go out but got that crush


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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2006
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emoland :D
well, i have a boyfriend and theres a new kid in my class his name is Alex well alex is way beyond cute!! he keeps on looking at me and stuff and i try not to go on because i have a boyfriend but i cant help it!! :blink: is it okay u have a crush while u go out with someone?

Hmm, as long as you dont date behind your Real boyfriend, I dont think its two timing.

You can't help who you have a crush on. But you can get rid of the crush. Just concentrate on your boyfriend and don't acknowledge Alex's existence (not in a mean way) unless you want to be just friends with Alex.

Just be friends with him.

Maybe you'll break up with your boyfriend....Then you know who to look for...<3 ;]

There's nothing wrong with having a crush on more than one person.

But if you're going out with someone you like and get along with then it would be kinda stupid to throw that out of the window just because a guy keeps looking at you in class.

It's weird how the human mind works :)

Have you ever noticed that if someone tells you that a certain boy has a crush on you, he somehow becomes more cute than he was before...?

Everyone likes to be admired. It's a feel good factor. When someone's attention makes you feel good, you naturally find them more attractive :D

This might be what is happening to you.

If Alex is new, you don't know him too well just yet - but he's different; not just one of the boys who has been in your class for years.

You don't know if he's a flirt who just likes to encourage girls to look at him either :(

There's nothing wrong with having a crush on more than one person.
But if you're going out with someone you like and get along with then it would be kinda stupid to throw that out of the window just because a guy keeps looking at you in class.

It's weird how the human mind works :)

Have you ever noticed that if someone tells you that a certain boy has a crush on you, he somehow becomes more cute than he was before...?

Everyone likes to be admired. It's a feel good factor. When someone's attention makes you feel good, you naturally find them more attractive :D

This might be what is happening to you.

If Alex is new, you don't know him too well just yet - but he's different; not just one of the boys who has been in your class for years.

You don't know if he's a flirt who just likes to encourage girls to look at him either :(
You always give such great advice, TM! I couldn't agree more!

Who do you like more?

The boyfriend or the crush?

If you like the crush more I say you should probably break up with your boyfriend. But get to know the crush first. You don't want to throw your relationship out the window for nothing, do you?

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i think i should get to be friends with Alex and keep my boyfriend and by the way i loved ur advice TamaMum.

I know someone with three crushes. She's not going out with anyone though.

I suggest that you do not go out with Alex at the same time. I wouldn't dump your current and then immediately ask Alex out, either. That would look..wrong, and he'd get the wrong impression. Well, not wrong, but he'll know that you secretly liked Alex during the period that you were dating each other.

Do you like Alex more than your boyfriend? You should consider it. If you boyfriend is really sweet and everything, and Alex is cute, who do you want more? Sure, Alex may be beyond cute, but is he your type? Nice? Or is he a jerk?

Ask those questions to yourself, and then answer them. For now, I'd keep on going out with your current. :D

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