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Well you believe in nothing then? I think what they're trying to say is no one has just... no thoughts on the matter?
More or less? Do you hold any particular feelings on, let's say, calculators? In the end, we just blow the issue of religion out of whack. It's just an issue like any other. And you might not want to take things so literally, dear. Perhaps he just meant that he didn't particularly care for it, or knew too little on the subject to give an educated opinion?

Well, in my opinion, if was making up a religion to get followers, I would make the God more mighty and free willed and awesome, not with good morals and stuff. The God we have is kind and has morals, you know? If I created a religion, I'd make the God seem perfect to attract followers.

Sorry if you don't get what I mean, it's hard to explain.

if 'god' did create us then where did dinosaurs come from? I believe in science not god. Oh and how did god come to be? Who invented him and who invented the inventor and so on.
I don't wanna sound like I'm preaching, or anything.

But God has always been, and always will be.

It's hard for us to wrap our heads around this...Because we only know life and death.

But if you think about it. It's truly an amazing thing. To have always been...Wow.

In fact, just the thought of getting to live with God forever, and ever, when I die...Just seems so amazing! It makes me feel so excited just to think about it.

Yes i do belive in god, i also belive that you go through this fountian and drink it, and then you lose your memebory, then god sends you into another baby's body. If the spirit doesn't make it, then the baby dies.

I believe in God whole heartedly.

I do not, however, believe in organized religion seeing as how I feel that the majority of it ends up being corrupt and money driven.

And I guess what really solidified my beliefs in Christ (even though I do not profess to be a Christian... i was raised baptist, and i know that when I'm ready, I'll get back on the path of divinity and salvation) is this.... I don't believe that trillions of years ago that a few planets, stars, and rocks floating around in space just so happened to collide and explode and create earth. I just don't. I also don't believe that life form just happened. It had to be created.

Also, I do not believe I am descended from a Monkey. Because if Monkeys turn into people, then why are there still monkeys around? I do believe in evolution in the sense that an animal will adapt to the area around it.. however, I don't think we just morph into beings from monkeys.

This is just me.

And furthermore, it is one thing to cram religion down a persons throat. (I was force fed mine every day of every week from age 4-16)... but for someone to offer to pray with you, or to tell you the word of God, isn't cramming it down your throat... it's they're obligation to God for them to tell you about him.

I'm by no means preaching.

Also... in reguards to several comments made about "what about muslims and allah... or what about multiple gods"?

my view is quite simply this.

allah is one god... perhaps "allah" is god himself. and perhaps the muslim extreme-ist just take the concept of serve god a bit too far...

and people who worship multiple gods... maybe they're just worshiping one aspect that they admire about the allmighty god?

I dunno... just my take. at the end the day.. i know what i believe in and that's all that matters :)

I dont really know if to believe in god or not. I am a brownie and our promise is,

I promise,

That I will do my best

Love my god

Serve my queen and my county

and keep the brownie guide law

There has been no proof of him really but, if he is not real then how was the earth and us made?


Okay, I learned something in Science! (SHOCKING SHIVERS SHISH! XD)

Okay, Serious talk time!:

Everything is made of Atoms. So, my suggestion would be: What started the world was Atoms.

Everyone has a right to believe and to not believe. Not many people think of this and as a result, they push beliefs.

We were given a free will. If someone wanted to have sex before they're married, Their decision.

If someone wanted to wear a scarf and cover their whole bodies in robes, its their decision.

If someone feels that they were a Boy in the body of a Girl and wanted to change that by plastic surgery, ITS THEIR DECISION!

Believing and not believing is used with the free will, as there is no rules in life. Not many realise that we can do what we want and be free. So, if they don't get their way, they are avaliable to do what they wish. Everyone should love everyone. Achieve what you should achieve. If you have a dream, FOLLOW IT!

