is 21-30 days in between I believe... fifteen to seventeen is obviously not.

Should I go see a doctor for this, or just let it go? I really don't want to go to the gyno, but if I have to I will.

Katie: Have you talked to your mom about this? She would have the best suggestion. I would talk to my mother and consider seeing a doctor. It's better to be safe than sorry.

I hope it stops so you don't have to see a doc! That's a bummer. D:

Edit; Typogrammarfails.

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Katie: Have you talked to your mom about this? She would have the best suggestion. I would talk to my mother and consider seeing a doctor. It's better to be safe than sorry.
I hope it stops so you don't have to see a doc! That's a bummer. D:
I talked to my mom about it in like, August or September. She said if it continued into like, now and January, she'd think about seeing the gyno and getting me on the pill or something. :p

I want some opinions of people on here, and then my best friend's mom is an RN, so I might ask her. I want to avoid the gynecologist if I can... but you know. What has to be done will be done.

And thanks Krystal. :]

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You're welcome. And I don't blame you for not wanting to go to a gyno at all. xP

I think it'd be best to, yes, get opinions from people on here and then maybe talk with your friends mom. ;]

Best of luck, again.

I got mine again on tuesday. Oh joy. Can you still have discharge if you aren't really ON your period?

I've had mine for a while but.. O_Oi still haven't told my mom.

How am I supposed to approach the subject? D;
You have nothing to be afraid of. Your Mom went through this too, don't forget.

I told my mom over the phone. It was easier than it would be telling her in person. Perhaps you can leave her a note, or just take a deep breath, and say it. All it takes is four little words, and that's it. :D

Starting my sometime between now and next Friday. I REALLY hope its gone before Christmas... >.<
Last year I had mine on Christmas.

The year before that I had it on my birthday.

No fun at all. D:

Im 9,I think I had discharge b4.I dunno but still wats puperty
It might still be a little while before you get your period, because the average age is around 12, so you might not have to worry for a little while. :) Though you could get it earlier or later, it just depends on your body.

Puberty is hard to explain if you haven't learned about the sciences of hormones. Hormones are basically a chemical in your body that tell certain cells or parts of your body what to do. In the case of puberty, certain hormones will help you grow, and other hormones then kick start your reproductive organs. If you don't understand that, it's okay because you're only 9. You'll probably learn about this all at school at some point so don't get too over your head about it, it's a complicated subject.

Puberty is a time and process in your life where your body starts going through a lot of changes. It's a natural step in everyone's life.

I got mine today.

I am so thankful that it didn't come yesterday or the day before or anytime in the last 5 days because then I wouldn't have been able to swim at the waterpark we went to for our end of year celebration at school.

I was literally thanking my body for waiting. :)


I have mine now.

It's just so incredibly uncomfortable during school.

And I think I've had the worst cramps in my entire almost 3-year span of getting periods this round.

Yesterday and today were so uncomfortable! Everyone time I laughed, sneezed, cough, move, or almost anything, I would feel blood come out. :(

Yesterday I felt weird and then my pants started to feel wet, there was a blood stain on it. Then my underwear was like almost covered in blood. I couldn't do PE so I have to make it up later. I hated it.

Oh, so you got it in school, lucky you. (Sarcasim)

I'm sorry. =(

But this topic is personal and should be closed.

But you do get cramps and it's kinda hard to deal with at school, nothing a little advil can't fix!


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