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I disagree. Just because you believe something is real doesn't mean it is. Just like if you believe something isn't real doesn't it mean is isn't. It either is real, or isn't. Opinion has nothing to do with it. I could believe that grass is purple, and that would be my personal opinion, but does that make it true? :p
You misunderstood me xD

I'm not saying if it's real or if it's not. I'm saying that there's no point in arguing it, because it's one of those things, where like, you can't prove it wrong, but you can't prove it right. So it's a matter of faith.

Even when I was a little kid, I had doubts about this. I would always ask questions, and my bible study teacher was always like "DO NOT QUESTION GOD." And I was just like, "BS." And then there was the incident with that boy who I got into a fight with, but that's entirely off topic.

Long story short, I had a terrible church life, which encouraged me to never go back.

This is total bull. How could 1 man create This whole world and all of it's beings and surroundings? What is up with adam and eve? If there was a god, would there be such things as cancer, murder, suicide, and death? If there is a god, Why would he take my grandfather. It wasn't his "Time" to go. He just died. Nothing godly about it. This is why I get A+'s in Science. :unsure:
the reason there are things like that in the world is because God created adam and eve they disobeyed him and so he released thed these miseries into the world

I do.

I don't go to church or say prayers (mostly) or anything.. but I still do D:

Yes, I believe in god. Maybe we don't believe in the same god or not even believe in god, but I respect all religon. :D

This is total bull. How could 1 man create This whole world and all of it's beings and surroundings? What is up with adam and eve? If there was a god, would there be such things as cancer, murder, suicide, and death? If there is a god, Why would he take my grandfather. It wasn't his "Time" to go. He just died. Nothing godly about it. This is why I get A+'s in Science. :D
First of all, no god, no matter what god you believe in, is a man (correct me if I'm wrong for any religion. I'm sorry if I am!) He/she/they are (a) spiritual thing. To counter that argument.....how could everything just be there? Where did it come from? Don't get me wrong, I believe in the scientific theory as well as the spiritual theory (pm me if you want an explanation), but.....it's not possible. I don't think it's possible for it to just.......form of it's own accord. There must have been something to help it.

Second....the Christian theory of suffering is that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat the fruit from the garden, but when they did, they, and their children, and their children's children, as so forth, would die, and suffer, because of what Adam and Eve did. Temptation. We all have it. We all give into it. That is the explanation for Christians. Me, I believe our suffering from this life comes from sins from a past life. And our sins in this life will contribute to suffering in our next life.

I'm really sorry about your grandad. Really, but....maybe it was his time to go. Death is such a deep subject. What happens after death? Is there really heaven? Recreation? Ghosts? No one an answer this. But, all lead back to...."Why did someone die?". God (or whoever you worship) knew it was his time. Again, I am sorry, I really am.

Wow. This just may be my longest post ever

I posted in this topic a little over a year ago stating that I was a proud Christian.

I want to update some things on that.

I think that more than anything, I'd call myself Agnostic now. I don't know if it's due to home problems or just the logic I find in theories such as evolution and the Big Bang, but my beliefs from a year ago have since found themselves on unstable ground.

I'm no longer sure if what the Bible says makes sense to me. I know for a fact that most of the rules/commandments that are in it are unfair and I therefore do not believe in them. I feel as if my going to church and calling myself a true Christian are just well-played facades to impress the thoroughly-Christian, thoroughly-unaccepting family I grew up with. I'm also beginning to believe that I was scared into my religion, what with unacceptance always hanging over my head. My beliefs greatly differ from that of most of my family. I believe homosexuality is alright, I think abortion is the mother's choice, and I don't think that all non-believers will burn in hell for eternity.

I'm unsure as to what exactly I believe in. I've heard good arguments on both sides, but it seems with everything I disagree with that's in the Bible, I only agree with about 40% of it. I think most of my continued belief in God has mostly to do with my unreasonable fear of a hell that may not exist, and the need to know that a higher being/God is there.

So as of yet, my religious views remain in an Agnostic state of mind.

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I do but This is going to turn into a flame war And I bet it already has.

Alot of the sings in the bible arre coming true so if one day the earth goees POOF! Dont be surprised.

P.S. I know this probably will seem like a cionsedence (SP?) to most of you. And I understand that.

* Edit: TamaMum - please don't double post. You can edit your own replies for up to 24hrs after they were first posted. I've done this one for you :huh:

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I do, in my own reilgon. I am a Muslim and proud. ^^. I think in the end, people's opinions are peoples opinions.


