Global Warming


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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2005
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Ok people are going to hate me for saying this but I do not believe in global warming. I have very good reasons one being I am a christian and believing in global warming would be like saying i don't trust God to take care of us. I don't care if other people believe in it I just wanted to know if I'm the only one who doesn't. Please no harsh words! We are all aloud our opinions!

I am a strong Christian myself and I, personally, do believe in global warming. It does not go against God in any way, for me. Global warming may be happening but that does not mean God is not taking care of us! Thousands of people die or fall ill each day from cancer, other illnesses, poverty, natural disasters, murder and accidents, but does that mean God isn't taking care of us? No.

The world we are living in isn't perfect, and it is not God who has done this to our earth's atmosphere, it is us. He gave us free will to do what we like, instead of making us mindless robots, and many of us chose ourselves, by our own free will, to litter, produce harmful fumes to the air, etc. We caused global warming in God's beautiful world, but God still loves us. ;)

This is my opinion. ;)

I am a strong Christian myself and I, personally, do believe in global warming. It does not go against God in any way, for me. Global warming may be happening but that does not mean God is not taking care of us! Thousands of people die or fall ill each day from cancer, other illnesses, poverty, natural disasters, murder and accidents, but does that mean God isn't taking care of us? No.
The world we are living in isn't perfect, and it is not God who has done this to our earth's atmosphere, it is us. He gave us free will to do what we like, instead of making us mindless robots, and many of us chose ourselves, by our own free will, to litter, produce harmful fumes to the air, etc. We caused global warming in God's beautiful world, but God still loves us. ;)

This is my opinion. ;)

This says it right here.

I do believe in global warming, although I don't believe it will end humanity. It will reduce populations if it's not stopped, and will probably create a large amount of new species to replace old ones.

I just don't believe in Global Warming. The earth has gone through it's warm and cold patches; this doesn't mean it's going to a-splode all of a sudden.

I use to kinda believe in it then I stopped and now I'm not exactly sure. I think that God will end the Earth when... well... when he does. I also believe that the earth just goes through cycles. But I'm not really sure if I believe in it or not. Even if I'm not sure I still don't litter or anything because I don't think it's right to ruin a beautiful place. But if global warming is real I'm not sure if there is anything we can really do to stop it at this point. We can only do a little since we aren't gonna get the whole world to stop littering.

what I said sounds harsh. I care about the environment. I really do, I recycle, have those bought bags instead of plastic ones, I just don't find it realistic. I mean people used to say the we would go through another iceage.

I do.

I recycle, and I try to make others do that too. But for me, it's not working. Im sorry, but the people in my city don't. By the time I talked to everybody here, the earth will be a flaming fireball. Or at least here where I live. This has been an abnormal summer. We nearly hit 44 degrees. For me, that's an abnormal thing. Even if it's not for everyone else...

But that is what I think. From the girl who believes in 2012 doomsday and ailens. :)

Kay, just because it's a hot topic in the scientific/political community doesn't not necessarily make it "anti-Christian".

On that note, however, I do not believe this whole global warming thang.

I find there is more evidence pointing in another direction and that a lot of it is a political facade for their own agendas. You can't even track if the earth's temperature has raised a degree - that's completely ridculous. Now, if the averages for the whole world were consitantly 50 degrees higher, that is one thing. But it's not like that. In some places it has actually been record lows. And if you notice, the term is changing. Now instead of "global warming" there is more talk of "global climate change" because this whole thing about 'the whole earth heating', isn't happening.

And there is no way Al Gore believes what he preaches - I don't see him having a normal sized home. His uses much, much more energy every month than the rest of us in his oversided house. I don't see him walking to work. He's not even a scientist. He didn't get his degree in such a field that would qualify anyone else to make these huge claims.

I do like to recycle, I do like to take care of the environment because I believe it's such an amazing thing God has created for us but I cannot believe such a thing as "global warming" - or whatever they'll mask it as next.

I belive in Global Warming. I recycle, use my Love the Earth tote. and if i have one or two items I tell the grocers to not give me and my mom a bag. Honestly we don't need it. We reuse the plastic bags that we have to use, and I love to pick up litter. Don't worry I wash my hands. Lol.

I believe in Global Warming 50%. I think the other half is caused by the world naturally going through a "heating phase".

I always rant in these topics so I'm gonna try not to this time.

I am a strong Christian and I believe it is the natural cycle. I do NOT believe that we are causing it, how can we be so arrogant to think WE can change the world that drastically.

What melted the OTHER ice ages? Cars weren't there in those days, were they? The earth heats up and it cools down, this is probably not gonna be the end of the world, there WILL be other ice ages.

I'm gonna stop here.

I understand that some of you are strong Christians, but HAVE to put up with the fact that global warming IS real! The icebergs are melting..and one day...It's all gonna end. You've probably already guessed, but i'm athiest. I don't mean anything bad against Christians or anything, but global warming IS real, and we HAVE proof. I really hope this doesnt offend any of you strong Christians.

Well some people may think it's proof. Others don't. I believe in Global Warming, But you can't tell Christians they HAVE to believe in Global Warming. Thats like saying, Oh you can't be Christian you have to be Mormon! Its like saying that. If they don't belive it they dont believe it! It may not be real in fact. Maybe we are going through a stage but yes I believe in GW.

Globalwarming is real ya, cause Earth goes through it's cycles. Ya know, the ice age?

But, that doesn't mean it's gonna be extremely warm all of a-sudden.

Winters here are F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G!

Kay, this is going to be loooong.

Okay, first, i am a very strong christan, i really am. And God IS taking care of us.

Its not Him, its us.

We use the same things over and over, literally, beacuse a shovel was just a shovel, until we found out we could upgrade it. So it came from a shovel, to a tractor.

So, yeah, we are using the same things,(umm i got this from an inconvinent truth, so sry if its messed.)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Okay.So the main thing is, we a re burning gas to use in our cars. ( I HATE CARS!!)And sun rays are over at earth, and 'green house gasses' are trapping them. So, they heat the earths atmosphere, which is, mainly, what we call Global Warming.

( Green house gases are like, gas. Not the "thunder!!!" kind of gas.)

Okay so they Glaciers are melting. Where we get our bottled water and all that.

What I belive is, Antartica melts, Glaciers melt, all those things, and most of the world will be underwater.


So yes, I belive in Gobal Warming. :angry: :mellow: :mellow:

I understand that some of you are strong Christians, but HAVE to put up with the fact that global warming IS real! The icebergs are melting..and one day...It's all gonna end. You've probably already guessed, but i'm athiest. I don't mean anything bad against Christians or anything, but global warming IS real, and we HAVE proof. I really hope this doesnt offend any of you strong Christians.
People what melted the ice from the ice age, cars? No they weren't there. The earth warmed up. Its the natural cycle.

How could we insignificant beings even contemplate being able to affect the earth, we are ONE species.

In my belief it is the natural cycle, and I believe the world is heating up, but there will be other ice ages.

There are just as many scientists who believe its the natural cycle, as there are who don't. Its just these scientists are not publicly shown.

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