Glasses or Contacts?


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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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hi everyone! i'm sure not many of you know who i am..but here i am with a random topic. ^_^

do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

you see, i just recently got contacts and they're kind of a pain..they were impossible to put on and take off but you get the hang of it. now, they kinda make my eyes tired since i'm getting used to them.. i wear my glasses after i go over the time i can wear them.

so tell us about what you use? :lol:


I have pretty good vision. I think its starting to get bad. D: I can see fine, just not as sharp as before

I'm short-sighted.

I wear glasses when things are far away.

Well, I'm supposed to, anyway.

I wear contacts, and have been since I was 10. I have actually never had glasses without having contacts. So yeahh, the only times I've ever worn my glasses were on days that I didn't feel like wearing contacts.

I wear both now. :D

I got some contacts recently, so sometimes I wear glasses (I have two, one for closer work, and another pair for further away work), and other times I wear the contacts.

They are very very hard to put in xD But luckily, they are very soft and very easy to take out (and I think I prefer hard contacts to put in rather than to take out).

When I read or look at stuff up close, I have to wear glasses. I think that's far-sighted. right? x33

They're deep blue with black frames and they're shaped kinda like Krystal's. I'd be scared to wear contacts.. I'm creepy about my eyes ~

I have terrible, terrible vision. I can't go without glasses or contacts.

I prefer contacts, but on weekends I usually wear glasses.

My contact case is now painted with nail polish. xD

None, although I should be wearing one of them because I can't see very far.

I'm supposed to be wearing glasses, but I lost mine a couple years ago. Oh well.

In my opinion, if I can't see something without my glasses, then its not worth looking at.

I'm Near-Sighted by the way.

I've worn glasses since I was in pre-school. I don't have contacts. O:

I think I'd feel weird about putting them into my eyes, anyway.

Contacts. Glasses annoy me, I don't like having them on my face. xD

I have nearsighted astigmatism. It's real bad, they have to special order my stuff.

^ I'm near-sighted and have some astigmatism, too. O:

My contacts brand is Air Optix (Aqua). I don't think they had to special order it though o:

I have glasses, and I am near-sighted and have astigmatism.

( I look prettier w/ glasses c: )


My vision's actually really good vision, though I feel like it's getting worse. All my grandparents and both my parents have/had to wear glasses, so I'm not sure if I'll have to.

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