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i do....alot.

i think that it is real, but there is just 1 thing that makes me puzzled. did god make the big bang happen? were the first people on the earth REALLY adam and eve? werent there ape people who evolved?

and that is what i think. if u have a therory to any of these questions, please say so.

i belive in god with all my heart, though

You know. So many people are so worried about where we're going when we die. It's so simple. Just give your life to God and you'll be safe. You'll know you're going to Heaven forever with gold paved streets and your other loved ones. If you don't believe me, fine. But that's where I'm going. It's in the Bible. And the Bible is truth.

As for me, I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I'm Christian 100%.

I've been going to Church more. New Year Resolution ftw.

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if your talking about heaven, i dont believe in that.........
im not meaning to offend you .. but heaven and hell are just made up (as sweet kandi said) to make ppl feel better.

i believe once u die, you are dead.

and thats it. like being in a deep sleep and never waking up.

Like a rock. has no mind, nothing..


but its strnge cause i believe in ghosts. iv seen one.

its all confusing.

but my theiory is to see to believe :lol:
She said, "R-E-L-G-I-O-N"

Not heaven or hell.

I am a blur with the whole 'God' thing.

I know I've posted a lot on this topic.. but I just wanted to say again that I do believe in God.

I feel so peaceful with Him at the moment. And lately, I've been turning to Him more then my friends - which, personally, is something to be proud of. xD

It's a real nice feeling, talking to Him. Even if sometimes I can't hear Him - I can just pour out my heart and troubles and know that I'm not keeping them bottled up. He takes care. :D <3

I want to believe in god. In a god. In something looking out for us.

But for some of us, it's harder than that.

The theories don't seem plausible to me. My head doesn't wrap around them. The clear cut proof isn't laid out in front of me. So to me, it's not something I can believe in. To do so, I'll need some evidence, something to validate the claim.

I'd need something more than somebody telling me that god exists. I don't believe them anymore.

So no. You could call me an atheist, I very well suppose. I guess that's the simplest classification. Seeing as I don't believe.

And I know it doesn't make any sense, but I want to believe.

1.christans never tourterd anyone

2.there's thus lead singer of a christan band called:Flyleaf. Who was an atheist and she tourterd christans.


I am Agnostic.

I am not Athiest, yet I do not believe.

An agnostic believes that it is not possible to know whether God exists or not. I just can't be pressured into a decision. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism. That's me. Highly skeptical. But I know there may be a higher being. I am just not sure.

Well, I don't belive in God or anything like that, but I do believe in reincarnation. Because your soul has to go somewhere. You just can't just be in a dead sleep. I do believe in life after death. But I don't believe in religion.

For those who don't know what reincarnation is, feel free to ask.

Well, I don't belive in God or anything like that, but I do believe in reincarnation. Because your soul has to go somewhere. You just can't just be in a dead sleep. I do believe in life after death. But I don't believe in religion.
For those who don't know what reincarnation is, feel free to ask.
That's pretty much exactly what I think.

Although I think of it more as "soul recycling" than reincarnation.

I believe in nothing in any religious book (actually some stories that seem plausible, maybe) and stick to my decision.

I never have and never will.In my eyes, religion is just something to make you feel better about life.

I respect people who are religious, so long as it's not shoved down my throat.
I so agree with you. In my opinion, the whole concept of religion was just something made up in the middle ages to explain things that they couldn't back then with their limited technology. But in this day in age, i don't see the use in it when we have enough science proving to prove it wrong.

Please don't be offended by this post, i'm just saying what i think and have nothing against people who have religious beliefs, kay?

However, i do believe in reincarnation because i believe all people have souls, and that they must go somewhere.

However, i do believe in reincarnation because i believe all people have souls, and that they must go somewhere.
That's an interesting mix of beliefs. It kind of looks like you are saying that you believe we don't need religion to explain things these days because we have sciences to prove or disprove things instead, but you do believe we have souls? I guess science still has a way to go :lol:

It sounds like you are a spiritualist :huh: although several major religions of the world believe in reincarnation too (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sikhism).

I do believe in god, that's for sure.

I do not, however, believe in Hell. Heaven, maybe.

I'm not 100% convinced in heaven, reincarnation, or any afterlife at all. But I don't believe that once you're dead, your dead, period. I do believe that there is some form of life, whether it be heaven, reincarnation [creature or human], or wandering around the earth as a spirit.

I just refuse to believe that your life is completely over when you die. I strongly believe in afterlife, but what the afterlife is, I'm not certain.

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