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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
I have 20/50 vision or whatever, and I cant see far away. I have reading glasses I got 2 years ago but I lost 'em, and they are now as small as my eyes! (I found 'em a month ago but honestly lost 'em again) I hate 'em!

Now my vision is getting A WHOLE LOT worse! If I lean away from the computer I cant read what I'm typing right now! :(

I don't know if I need reading glasses or normal ones!

I'm not saying it's bad to have glasses but.. I'm not used to them nor do I look good with them. And I'm to scared to put contacts in my eyes.. I'm 12 you know

Hmm... what to do what to do

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I have glasses. I can't see anything too far away. I'm planning to get contacts soon.

Glasses aren't bad, but some people think they make you ugly. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Yet, glasses aren't made for looks. They are made to improve your vision.

My vision is kinda poor vision is -3.25. I have glasses. I hate wearing them (which is why I barely even wear them XD) I only wear them when I'm watching TV or reading the blackboard at school. I want contacts but my parents think they're dangerous.

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I have glasses but I only use them during class, when I'm watching TV or if I'm on the comp.

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I checked with the doctor a couple of weeks ago... my vision is perfect :)

Eat healthy, excercise, get out more. I heard it really helps your vision!

I have glasses. I see really bad without them. I might be getting contacts soon, thought. It sounds like you need glasses bad. I can kinda read the words I'm typing without my glasses and I'm like 20/150 or something.

Contacts aren't bad. After you get used to them they're a lot easier than glasses and they can help you see better too (because even if you look off to the side, it's not blurry. Unlike with glasses.). They don't hurt and they're acutally not hard to put in.

I have really bad vision in my left eye (20/100), but my right eye has almost perfect vision.

I have glasses too, but I prefer not to wear them because I always feel as if they get in the way or I'll break them. That's why I wear my contacts.

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My eyesight is not very good at all. I do wear glasses. I really don't mind them to be honest. At least I can see when I have them on. :)

I may get some contacts soon. I'm undecided on them yet. I'm kinda scared of them.. I don't want to damage my eyes (even more lol).

I feel sorry for you. but you get used to them after a while or whatever how long it takes 4 you get used to things. My friend was couldn't find her glasses and she found out she had it on LOL. If your the kind who likes things that are easy to care for, get glasses that fit your face. I rely on WalMart for excellent glasses. If your the responsible kind, get contacts. I wear glasses.

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I have 20/50 vision or whatever, and I cant see far away. I have reading glasses I got 2 years ago but I lost 'em, and they are now as small as my eyes! (I found 'em a month ago but honestly lost 'em again) I hate 'em!
Now my vision is getting A WHOLE LOT worse! If I lean away from the computer I cant read what I'm typing right now! :eek:

I don't know if I need reading glasses or normal ones!

I'm not saying it's bad to have glasses but.. I'm not used to them nor do I look good with them. And I'm to scared to put contacts in my eyes.. I'm 12 you know

Hmm... what to do what to do

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I have reading glasses and I hate them >_>. Got them in July 2006 stupid July >.<!


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