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I don't worship. But I do believe in God.

Cecib :p

I don't believe in god. I don't go to church and probably never will. My parents say "You kids can decide if you want to go to church when your older." They said, "If you really want to go, ask a friend to bring you on Sundays." If he is real, I need actual proof. And to really have proof is to die and see him. I don't believe in death either. We die because we think of it as an inevitability.

... I don't believe in death either. We die because we think of it as an inevitability.
You may think that sounds "profound" but you are deluding yourself :)

Everybody dies - not just because they "think" it is inevitable - but for many different reasons (accidents, disease, murder as well as old age).

I hope that when you get your proof of death, it is when you are very old and have lived a full and happy existence on this planet ;)

(Lots of people believe in re-birth as an inevitability too) :p


I don't believe at all. Never!

I don't believe in anything I can't see or have proven to me.

For all I know Santy Clause created us from candy canes.

Maybe a marshmallow with a mind made us.

One question for believers - If God created us who created God??

.... One question for believers - If God created us who created God??
I'm sorry, but that question... it's just getting "old" :p

Unfortunately, all it shows is that you find it difficult to consider another person's point of view from their perspective and that all you can consider is your own perspective.

Religion is a faith, a belief.

If a person believes in something, they don't need proof of a higher being and they don't need to ask if that higher being was "created". It's irrelevant (to them).

Just as you need proof to believe in a God, you believe that a creator must in turn, have had a creator, but those with faith don't need it.

There are plenty of people in this world who won't believe in anything they can't see or have proven to them, so you're not alone at all
I've been accused of being close minded over my beliefs, but in reality, I've always found it disappointing that it has been another person who refuses to open their own mind to consider other points of view.

Hmmm.I don't believe at all. Never!

I don't believe in anything I can't see or have proven to me.

For all I know Santy Clause created us from candy canes.

Maybe a marshmallow with a mind made us.

One question for believers - If God created us who created God??
No one created God. He is eternal and was never created or never dies, and um..i agree with Tamamum on this one. Im a Catholic =)

One question for believers - If God created us who created God??
Yes, this question gets really old because honestly if you knew enough about the religion to make a statement against it being false, then you'd know this answer. <_<

God doesn't have to have a creator. Why? Because God created matter. He created the universe, gravity, the laws of physics, the laws of time. We have finite minds so we can't comprehend. But if you think about it in the terms that God actually created time, space, physics and the like as we do, it's easier to understand.

I'm sorry, but that question... it's just getting "old" :D
Unfortunately, all it shows is that you find it difficult to consider another person's point of view from their perspective and that all you can consider is your own perspective.

Religion is a faith, a belief.

If a person believes in something, they don't need proof of a higher being and they don't need to ask if that higher being was "created". It's irrelevant (to them).

Just as you need proof to believe in a God, you believe that a creator must in turn, have had a creator, but those with faith don't need it.

There are plenty of people in this world who won't believe in anything they can't see or have proven to them, so you're not alone at all ^_^

I've been accused of being close minded over my beliefs, but in reality, I've always found it disappointing that it has been another person who refuses to open their own mind to consider other points of view.
I totally agree! :D As a Christian, I couldn't have put it better myself!

I personally am athiest. Although I understand, I cannot argue w/religious people. You do not need proof that god is real. You just take faith in him. You people who are trying to convince christians god is not real, your efforts are pointless. god is faith, not fact. Please, stop giving us a bad reputation.

I believe in science. All things are possible until they can be unproven. There could be a god, there could be many gods, without proof one cannot prove the entity's (if what we know as god is an entity) existence. Generally I don't believe in god but I also don't doubt there is a possibility. I feel that the normal (Jewish/Christan/Muslim) understanding of god is a bit too fantastic for me and I feel like god is more like a possible name for the force in atoms that keeps them going...

I'm sorry, but that question... it's just getting "old" :(
Unfortunately, all it shows is that you find it difficult to consider another person's point of view from their perspective and that all you can consider is your own perspective.
The only thing one could say is that because there is no proof for gods existence god does not exist. However that is also faulty. There was one time when humans did not know that air is a form of matter and that humans inhale oxygen to live. Back then one could say that there is no proof of air. Now it just seems ridiculous. Can we really deny the existence of god(s). Just because we can't prove it?

