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i fe;t the same way in 5th grade cuase like every 1 else had some 1 that liked them but your better off with no 1 liking u if u ask me cause this way it not wierd to talk to any 1

Maybe I just fail at showing empathy and must be rude to make others feel just as bad as me.

If you're going to get smart mouthed, I'm more than happy to turn your posts against you :) Please learn from this.- TigerLily013

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Thats really rude! I'm sure you will get a boyfriiend when your ready, Don't go out looking for one. Wait for the right guy to come along. If i was a girl i would rather have i great guy then alot of not so great guys.

I agree. Lots of breakups isn't good for the heart. :eek:

Just sit and wait... like I am. *sits* Though I really like this guy, even though I already asked me out and he acted like a 8 year old freaking out and sayiong 'eeewwww!' and all the girls he's ever been with, he's broken up with them because the idiots went out with another. The boys at my school are immature, though, and I exceed their maturity.... I'm in grade five too. Wait till next year. :wacko:

I got my first boyfriend in 6th grade. I'm in 9th now.

I've had 5 bfs so far...2 serious relationships...but don't worry! You have plenty of time!!

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im in sxith grade and im not so thrilled with the fact every one wants a boy friend or girl friend.I know alot of girls that cry over boys and the truth is that is not woth crying ovea tat.but all im saying is stick to studys not to sond cheesey but its true live your life the way you want.middle school relation ships in my school last REALLY short like a day.dont worrie about it and have a fun life look for a date in high school.

im not exatly "boy crazy"

You are only in 5th grade!

At that age you shouldn't even be starting to think of those things.

Just be nice to people, make friends, but it isn't necessary to try and get a boyfriend or anything.

This year (9th grade and 10th grade) everyone seems to be getting worked up about getting boyfriends and girlfriends - but I think that just because everyone does that doesn't mean you have to as well. It is just acting like a sheep following the herd, and I doubt many positive things can be got out of that.

Enjoy being a kid while you can - the life of a kid is probably a lot happier and a lot less stressful than the one of a older person. :rolleyes:

Too many people out there just to give up in 5th grade. I know the pressure is horrible and you just feel left out. But you have to learn to love yourself to before you can love anyone else. In 5th grade I think your still learning that.

You're only in 5th grade. You don't need to be worrying about that.

Don't worry about love, enjoy being a kid.

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You've got pletnyl of time for boys to like you!

Maybe they just don't know you enough to ask you out, plus you're just a tad bit young to start thinking about boys- do that when your older, right now you should be concentrating more on school than enything else.

You just have to be yourself, you'll find somebody- It could be now, or when your an adult, y'never can tell with love.

You're in 5th grade. You have plenty of time to look for a boyfriend. Don't feel bad. You'll get a boyfriend when you're ready. For now, just enjoy your youth.

i am in sixth grade and i am still a KID and i love it. i am not a "tween" or "teenager" or whatever the heck those things are called. I ama kid! :furawatchi:


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