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^^You must be using them wrong. If you insert them properly you won't feel a thing. Maybe a tad of pressure but nothing more. I know this from experience. I put them in wrong for years and didn't know until I finally discovered that I was inserting them from the wrong angle. That's why it always hurt/felt uncomfortable.

But I prefer pads. I will only use a tampon when I go swimming. That's it. xD

It was indeed awful. xD But on the brightside, it didn't get on anything but my underwear so that was good. And I was only a few houses from my own when it happened so I just walked home. :)

^My first one happened on a weekend at a birthday party, and I didn't realize it until I got home. There wasn't that much blood luckily, but I instantly realized what it was. I cried that day because I really didn't want to get it.

i thought i've been having cramps for the last few days, but i haven't gotten my period. i don't really keep track of when it should come anymore, so idk. i hope it comes before or after christmas.

Mark my words.

On every forum, they'll be a young girl asking about periods xD! o.o

To everyone: This is random, but how bad do your cramps get? On the first day of my period mine are TERRIBLE.. It hurts to move my legs and painkillers dont help. I pretty much lay in bed and do nothing. I can't eat without feeling like I'm going to puke. I dont have headaches or anything.. Its been like this for about a year and a half now, and Ive had my period for 2 and a half years... I dont know.

I got mine early this year. The cramps were so bad I had to stay home from school!! My mom thought itr was just a stomach virus going around.

I fell asleep on the couch that night..then, at 2:30 in the morning, my mom woke me up. I went to the bathroom and- you could guess what happened next.

At first they were every 2 months, now I getr it at the end of the month.

First I was like "YAY didn't get it for Christmas!" and today I'm like "NO! I got it for New Years!" ._.'

For kk445:

My cramps are CRAZY painful at the moment D: It hurts to move >.< But this thread makes me comfortable for some reason. :) *hugs thread*

Mine ended on christmas day. Now that it's 2011 for me, I know I'm getting mine sometime in the 20's


>.< Never trust yourself.... I was positive it was over and now my clothes are ruined~ D:

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