Girlz and the Tamas!


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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2009
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You might want to read my old log, SHTS before reading this one, if you'd like to get a full GATT (mah new loggy name) experience. But if you couldn't care less (like I would, if this was someone else's log) just go ahead and read anyway. I will always talk in magenta, and my Tamas will have distinct text colors. These are my current ones:

Hi, my name is Briette but I like to be called Bree. I named the other two Tamas, so I should go first, don't you think? I mean besides. I'm a pop star. Therefore I'm better than all you little people out there.

Be nice, Bree! Anyway, my name is Dawna. I'm a fifth generation. Umm...listen to Ricki now.

Hi, I'm Ricki, as Dawna already said. Don't tell her, but we'll be married one day! I can't wait. She's such a pretty Tama.

Alright. Nice little guys, aren't they? I've got a v4.5 coming. It's somewhere in Texas, I think. Anyway, I shall continue with the news later. This was sort of a get-to-know-me post.

Alright. Well it's time for the Tama update and chat.

I'M A RINGOTCHI!!!!! I'm so happy!!! No one's ever been a Ringotchi before!!!

And Ricki is a Batabatatchi or something like that. More later, sorry! I have to go.

Sorry about that last post, I was in a hurry to go somewhere and I didn't want to lose what I had typed.

My tamas have a serious issue about evolving into Meme teens. I've never, ever, even once gotten a single Meme teen.


It's not your fault. Dawna started school yesterday with Miss Flower.

She's really nice. And I always get my skill points! I'll be a Maidtchi for sure!

I keep connecting them but they never raise above four faces. They should evolve into adults today, I think and in a few days have babies.



Nothing. *innocent whistling*

Okay. I'm going to school now.

Alright. Have a good time!

Dawna arrives at school. She looks around and sees a lot of other tamas gathered around the front. Suddenly she sees a very good looking hinotamatchi. Nervously, she walks over.

Hey. My name's Dawna.

Oh hey. I'm Chris. What's up?

Nothing much...*nervous giggle*

School is so boring, I actually fell asleep yesterday.

Oh my god, what did they do?

I have to stay after school these next two weeks and help all the teachers put poo and skill points in the present pinatas.

Oh, ugh. Sounds like a lot of fun.

It is. Boxing poo, what a fun way to spend the rest of your day.

The bell rings.

We'd better get to class. Who's your teacher, anyway?

Miss Flower, who's yours?

Miss Flower. I'm gonna be a Togetchi.

They walk to class together, talking and laughing. After class, they walk home together.

So, anyone else at home, or are you all alone?

Umm, there's this girl named Bree who's a total snob.

Music Star?

Yeah. And there's this other guy. But he's only a v3, he can't even come to school.

Oh. Is he, you know...your boyfriend?


Dawna quickly pulls out her adress book and erases two faces.

See? Only two faces, and we're already teens. wanna do something tomorrow? Go to a movie or get some pizza or something?


Dawna thinks quickly. If she says no, she'll never get to date this really cute, nice looking guy. But if she says yes, it would break Ricki's heart. They both know they're supposed to marry one day.


Cool. Right after school okay?

Sounds good.

See you then.

Dawna walks into her house.

How was school?


Dawna looks out the window.

Great! Listen, I was going to go out with a few friends for pizza tomorrow after school, can I go?

Only if you have fun.

Thanks Girlz! You're the best.


Chris smiles.

Hey. You ready?

Ready as I'll ever be.

Kay. Where do you want to go?

Hmm...I don't know. I've only got a couple hundred GP's with me right now.

Relax, I've got enough money.

Are you sure? Cause I could run home and...

It's fine. Really. How about a movie and some pizza?

Sounds nice.


After the movie.

That was the most horrifying movie I've ever seen. I swear I was shaking...when the zombie ate that poor babitchi...!

It's over now.

Hey, I never said it wasn't totally awesome!

Alright. Well here's Memetchi's Pizza Parlor.

They walk in.

What kind do you like?


Hey, me too! Waitor!

*bad italian accent* Good-a evening, what-a food you eat-a?

Two slices of pepperoni pizza.