I guess we also can't prove that Hogwarts doesn't exist either with that logic though... :)

One can say if god exists as an entity he must adhere to laws of physics and natural matter. Then one could say he must have been created by something because if he existed before matter he could not be an entity.

So I guess, is god made of matter? Where did matter come from? Matter cannot be created of destroyed.... maybe if we found how matter was created we'd find god?

Religion is a faith, a belief.  If a person believes in something, they don't need proof of a higher being and they don't need to ask if that higher being was "created".  It's irrelevant (to them).

Just as you need proof to believe in a God, you believe that a creator must in turn, have had a creator, but those with faith don't need it.
I'd argue that anyone who has blind faith in something is a fool (no offense, seriously). Just as one wouldn't have faith in a lion to not eat a baby, or have faith that the bum on the corner uses your money for food and help to get them back into a job even when they consistently smell like booze. There must be a reason to believe in something other than, 'cause this book told me to.

I guess then my question is why do you believe, honestly, if you believe? To anyone who believes, why do you believe? One cannot 'just' believe, you must have a reason.

We can deduce that life came from

electicity and water that formed amino acids which in turn created the fist life forms. Thus, there is no need of a creator if god was created from a similar reaction. Although god could be something different. God isn't necessarily what is popular to believe perhaps god is electricity? It does give life.... :eek: or maybe back to the matter thing, god supposedly created matter... what creates matter? Is that the ultimate key?

There are plenty of people in this world who won't believe in anything they can't see or have proven to them, so you're not alone at all :)
I've been accused of being close minded over my beliefs, but in reality, I've always found it disappointing that it has been another person who refuses to open their own mind to consider other points of view.
It's not that people need proof to validate belief it's that something is unlikely to exist without proof. For most things we can find proof. The only thing that can be proven is that we do not know where matter comes from (which could be proof of god) and people have long believed in god(s) since first human recorded time. This is proof enough for me to consider the possibility.

.... :unsure: this might sound retarded but at least Wica is rooted in physical attributes of stuff and the unknown power of the human mind. I don't believe in it entirely, again it can't be proven, but things rooted in reality are much more believable than things rooted in blind faith.

Is there a god? I don't know. Does the concept seem a bit irrational? Yeah, it kinda does. Does god not exist? Who knows?


Good points, though, I will point out that the since the Miller experiment many ideas of what the pre-life environment has changed. Based on what I have read, the whole experiment is really invalid though with such things, they keep popping back up. Like those danged Haeckel's embryos. Those are totally ridiculous. :)

Anyway, I believe because I feel I have more solid proof in my God than I have in evolution or any other ideas of where we came from. I believe science points to a creator and so based on my findings, I have to find which one is the right creator. I have found that it is God of the Jews who sent Jesus to die for us as a perfect sacrifice.

I do because without Adam and Eve you wouln't be here and he created them so he made you and if you don't belive in him youre not beliveing in your creator.

Yes, I believe in god :angry:

"When you've done something good, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" I think that's how it goes.

Anyway since this topic is really long, Alot of people already explined of what I think of god :huh:

I think that when you die, you will go somewhere beautiful, where nothing can hurt you. That's like heaven to me. And if you die and you're in total blackness, that's like hell to me. That's my opiion. It's good to have someone watching you, like god. That's why I'm not afraid to die. It's true we're all not perfect, but god can forgive us :angry:

Well, that's my opinion. I respect eveyone :lol:

I though I posted a reply but it disappeared o_o;

anyway, I do believe in god. Here's my point of view:

Heaven may not be living in the clouds. But it could... But I DO know that heaven is place where you're happy and nothing can hurt you.

Hell is not underround like in cartoons. I think that when you go to hell, all you see is total blackness and you live in dispair.

Well, that my point of view! I respect everyone! :huh:

I though I posted a reply but it disappeared o_o;
You hit New Topic instead of Add Reply.

I've merged your topic into this one now.

I do VERY strongly beleive in God. Not A God, but God a.k.a Jesus Christ.

Just like with any matter in the world, like air, even if you don't beleive in it, (Sorry to break it to you honey), IT's STILL THERE.

I won't get too much more into it or else I get mad and frustrated with all the ignorance.

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