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I've been thinking:

Everything on Earth, and beyond it, is too perfect to be the random act of nature. Furthermore, something had to start the universe. I've been thinking over it alot, and I believe that there is a God, somewhere, but I am confused with religion, and do not know what to believe and what not to.

I've been thinking:
Everything on Earth, and beyond it, is too perfect to be the random act of nature. Furthermore, something had to start the universe. I've been thinking over it alot, and I believe that there is a God, somewhere, but I am confused with religion, and do not know what to believe and what not to.
I agree with you.

I'm not saying that those Idea's are stupid, and I'm definitely not ignoring them. James (the teacher) said it much better than I did, and not in a way of ignoring those theories. I explained it bad. I'm just saying that I don't believe the evolution of monkey's theory as a main, strong belief. I just find it a little... weird that the theory says we evolved from monkeys, but what are the ods of some of them staying monkeys. Seriously.
And Tortilla, I didn't know that, because of the information of my dad, and what I've seen on TV. What I learned from the little TV, and my dad, was that man weren't around with the time of dinosaurs. I learned that from when I was little, I don't know when, where, or how, but I always thought dino's weren't around with humans.
This is kinda off topic but what camp did you go to? I think I might have gone to that same camp. :)

If monkeys evolved from monkeys to humans thousands of years ago, how come they aren't continuing to evolve now? I'm a proud Christian. I'm not perfect, I don't pray all the time, and I don't read the bible all the time either, but I've accepted Jesus and Dod into my heart and that's why I'm a strong believer. It's natural for you to question if God is real or not, because it's something you've never seen before. But it's all about faith and believing in him and being able to accept him into your heart... :)
I agree... :)

I don't believe there is one God.So many different people have created so many different ones.it doesn't seem logical to me.I am a person that believes in proof and fact.I believe Heaven and Hell is here on Earth; you make your own happiness and misery.I appericate what Mother Nature has created as far as the land around me.I don't worship her for it though.To put it simply,I believe man has created these gods and these religons as a way of controling people.No killing,no stealing,no cheating were all pretty good things.So people made them requirements to get into 'Heaven'.That's what I think.However,I don't not shun or judge people if they do believe.That is your won choice; your own relationship with your own god.

It's been a while since I replied to this particular question. I have replied to this forum but not the original question. So here I go. Yes, I do believe in God. I always will. I believe in heaven. I believe he gave his one and only beloved son to die for us on the cross. And I'm extremely thankful for that. Jesus is everything to me. And he always will be!! <3

There's a quote I seen the other day that describes how I feel..

"I don't have a problem with God, it's his fan club I can't stand"

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There's a quote I seen the other day that describes how I feel..
"I don't have a problem with God, it's his fan club I can't stand"
I have to admit that's kinda funny. But then again, not much. :( It could be kinda disrupting to some people.

I have to admit that's kinda funny. But then again, not much. :D It could be kinda disrupting to some people.
Probably. But it more relates to the religious extremists, those who literally force their views upon others, take things too seriously in regards to outsiders and their religion, instances like that.

I have no problem with others who support a God and religion in a healthy way.

Probably. But it more relates to the religious extremists, those who literally force their views upon others, take things too seriously in regards to outsiders and their religion, instances like that.I have no problem with others who support a God and religion in a healthy way.
Yeah some people are wayyy too shovey (spl?)! Even for me! LOL I was just saying because some people could find that kinda rude or disrupting but I know what you mean. :D

I don't believe in god. Any god. I was questioning at one point, but I eventually found my sense. I envy people that do believe in god, though. Having something to explain absolutely everything, an imaginary friend to lean on and talk to . . . religion actually sounds more like a psychosis, talking to someone in the sky, and all. Not to offend, just an observation. It sure does sound like a pleasant way to live, though.

...invisible man who is supposedly all great and shiz. yeahno. We're better off believing in the flying spaghetti monster.

I do believe in God. I am a strong Christian. But I do respect that some people do not, such as one of my close friends.

And Noddle, I was kind of offended by your post. No, I was very offended. It was pretty rude. Please, everyone, respect each others opinions even if you do not agree.


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I think we are all better off if we hold our own beliefs regardless of what others feel you should believe in. Religion is personal and no one here has any right to bash, condemn, or mock anyone else's ideas. Let's stay respectful to one another.

Hmm, this is a very touchy subject with me.

I believe in a form of god. Some kind of otherworldly being who watches over us that we can talk to when we're feeling lost or need help. Kind of like a best friend or real close family member. But god with a capital G? Eh, not so sure there. But I think that kind of goes hand in hand with the fact that I don't really partake in organized religion.

To the people who actually can put all their faith into stuff like this, I admire you. You're sure in yourselves and no one can shake your beliefs. The fact that you can believe in that just kind of makes you automatically all kinds of awesome in my book.

Really in most cases my motto is this: "Sometimes the mere act of believing makes it real." For example, I believe in ghosts and spirits therefore that makes them real to me.

Yes, because something had to of been the Prime Mover of the Big Bang.

It's just my opinion, don't hurt me. Yeah, I'm looking at you guys. >:L

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