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I've had mine since I was 11.Wouldn't it be great if you got them once a year?
Omg yeah you took the words outta my mouth :eek:

EDIT: Oh and and... It sucks 'cause this is so much heavier than I've had before. :l Ugh.

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nope but my friend has......she started idk like last year and shes 12 today...she started elleven and im not started...not fair..

^ Not fair? O:

Seriously, you're lucky. When you get yours I'm sure you won't be saying that anymore.

They're a pain in the butt.

Yes. Definitely enjoy your time being free. ;D Oh, and don't feel left out. Everyone's different. Some girls don't get their period until their late teens.

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^ Tama Crazy, you remind me of myself : D You know, I used to come this forum and complain about not having my period. LOL I was fricking stupid! This is something you start to hate when you get it and will hate until it ends... ;D

This topic is still going strong? Wow, I haven't been to the tamatalk forums in over a year. I'd have expected this thread to die by now. 0.o

But yeah, I remember complaining about not having my period too. And too right, now I wish I hadn't been so silly...

I haven't got mine yet, :)

I'm 12, turing 13 this year though.

Mum says it could happen anyday :|

but one of my BFFs is turning 14 this year, and hasn't got hers yet.

^ I'm 14 and just barely got it. Two months ago. But that's when my mom started, so...

I've had mine since I was 11.Wouldn't it be great if you got them once a year?
Some boys think it only comes once a year!! :( One boy asked me if it was "the time of year" and I was so confused for a moment. Boys are so dumb. :D

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i remember reading this when i was in 3rd grade! About 4 years ago! (wow i can not believe this topic is still open!!!) Back then i had no clue what a period was and i remember reading about this, then telling my friend. then she told her mom and her mom told my mom then my mom gave me "the talk" about periods. Then i got mine when i was 9, almost 10 (about 3 years ago) and it annoys me so much.

and @Tama_Crazy1998, "Its not fair"?!??! lol once you get yours you will be saying "its not fair that i have to have mine and guys dont."

nope but my friend has......she started idk like last year and shes 12 today...she started elleven and im not started...not fair..
Enjoy your time being carefree and period-less. Its really not that great trust us.

Recently I have been eating very irregular (sometimes no food, sometimes almost no calories, sometimes just regular) and self harming, plus walking a lot. But this is neither the time nor place to discuss how bad what I am doing is, or why I do it.

I was just wondering if this could be effecting my period cycle at all. I am not underweight, but I am paler than usual (or so my mum says) So could this be effecting my period cycle? Because I have had a completely regular cycle for my whole first year so far, but now I'm about a week late.

p.s no, there is no possibility that I am pregnant

Also as soon as I finally get my period I'm going on the pill. OH YEAH!! take that!! :)

[EDIT] forgot to add something ;)

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Believe me, there's nothing to be scared or worried about. :blink:

I got mine around four years ago I think, and it didn't hurt at all.

I do get pretty bad cramps now when it's my time, but that varies from person to person and usually only lasts for a day or two.

Mine are so weird. Normally they last for exactly a week, but they've got for two weeks before and recently, only a few days. .__.

I have just started. ): Ah well. I remember when I was all "I want them to start!" But now I'm all "Uhh why me?" xD Ach that's life for you.

I actually had a short period! 5 days. My last one was 11 days, non stop.:)
Omggg. That's a pain the butt. Mine are usually like 5-6 days. x.x

Ezzie; Same here. It was like, "I wanna be grown up!" ..."Oh dang. I want to be a little kid again."

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