Going over the moon.


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2007
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on your head
You know those moments, where you're totally trashed, having the worst week ever, etc, but you just want to jump over the moon? P: Those are funnn. <33 It's like hyperspace x2.

I have no reason to be this happy. I'm freezing mao, sick, school is way below me, missed the DN movie premiere, pi**ed with my mom, my HTML program isn't working right, can't get in touch with my friend, gained a notable amount of weight, dandruff is back, have to delete my email account because my gran won't even let me have a password with the current comptuer (it's like, stfu), and many more reasons. Oh, sleep deprivation, too.

Yet, I feel like jumping over the moon, shoving my head in a wall, giggle fit, then suicide. I can't stop twitching, shaking, goosebumperying, etc. What I really want to do is go into the living room, shout a very loud very indistinguishable line of swears, sign up for LJ, get my own fricking email account, and have a ball. But I'm barely remaining sane at the moment, I think I might explode if I did all that tonight. Still. P:

It's just one of those times, you know. If you feel like doing all of the above, by all means do them! That would release your emotions and make you feel better (not that I'm saying to go on a massive ice cream or shopping binge :furawatchi: ) Think about all the good things in life. Before you know it, you'll be way over it already! :p

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Yeah. But it's 3:23 AM. XD I might be an angsty angry rebellious dancing fool, but I'm not so stupid as to yell curses at my grandmother/teacher at 3:23 AM. xDD

By the way, this was a general thread to talk about those experiences. :DD

Hmm. Maybe I'll go pull a HAIMMASIM and dance badly, too...

Right now my ipod is M.I.A. and so I am sad. I wish I could be super duper happy like i usually am but i'm not. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm sorry, I felt the need to say that. *My head hurts*

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