[sarcasm]Yeah, It's not like Youtube won't post any thing fake.[/sarcasm]
well what about whati witnessed she still has the silverto this day whatdo you call that ?? it's not fake!! and yes youtube does put on fake stuff but not all is fake!

It has been a RRRREEEAAALLLYYYYY long time since I first replied so I'm going to answer the question once again.

Yes I do believe in God. I'm a very strong Christian. I am not perfect, no one is. I'll respect other's opinions because everyone is entitled to have an opinion but please don't offend my opinion because I am not perfect and don't think I could handle not backfiring at something offending.

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no I don't belive in god but Irespect peoplr who I mean my best friend belives in god

p.s I have a religon

p.s.s My religon is buddist

From another forum (It makes a good point):

These are my beliefs. I'm not flaming on anyone, I'm not hating on anyone, I'm just saying how I see things, trying to clear up some misconceptions, answer some questions, and the like. Meaning I don't want anyone running in here and flaming and hating, because that's not the point of this thread. If you wanna discuss, go right ahead. This is, after all, the Discussion forum.

I'm gonna try and keep this as organized as possible, but I've got a whole lot of ideas going through my head. I'll try and order them out in a way that makes sense.


These are different questions and such that I've been asked, sometimes by several people, and these are answers that might help clear up some comfusions people have.

Credit to Dionysus' fortune telling thread for giving me the idea for this.

Q: Have you always been Christian?

No. In fact, I was only saved last October. My family is Catholic, but none of them seriously practice. They tried to get me to be Catholic when I was young, but actually, it just made me hate the concept of it.

Q: Were you into religion beforehand?

I was completely devoted to Wicca immediately before I was saved, and had been for... five years, yes. I hated Christianity.

Q: Why become a Christian then?

I originally went to Wicca because it promised me real, solid evidence that it was legit... you know, feeling stuff, power, etc, etc, etc. I'm sorry, but it was never there for me. I believed it because at that point, I believed in the ideals, since I thought they were true. However, once I moved away from Hamilton and came here, a new friend convinved me to come meet his Youth Pastor. They had a worship session while I was there, and I had my first experience of meeting God. Frankly, once you've felt him, I don't really think it's possible to simply ignore him anymore.

Q: Are you sure you felt God? That sounds like a bunch of crap to me.

That question's like me asking, are you sure you've felt happy? You know you have, because you've felt it. You know. You can't give me solid proof, but you know. It's like that. I had a physical manifestation as well as an emotional and mental one. I know, 100%, that I felt God for the first time that day.

Q: What's that like?

The experience is what happens when you become filled with the Holy Spirit. It's a bit different for everyone. In Acts, a book in the Bible, is where this experience is first described. The Apostles are described as seeming like they were drunk, and as having spoken in tongues, with everyone present able to understand in their own languages. However, as I said, everyone manifests and feels it differently. Sometimes there are physical manifestations, such as crying, laughing, speaking in tongues, shaking, falling, dizziness, etc etc etc. Sometimes there are more inward ones, such as giddiness, black outs, visions, hearing God speak to you audibly, a feeling of being overwhelmed emotionally, etc etc. Sometimes there are mental manifesations, such as revelation, blessings for others, recieving Words of Knowledge for other people, etc etc. Personally I've experienced several of these. I have the bruises to prove a couple of them.


Alright, now to clear some stuff up.

First off, the whole rule thing, 'cause this one gets me the worst I think. Lots of people look at Christianity and the first thing they think is, "I gotta follow all of these stupid rules or else I'm gonna go to hell." And who likes rules? Nobody. No one likes rules. So, lots of people lose interest immediately.

However, in reality there really aren't that many rules. The Old Testament of the Bible is when salvation depended on following a strict set of rules. However, Jesus was sent to complete this for us, and die as a sacrafice to cover our sins, much like the Old Testament tradition of slaughtering an innocent lamb to cover sins. Jesus also changed the rules for us. He made it very simple: love your God, and love your neighbour. If you follow the rule of love, then following the rest of the commandments just comes naturally.

However, another thing changed. God made it incredibly, incredibly simple for us, even beyond that point. All he said we had to do was believe that Jesus was His son who died for our sins, and if we did that, then we were saved. Plain and simple. Once saved, He said to be like Christ. Who's Christ? He's God. They're one in the same person. Jesus was God in the form of man. And the Bible teaches us that God is love. So what do we have to do? Be like love. In other words, be loving. Simple, eh? Yeah.