Good-a choice! Mwah!

That guy sure talks funny.

They make all the waitors talk like that.

They do?

Yeah. I worked here once. I'm actually using my first paycheck for this date.

Oh, you didn't have to work!

I wanted to.

After their dinner.

I had a nice time tonight.

Me too.

Dawna pecks Chris on the cheek and runs inside.


Dear Diary,

OMG!!! I just got back from a date with a really cute guy from school! I know me and Ricki are supposed to get married when we're older, but I still get to date before then, right? Besides, it's a one time thing. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who goes steady for a long time with one girl. He'll probably break up with me tomorrow. Ricki'll be hurt when and if he reads this, but he'll get over that.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in three days. But that's what school does. It slowly sucks the freedom, the happiness, the life out of you loads of homework to take away all your free time until the weekend...*shudder*

But you're not here to listen to my complaints about school. And I'll bet you're wondering why I'm posting. Well drumroll please...

[SIZE=30pt]IT CAME!!![/SIZE]

IT'S HERE! MAH NEW V4.5!!! I've got the girls rock shell pattern, and a baby boy named Ollie!

Ollie evolved into a kuchitamatchi, and was accepted into preschool. I already love the games on the v4.5 more than any other version! Ricki and Dawna both are three year old teens, I'm hoping they'll evolve today. All the Tamas are still asleep, so no one's gonna talk. No other updates.

ILU all for being so patient with me while I drag through the school year. And I'm sorry I haven't been able to update as often as you'd like. TGIW(thank god it's the weekend)!!!

Dawna is...a MAIDTCHI!!! I'm so happy! I've never had a maidtchi before! But Ricki hasn't evolved yet, and I'm keeping Dawna on pause while he evolves. Will post again when when it happens.

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Hey I'm going to school to get a few more classes in before I graduate!

Alright. Goodbye, dear.

At school...

Oh, wow! You evolved!

So did you!

You look great!

So do you!

They laugh together.

But seriously. I guess your Maidtchi wish came true!

So did yours! You look great as a Togetchi!

What about that kid, what was his name?


Yeah, him. Is he an adult?

No, he's a teen still.

And you don' him or anything?

Nope. I only love one person.

*slight blush* Well...alright. Would you like me to sign up to be matchmade with you?


If I say yes, it would break Ricki's heart, anger Girlz, and eventually break Chris's heart, too when he finds out Ricki and I...but if I say no, Chris's heart will be broken and Ricki will undoubtably rub it in Chris's face the rest of his life.

I...I'm not sure. Aren't we rushing this just a little bit? I mean we've both only just become adults, and...I'm not sure, okay?

I completely understand. You've got a few days to think about it.

Alright. I'm really sorry.

Don't apologize for something that's not your fault.

Dawna pecks Chris on the cheek and runs home.

Can I ask you something?

What is it?

You know a bit about Dawna, right?

Yeah, what about her?

Well, she's been acting kind of funny these last few she never talks to anyone, just shuts herself up in her room. We haven't connected in days.

Do you really want me to tell?




You can't handle it. It'll be too hard on you.




Dawna's got a boyfriend.


Yep. Walked her to school a few days ago, and she ran past all the girls to talk to this togetchi boy.


Yep. Nice looking guy. Wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being matchmade to-

NO!!! That's not true...that's not TRUE! She wouldn't do that, would she?

Wait...I'm a teen and you haven't let me talk?!

I'm sorry, Ollie, but I never got the chance and-

Doesn't matter! What's done is done! Can I talk now?

You already are talking. The computer is recording everything we say. Just talk into this microphone.

Fine. Umm...hi...I'm Ollie...I'm that diamond guy, I think it's called daytchi or something...I've got two sisters and a brother who're named Bree, Ricki, and now you know me.

Good job, Ollie. Do you want to play that new game you got?

No, I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed now.

Alright. Tomorrow we'll do the tradition of picking out your lifeline.

Sounds good...goodnight.



Okay. They're all asleep for the night, so I can show you guys my finished growth chart!

Like I said before: Bree grew up before I had the chance to make her pictures.

Edit: Color Fail.