It's your life. Do as you desire. If you have achieved your goals and still have a long way to go, make new goals. No-one is stopping you in accomplishing your goals. If your sad, let all your tears out and say your problems. Then you can go on in your life! Be who you want to be, not what others say you should. Believing is apart of a free will. The only thing stopping you is laws, because it tells you whats right in life.

.....Woah, I think I just explained the meaning of life. O.O



To me GOD is real (hey i'm back) as it was stated before I am not trying to cram religion down others throats but I am infact trying to deliver the message of GOD. I know by making this stament that it seems that I am trying to preach but by no means is that true I leave that to the preachers at my Baptist church. I am infact trying to get more belivers to follow the path of CHRIST. I am going to continue my quest of the meaning of following CHRIST. Even though I know that we do not deserve to be here now due to what our ancient ancestors did and how they crucified our Lord. I know that some people claim to be atiest and the fact is not true. I am in fact going against what you say so deal. I belive that everyone belives in something it may be Budah,God (CHRIST),money,clothes,or the fact that you are being mistreated. My veiw of monkeys evolving into Humans is that a couple of people really doubted the power of the LORD seeing as how it is hard to belive that someone just came out of nowhere and created all of this. I belive that it is true but as it was stated by Miss_Jazmynn86 or someone else most do not belive that becasue we are concived with the thought of only life and death and it is very hard to belive that if we could not do that how could someone just walk out of nowhere and created life. That is just my prespective.

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To  me GOD is real (hey i'm back) as it was stated before I am not trying to cram religion down others throats but I am infact trying to deliver the message of GOD. I know by making this stament that it seems that I am trying to preach but by no means is that true I leave that to the preachers at my Baptist church. I am infact trying to get more belivers to follow the path of CHRIST. I am going to continue my quest of the meaning of following CHRIST. Even though I know that we do not deserve to be here now due to what our ancient ancestors did and how they crucified our Lord. I know that some people claim to be atiest and the fact is not true. I am in fact going against what you say so deal. I belive that everyone belives in something it may be Budah,God (CHRIST),money,clothes,or the fact that you are being mistreated. My veiw of monkeys evolving into Humans is that a couple of people really doubted the power of the LORD seeing as how it is hard to belive that someone just came out of nowhere and created all of this. I belive that it is true but as it was stated by Miss_Jazmynn86 or someone else most do not belive that becasue we are concived with the thought of only life and death and it is very hard to belive that if we could not do that how could someone just walk out of nowhere and created life. That is just my prespective.
Ahem little Miss. Lady,

Its just impossible to belive in no "God"??


I dont belive in any "God" and its true.


I think were Atoms caused in the Big Boom =]


(The only Jesus that has powers is Sweet Kandi)

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To  me GOD is real (hey i'm back) as it was stated before I am not trying to cram religion down others throats but I am infact trying to deliver the message of GOD. I know by making this stament that it seems that I am trying to preach but by no means is that true I leave that to the preachers at my Baptist church. I am infact trying to get more belivers to follow the path of CHRIST. I am going to continue my quest of the meaning of following CHRIST. Even though I know that we do not deserve to be here now due to what our ancient ancestors did and how they crucified our Lord. I know that some people claim to be atiest and the fact is not true. I am in fact going against what you say so deal. I belive that everyone belives in something it may be Budah,God (CHRIST),money,clothes,or the fact that you are being mistreated. My veiw of monkeys evolving into Humans is that a couple of people really doubted the power of the LORD seeing as how it is hard to belive that someone just came out of nowhere and created all of this. I belive that it is true but as it was stated by Miss_Jazmynn86 or someone else most do not belive that becasue we are concived with the thought of only life and death and it is very hard to belive that if we could not do that how could someone just walk out of nowhere and created life. That is just my prespective.
Whether or not you're meaning to preach, to the people who don't want to hear it, you still are.


And I have to agree with paper*cut.

It's possible for people to not believe in any kind of higher power. I'm one of 'em.


Also I don't know if what you said was meant this way, but fact?