I'm very tired of people getting on my case about these things just because I'm a Christian. I don't support them, no. I don't agree that it's right, no. However, those are simply my beliefs. Thst doesn't mean I hate them because of it, not in the slightest; one of my best friends, who's female, has been telling me how much she likes me and would love to date me for nearly five years now.

Before you call me prejudiced, consider this: you don't think someone's being prejudiced if they say they don't think it's right that the druggy over there is smoking pot, do you? It's all a matter of opinion, realistically.

A Christian who isn't just talk and who actually lives the lifestyle will understand that you don't hate the person, you hate what they do. If someone's doing drugs, you don't hate them because they're a druggy. You hate the fact that they're doing drugs. And if they don't want help, then you know what? Alright. You leave it alone.

What's another one...

Oh yeah. I got this one the other day. The old, how can I call myself a Christian when I do this and this and this and blah blah blah.

Christians aren't perfect. Any who claim to be are ruining our name. We're just the same as everyone else, we screw up, we fall down, we do bad crap. The only difference is that as a Christian we feel we've got a safety net to fall back on, even if we do bad things.

Now, this opens up another thing. People seem to have the misconception that we teach that anyone will be forgiven of anything, as long as they just say a magic prayer. This isn't the case. If you don't actually repent, the forgiveness isn't there. God's not stupid, people. He's not gonna forgive someone who isn't actually sorry. This is why I totally don't agree with the whole confession thing they do in elementary Catholic schools. You know, where you go see the preacher, be all like, "My name is Bobby Joe, my last confession was three years ago, these are my sins" yaddayadda. And then he's all like, "Say three Our Father's and all is forgiven" blahblah. All you've gotten the kid to do is babble off some memorized verses. That's not going to help him unless he truly repents as well.


I don't know if there's anything else to put here. I started typing this yesterday and now I just woke up and all my thoughts flew out of my head in my sleep.

This is all just my beliefs, remember. If you've got any debates, or wanna ask any questions, feel free to do so.

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From another forum (It makes a good point):
No offense, but that post continues to repeat "Before I was saved". Not everyone believes in God, and saying that those that aren't Christian are "Going to Hell" Is ignorant in my opinion.

I don't know if I believe in God. I have no proof whatsoever that he is, but enough people do believe in him enough to give me at least a little belief. I do HOPE there is a Heaven, but I'm just not positive.

You misunderstood me xD
I'm not saying if it's real or if it's not. I'm saying that there's no point in arguing it, because it's one of those things, where like, you can't prove it wrong, but you can't prove it right. So it's a matter of faith.

Even when I was a little kid, I had doubts about this. I would always ask questions, and my bible study teacher was always like "DO NOT QUESTION GOD." And I was just like, "BS." And then there was the incident with that boy who I got into a fight with, but that's entirely off topic.

Long story short, I had a terrible church life, which encouraged me to never go back.
My Church is open-minded. (Well, somehwhat.) They for the most part encourage you to ask questions and wonder about God, because it's natural for you to wonder about something you've never seen or touched.

I am constantly wondering, thinking of how crazy and ridiculous the whole thing sounds sometimes, et cetra, but my faith always puts everything back in perspective. I can't NOT picture God or Jesus. I've seen him work, and I for him not to exist would be utter blasphemy.

I haven't responded to this topic in a while, so... I'm a Catholic Christian and proud of it.

I believe that god is the entire universal consciousness, not just one or many entities. I think about god the same way I think about earth and the universe and myself and trees and the sun, really.

Of course, that outlook might change depending on what phase my intelligence and consciousness are going through and all that stuff.

I'm also adamantly opposed to organized religion, but that's another thing entirely.

I believe in God.

I'm not a regular church-goer but I say my prayers everyday and our school has strong Christian values and holds masses and morning prayers etc..

Jesus Christ died for our sins. He died as a sacrifice so God would forgive us. Of course, before we go to heaven we actually have to acknowledge this and truly be sorry for our sins and truly believe that He did this for us. That is the only way to be put into the Book Of Life and have eternal life in heaven after we die. Those who don't repent and accept Jesus as their saviour will burn in the fiery lakes of hell.

'That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.'

- Romans 10:9-10

I do respect people of other cultures and religions and I would never try to push my religion down someone's throat if they didn't want to listen to me. I respect that it's a personal choice to be a Christain or a Jew or an Atheist. I just believe that I wont see those who haven't repented their sins and accepted Jesus in heaven.

And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

- Revelation 20:15

But each to their own. :)

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