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Well Ricki grew up to be a Mametchi!As a matter of fact, he woke me up with his evolving noises.


'S okay, Anyway, I don't really like the music star that much, so I'm gonna take the battery out.

You can't do that to me! I'm a star!!! YOU CAN'T!!! That freak diamond guy hasn't even used his battery yet!!! You can't do that!!!

Yes, I can.

I flip the tamagotchi over and take the back off.

Get your filthy hands out of there!!!

I'm sorry, I don't really like the music star that much, and I want to save the battery.



Everyone sings a Wizard of Oz song.

Ding dong the witch is dead!

The witch old witch!

The wicked witch!


Everyone cheers. I ignore it.

Now that that's done, for some reason Ricki is a year older than Dawna, so she'll be on pause for tonight so she doesn't age. Then the day after, on Tuesday, they'll be ready to mate.

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Doorbell rings.

I'll get it.

Hello there! You must be that little brother I've heard so much about! Is Dawnie home?


Dawnie. I'd like to know if she's ready to go to the movies yet.



Dawna sees Ricki and Chris standing together.

Oh crap.

Oh crap is right! Who the HECK is this?!

This lawyer. We were going to go to the movies to discuss...the movie's...political refrence! Yeah that's it!

Yeah right.

You haven't told them?

Told us what?!

We're engaged.

WHAT?! No you're not! She's engaged to me, not you, prettyboy!

Well, Dawnie? Whose fiance are you? You can't be mine and his. A tama can only have one child.


Dawna looks from Ricki to Chris. Her eyes start to water.

I,,,I'm sorry, Chris.

Dawna slams the door so she doesn't have to look at Chris. Then she runs to her room and cries, and refuses to see anyone.

Dear Diary,

I've made such a huge mess of everthing. I never thought it'd go this far. I've hurt everyone. I hurt Ricki and Girlz and Chris and now I'm all alone. I can't believe what I've done. I'm disgusted with myself. How could I be so cruel? I knew I'd hurt one of them in the end. But now there's no way to be forgiven. Ricki and I are going to get married in two years. My time's up. How could I be so selfish? Trying to keep them both? What's wrong with me? Everyone's angry and hurt and it's my fault. I can't believe I actually tried to go through with this. Tried to keep them both. I hate myself. I can't believe I'm even alive still. Someone as horrible as me shouldn't even exist.

I hate myself.


Wahooo!!! Over 70 views in a week?! ILU all!!! BTW this is being posted in the library's PC!!!

Yeah, we're laying on the gross desk!

It's clean.

Who knows what's been put on this desk before us!

Just calm down, okay?

Ricki is on pause. I'm three years he's five. So now we have to wait till Wednesday to mate T^T I've always wanted a little baby.

Well you'll just have to retain your urges until Wednesday on the lunch table.

The lunch table?!

My friends want to watch.

But that's private!

Don't worry, it's blocked out by fireworks.

You'd better hope so!

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Can I ask you something?

Of course, dear. What is it?

If you and Ricki have girls, would you mind if I stayed on pause and married one when she grew up?

I...I'm fine with it, as long as the other girl doesn't mind. I don't want my girls to hate each other just because they're fighting over you. And if they both love you, I'd rather you didn't pick either. I don't want either of my girls to grow up brokenhearted.

I understand fully, ma'am. But I'd rather not marry a stranger.

It's 8:00, time for bed, dear.

Is it lonely, being the only one awake?

I'll admit I'm not used to it, but I live. I love reading books when I get a quiet minute or two.

*yawn* Alright. Goodnight.

Ollie lays down in his bed and immediately falls asleep.

Names, names...I'd like matching names...

Dawna gets out some paper and a pen, and begins writing out names.

Boy Names

Aiden and Aleck?

Danny and Daren?

Kris and Keith?

Caleb and Chris?

Fred and Felix?


Girl Names

Samie and Siera?

Jewel and Gemma?

Cindy and Chloe?

Shirl and Sarah?

Addie and Ammie?

Irene and Iris?

Time for my night shift...

Okay, everyone's asleep, and Dawna and Ricki will have babitchi's at lunch today! I can't wait!