Religion isn't a fact.

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Moonlights one post irked me. She is tryin' to get more people to follow Christ? Isn't that shovin'?

Religion is just something created by man... It's not true. It can go for Romans and Greeks beliving in many gods or a Hindu beliving what they belive in. I think Religion is a bunch of fables an morals told to someone. I choose not to belive. I am happier that I belive in nothing. Moon's post sounds like she was basically craming her morals down people's throats.

Religion also feels like a bunch of herashy. TO me it seems like it's an excuse to put down someone, because someone don't belive or belives in something differnt. I have a picture I found on a site I'd post here, but I'd get banned for it.

It's the Big Bang.

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Ok I do beileve. Thats my opinion. But for those of you who also beileve, Let people beileve what they want to beileve. I think hes real and if anyone else doesn't, I DON'T CARE!! It's like I'm gonna be all: OMG!! THEY DON'T BEILEVE, SHUN THEM!!! RAWR!!!

No! It's dumb. I really could care less if you beileve or not, as long as your nice to me, we be friends! :lol:

Yes thanxs 4 grasping the point I am trying to shove it down ur throats , or whatever term you use, if that is what you belive but still I do belive that to thoes who are not in the spirit with GOD and who claim not to belive in him think that I am shoving it down your throats and thoes who do belive (some anyways) know that I am trying to spred the truth now go off and do what you want with these words again but I know what I mean and so do some other people so I dont care what none belivers think although I just read revelations and I have to addmit it is scary what God oes to thoes who do not belive so if I where you and I didnt belive a word that is being typed right now if you have a bible you might wont to crack it open and read all 22 chapters of revalations and then see how much it will cost you if you still belive in the big boom theory hen he comes back.

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Yes thanxs 4 grasping the point I am trying to shove it down ur throats , or whatever term you use, if that is what you belive but still I do belive that to thoes who are not in the spirit with GOD and who claim not to belive in him think that I am shoving it down your throats and thoes who do belive (some anyways) know that I am trying to spred the truth now go off and do what you want with these words again but I know what I mean and so do some other people so I dont care what none belivers think although I just read revelations and I have to addmit it is scary what God oes to thoes who do not belive so if I where you and I didnt belive a word that is being typed right now if you have a bible you might wont to crack it open and read all 22 chapters of revalations and then see how much it will cost you if you still belive in the big boom theory hen he comes back.
Truth implies fact.

Religion is NOT a fact. It's a BELIEF.

There's no proven truth to it.

Yes thanxs 4 grasping the point I am trying to shove it down ur throats , or whatever term you use, if that is what you belive but still I do belive that to thoes who are not in the spirit with GOD and who claim not to belive in him think that I am shoving it down your throats and thoes who do belive (some anyways) know that I am trying to spred the truth now go off and do what you want with these words again but I know what I mean and so do some other people so I dont care what none belivers think although I just read revelations and I have to addmit it is scary what God oes to thoes who do not belive so if I where you and I didnt belive a word that is being typed right now if you have a bible you might wont to crack it open and read all 22 chapters of revalations and then see how much it will cost you if you still belive in the big boom theory hen he comes back.

Look, kiddo. Th way you word it sounds like you are shoving stuff into people's faces. I may make a few typos, but work on your grammar. The way you word it makes me think you are those people who go to people's doors and spread your belifes. You sound really weird and crazy also.

It's also called the "Big Bang", not the "Big Boom".

*forehead palm* That's not shoving or forcing. Honestly, we believe that it WILL be too late and if you don't, fine, don't. Just because we believe there are consequences for choosing against God doesn't mean we are forcing by just stating that fact.  :(
If I wanted to force you, I'd stick a gun to your head and tell you to pray to Jesus. Or telling you you HAVE to pray to God everyday or else.
Fact that it is?

What fact?

I do believe you mean belief. Sure, you aren't forcing it, but its still not hard fact.

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