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i dont belive in god. oh furgot to add IF god really does exist than who created him?

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There are two main reasons I don't believe in god(s). The first is that I've never seen any eveidence that god(s) exist. I mean, the most popular reason for believing in god(s) is the argument from design. But we are taught early on to look for design, so we see design in places where it just doesn't exist. I mean, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
The second reason reason I don't believe in god(s) is the problem of evil. How can evil exist in a universe created by a benevolent (all-good) and omnipotent (all-powerful) god? Monotheists try to use the fall of Adam and Eve to justify this one, but why would god create a flawed creature he knew would sin and he knew he would have to punish? I mean, if he's omniscient (knows everything), he would have known that Adam and Eve would have sinned. And knowing his nature of not being able to stand sin, he would have known he would have to punish them to eternal "death".

I got a million reasons for not beleiving in Christianity, but this is about beleiving in god, not about believing in Jesus, the bible, etc. So I will save those objectionsfor another thread. :lol:

Btw, I have no problem with religion as long as people don't try to convert me (that is one of my biggest pet peeves). I do not mind discussing it with people, as long as the primary intention of both sides (me included) is to inform of our postion, not to push it on others. I hate the ideology that those who don't believe in a certain religion will go to hell or be eternally punished. When I finally die, I will be ready for the eternal rest.
I respect your beliefs, and I also respect you for expressing your opinion in a respectful way and not trying to start a flame war. However, I will respond to your beliefs and contradict them with mine. This is my opinion.

Firstly, you're right, extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence. But if you actually think about it - look around you. You're not seriously trying to tell me that we have no Creator? Yes, Science is our Creator, but who created Science? God. And who created God? God is outside of time, he has no Creator. He created creation, which sounds strange and impossible to us, because the idea is beyond human comprehension, but nevertheless it is true to the Christian faith.

As for your second one, I can tell you haven't really done the studying for this one. I have two words for you --> Free will. God's not going to make us all mindless little robots with no choice but to serve God. Serving Him only means something if we choose to live that way. But, as we are born, we are born into a sinful world full of temptations. That's why we need faith in God to help us through - he is our provision throughout life; he gives us all blessings. If you want to argue the problem of evilness, blame the human race, and the devil. Not God. And remember the verse - "Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life." Heaven is a place where we can escape the worries and sins of Earth and live forever in comfort and peace.

These are my opinions. Please no flaming.

God bless.

I respect your beliefs, and I also respect you for expressing your opinion in a respectful way and not trying to start a flame war. However, I will respond to your beliefs and contradict them with mine. This is my opinion.
Firstly, you're right, extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence. But if you actually think about it - look around you. You're not seriously trying to tell me that we have no Creator? Yes, Science is our Creator, but who created Science? God. And who created God? God is outside of time, he has no Creator. He created creation, which sounds strange and impossible to us, because the idea is beyond human comprehension, but nevertheless it is true to the Christian faith.

As for your second one, I can tell you haven't really done the studying for this one. I have two words for you --> Free will. God's not going to make us all mindless little robots with no choice but to serve God. Serving Him only means something if we choose to live that way. But, as we are born, we are born into a sinful world full of temptations. That's why we need faith in God to help us through - he is our provision throughout life; he gives us all blessings. If you want to argue the problem of evilness, blame the human race, and the devil. Not God. And remember the verse - "Whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life." Heaven is a place where we can escape the worries and sins of Earth and live forever in comfort and peace.

These are my opinions. Please no flaming.

God bless.
If you respect his/her beliefs, Why are you trying to prove him/her wrong?

As for your second one, I can tell you haven't really done the studying for this one. I have two words for you --> Free will. God's not going to make us all mindless little robots with no choice but to serve God.


What did I tell you.

She played the free will card.

I told you.


If you respect his/her beliefs, Why are you trying to prove him/her wrong?
-Marvels at Skylar's awesome avatar-

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' date='January 04, 2009 01:33 pm'] See?See?

What did I tell you.

She played the free will card.

I told you.

'She' has a name, thank you very much. And no, 'she' didn't 'play the free will card'. You can dismiss free will like a card if you want, and be a Christian-a-phobe (just made that up). But the fact is - free will IS the answer, from my Christian opinion. Please, let's not start a flame war. You can disagree with my opinions, but you can't go around treating my beliefs like they're just something you can sigh over. That really is ignorance.


(see how it feels?)

^ No need for the 'Do you?' there. That's what this topic is all about. Everyone expressing their religious feelings. =3

Sorry, just had to point that out there.

To put it simply, yes.

I believe in God, Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and my best friend. Because He always listens when I talk to him.

Yes. I do. Very much. I'm LDS.

Will you please keep the "Heaven and Hell arn't real, god isn't real, etc." comments out of the posts. I mean, you can beleive whatever you want to, but it kinda offends us who believe in god. thank you!

i dont belive in god. oh furgot to add IF god really does exist than who created him?
I was taught that God is from another world. It's a big chain of worlds. When you die, you can make a world and you can be the god/goddess. But this is my religion. That's what I was taught.

Yes, I believe in god, but I'm not very religious. I dont go to church every sunday and I dont wear a cross, but I sure do believe. Religion can be confusing for me, and I dont understand alot of it so I cant really say if Im a christian or not.

In other words: Yes, I believe in god.

I was taught that God is from another world. It's a big chain of worlds. When you die, you can make a world and you can be the god/goddess. But this is my religion. That's what I was taught.
That's interesting. I've never heard of that theory before.

My belief is that God is the creator of everything; all worlds, galaxies, universes, people, time, space - everything.

So I believe that asking the question, "Who created God?" is a little ignorant still. God is the great "I Am". He has no Creator, and needs no Creator - he is the Creator.

And this post is guaranteed to confuzzle everyone, because it is beyond human comprehension. It's about faith, and acceptance that you can't know everything.

After all, we're dealing with God here, not a little logic puzzle.

Ooops - sorry, that was a typo!! x3
Thanks for saying you agree with me! =)

I appreciate that! =3


EDIT: I have changed it back to 'whale' on my other post now! xx
lol.......ok.........and your very welcome

I am not religious. The whole thing just seems so random to me. I believe that religion was created because people are always looking for answers to questions they don't know, so a long time ago, before we understood where we came from and such, people came up with the idea that a god created them.

My mom is heavily religious. I dread the day I tell her I'm not a believer. Either she won't care at all, or she'll cry. I probably won't ever tell her, what she doesn't know won't hurt her.


~P h o e b e~

I personally don't believe in god, but I do believe something started the earth, whether it was the big bang theory or something else. I believe were all here for a reason, but not because god put us here. I don't really have the same theory 'When I see it, I'll believe it' Because Im a huge mythology fan :)

I guess you could say Im an athiest, but I do believe there is something out there.

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