Ollie evolved into an Elvis-looking tama. Let's see...Yasaguretchi.

Who's Elvis?

The King of Rock and Roll.

How do you know?

I do research on the computer, not play on addictinggames.

There's nothing wrong with obsessivey playing Adventure Builder!

Yeah, when you're a child!

Guys, shut up. Don't you want to talk about your new babies, Dawna?

Oh yes! My new babies! I can't wait, I just can't wait! Oh, I hope they're girls...I'd love a few daughters named Irene and Iris! Iris being mine, of course. But I wish you wouldn't have your friends watch, Girlz.

I told you, it's blocked by fireworks.

Oh really?

Yes, really. And if you have girls, do you mind if I marry one?

I already told you my conditions.

Alright. I can't wait!!!

Neither can I! And I'm the mom! Oh, does it have to be at lunch? Can't we do it in the morning instead?

No, you're both asleep then.

OHHH...I want my daughters. I hope they're beautiful! I hope they're Mimitchis! You'll take care of them, right? My girls, my girls...but I won't be heartbroken if they're boys.

Oh, let's connect one more time, just for fun. I've gotta change the time first on the v3 cause Mametchi goes to bed really early...

Okay. I'm ready.

Me too.

I connect them.

Dawna, I've known you your whole life, and I love you. Will you marry me?

I...yes! Yes of course!

*sly smile*Good.

Ricki flicks off the lights, which come on a minute later.


Babies are born.

Boys. Oh...good! I've...always wanted boys.

You're disappointed.

No I'm not. Just in...shock. *sigh*

Goodnight dear.


Okay, I told myself I'd start doing pictures.

All my tamas!

From left to right: Ana's dead body, Dawna and child, Ollie. Second line: Bree's dead body, Ricki and child.

Names, names, names...what to name our boys?

I had a few ideas...

Dawna slowly pulls out the list of names, girl names crudely scribbled out, and with what looks like water drops in the paper.

Were you crying?




Dee, tell me.

...yes. I wanted a daughter so bad, and what did I get? Boys. And now our homes will be overtaken by disgusting slime-balls and they'll eat garbage and throw trash everywhere and become...Warsotchis! They'll ruin our homes and draw on the walls and they won't take care of anything!

They won't be like that! Where did you get such awful ideas?!

I...that's how it was, all my life.

Really now. What about that Togetchi guy? You seemed to like him just fine!

All my life I was pushed around by the boys. They'd shove and fight and pick their noses and spit on the girls. I guess it got ingrained into me that all boys were like that.

I can't believe you. I...leave me alone.

Ricki, I-

Too late. Ricki stomps out of the room, slams the door, and Dawna bursts into tears.

Ricki appears in the living room and storms out the door angrily.

Yikes. What's up?

Leave me alone, girl.

Ricki never came back after he stomped out like that. And Dawna's gone, too. Their kids are Aleck (v4, mohitamatchi) and Aiden (v3, kuchitamatchi).

I miss my daddy.

I miss him too, dear.

What about mommy?

I'll miss her, too. Your parents were good people.

They've got a house on the Tama Planet now, right?

And I'll bet they're thinking about you right now.

It's been almost a you think they even remember us?

Of course they remember you. They think about you every day.

I'm going to preschool now, will you go as my show and tell, Aiden?

Okay. Is that okay?

Yep. Have fun!

At school...

Hi, I'm Aleck and I brought my brother.

*raises hand, giggling* He's cute. What's his name?

I'm Aiden. have a funny name!

That's not polite, Hazel.

Not funny weird, funny funny!

Please be quiet so Aleck can finish his presentation.

Well this is my brother, and our mommy and daddy are on the Tama planet and they have a house and they think about us!

Anything else, dear?

No, miss.

Okay, please sit down. Who would like to go next?

Oooh! Me, me me!

Okay, Nellie, go ahead.

*whispers to Aiden* She likes me. I'm gonna be a Kuchipatchi and she's gonna be a Ponytchi and we're going to get married and have girls named Reyna and Kyla.

*whisper back*How do you know?

She said so.


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