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IMO god was created by rulers of kingdoms ages ago to control people.

Humans are greedy by nature so make 'Hevean' a place where you get basicly get whatever you want and are always happy.

Then just write a book full of things you want the commeners to do ( the requriements for getting into hevean) and watch right?

however people might not listen to a simple book.

They didn't want people rebelling against them so they made up the concept of 'Hell', a place where you a constantly

tourtured for all eternity if you sin (sin=Doing things that the rulers don't want) which SCARES people. When people are scared of somthing they tend to try and avoid it.

Then hide it behind an almighty lord who created everything. Claim incredible things that god can do so people look up to him.

So you try and avoid hell.

So you try and get into hevean.

So you do what you're superiors want you too.

May I also note the IMO

Opinion. I'm not going to force this on anyone.

Some of my best friends are christians.

People can belive what they want.

So no. I don't belive in god.

They didn't want people rebelling against them so they made up the concept of 'Hell', a place where you a constantlytourtured for all eternity if you sin (sin=Doing things that the rulers don't want) which SCARES people. When people are scared of somthing they tend to try and avoid it.

Then hide it behind an almighty lord who created everything. Claim incredible things that god can do so people look up to him.

So you try and avoid hell.

So you try and get into hevean.

So you do what you're superiors want you too.

So no. I don't belive in god.
What I believe, at the moment, is that people are scared of god. They worship him so they won't be sent to hell..

But I dunno.

I'm having mixed emotions right now. I mean, a lot of it seems completely phoney but on the other hand there's a lot in this world that couldn't have just come around by sheer coincidence. It's like...Say, a laptop. A laptop isn't nearly as complex as most living orgasms, but there still has to have been an intelligent mind behind a laptop. It doesn't just appear. Ach, I can't really explain it, but...I don't know, there must be some kind of higher power, I'm just not sure if that power is God.

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I was on a confirmation camp a few weeks ago and it made me believe in god more than I used to. :huh: And it seems like more people do believe, according to the poll.

I wish I could choose yes. I really do. But I can't. The whole concept of God and heaven and such seems...well impossible. You can't stand on clouds, nor can you grow wings or have your head glow gold. I believe in science.

I'd like to believe there's a place where you can sit on a cloud and play the harp and get whatever you want after you die. How nice does that sound? Nice, wonderful in fact, but also impossible.

Clouds are made of water vapor. If you tried to stand on one, you'd fall through, hit the ground, and die. This has been scientifically proven. Therefore, I believe it.

The way I see it is this: If it hasn't been scientifically proven, photographed, or something, it's just a figment of imagination.

This is my opinion. It's just what I think. I'm not trying to make anyone think the way I'm thinking. I respect religeous people, I'm not trying to start a fight.

No. I honestly don't.

If I am ever going to believe in God, I will need some sort of proof, such as a photograph.

Why should one man rule over another and deserve to be god? It makes little sense to me, and I don't typically bother with any religious topics.

Heaven and Hell are just there to enforce people's moral rights.

I have never really believed in god, all things are just coincidence in my opinion.

I respect other people's opinions, but only if they are not shoved down my throat.

I'll be honest, and say that I'm not sure.

I could say I was agnostic on the surface, but I think that there's got to be something or someone out there who created everything, whether it's the big bang, some other science, or something that we shall never find out about.

Let's just face it, as good as I am at the subject, and as much as I am interested in it, there are some things that can't be explained with science alone...

Tama :D Phantom

Don't believe at all. There's no proof for the existence of a god, and all rational thought and common sense seems to point otherwise imo.

What I believe, at the moment, is that people are scared of god. They worship him so they won't be sent to hell..
But I dunno.
If that's the case, then those people really don't know much about God. He is all forgiving, and people don't get sent to Hell for not believing. It's not the way it works.

If that's the case, then those people really don't know much about God. He is all forgiving, and people don't get sent to Hell for not believing. It's not the way it works.
hmm, really depends on which testament you're reading.. on the one hand he's oh-so loving and forgiving, yet on the other he's jealous and vengeful, against homosexuality, against witchcraft, and he's got a fun book of rules you have to obey... and by the way, questioning the rules is against the rules too.

I do, Jesus died for us and also came to earth to tell us about god! I am baptized btw.

hmm, really depends on which testament you're reading.. on the one hand he's oh-so loving and forgiving, yet on the other he's jealous and vengeful, against homosexuality, against witchcraft, and he's got a fun book of rules you have to obey... and by the way, questioning the rules is against the rules too.
I wouldn't say so.

God created us with all kinds of flaws. Just because someone is homosexual, let's say, doesn't mean that God will love them any less. God loves everyone, and He is all forgiving.

if he really is all forgiving, why are there laws in the first place? and why is homosexuality wrong?

Yes I do, very much so.
With that mentality, by the time you see God, it'll be too late. *shrugs*
I agree. because I have heard that if you dont belive in him and you die, you will end up in hell

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