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Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
ahem, anyways, yeah. I'm starting to prepare myself for next year.

AKA, seventh grade.

AKA, the Fearful But Wanted Year.

AKA, the year I go back to public school.

Most of my life I've been in homeschooling, where I can occasionally mouth off. Where I am THE student, and where my teacher is really against those 3 minute tests. Also, where my navigation consists of walk down stairs. eat breakfast. walk into next room.

So yeah. I need to know about public school. Social advice, classroom advice, temper advice, supplies advice, anything advice. I just need advice in general. P:

And also, what to be prepared for as for repeats. Since this year I'm doing Diary of Anne Frank among other things, so what most people got thrown upon them in 7th grade would be good too.

Well I suppose it would all depend on your location.

I am in Australia and in year 7 I learnt about:

  • Bushrangers
  • Expositions
  • Basic Italian
  • Fractions
  • Biology
  • Long Division
  • Australian geography
  • Religion

As well as lots of other things.

Have lots and lots of fun. =]

You'll go great.

When you get there smile at people and say hi. Show them that you WANT to be friends with them.

The only way to make a friend is to be a friend. Strike up conversations with people! Say things like "That math homework was so hard/easy. How did you do?" or "Wow, it's so cold today. I can't wait for summer to come again." will do. Also, don't talk about people! Imagine how awkward it would be if you said "I hate Kate! She's so fat and dumb!" and the other person replied "Actually Kate is my best friend.." AWKWARD. Be nice about people and people will be nice to you.

About your supplies. Well, what I did was take one book for each subject and your basics - pencil, eraser, ruler, blue pen, black pen, red pen, coloured pencils or textas, glue, scissors, compass, protractor, calculator, dictionary (not all schools will require you to bring this), Bible (not all schools will require you to bring this) and a pencil sharpener.

If you have your hair out take a hair tie to school with you. This will be useful for P.E or even when it's just windy or your hair is annoying you.

Keep track of all homework and assignments you get.

Try and keep your temper. Don't mouth off the teachers too badly or you will get in trouble. Talk about how much you hate a teacher with your friends if you need to.

Most schools should give you a map. My school did. I thought it was daggy but it was really, really helpful. Also, ask older people or people in your class for directions. I'm sure they will help you if you get lost.

Most importantly:


People like real personalities over fake ones.

Have lots of fun, don't stress and keep smiling.

If you would like me to elaborate on anything or offer anymore tips I will gladly help. :D

Allo There, Would you want some tea? Your hat looks dirty, would you like me to was it for you?

The Things I Did In Seventh Grade.

[SIZE=7pt]By Alex.[/SIZE]

Let's make this brief, shall we?


Alex mouthed off yelled during class got all honors classes but never did homework she was lazy and the only thing she really tried at were the assignments she found entertaining she managed to pull A's but couldn't really care less she never really bothered with the other people around her unless she actually liked them she showed no respect for her teachers and elders she hated all of her teachers and they hated her becuase she was a smart aleck every day and she graduated happily ready to do the exact same thing in the next grade.

And the moral of this story, kids, is to do everything I didn't do and not do anything I did.

You'll be the model student!

^ xD sounds a lot like me

Once you make friends, everything will be easier, so the first couple days just work on making a couple friends, then eventually they'll introduce you to people and you'll be all good.

Give the teachers good impressions to, pay attention, answer questions, then they'll like you too.

I hope everything goes good! =]

You picked an odd year to go back to public schools... hmm.

In 7th grade we had to read a few books for english. My teacher usually gave us a monthly homework assignment which included reading a book and doing some odd report/presentation on it- not all teachers do it though.

It wasn't hard. It was actually very easy to slack off that year. ;D

7th grade was a pretty good year for me.

- Do all homework: This is a must. You have to do your homework even if you know every single point of it because if you don't, you'll fail. Plus, it gives you lots of practice for tests. I'd never make it through math if I didn't do my homework in there.

- Study your material daily: Some classes you can easily pass without studying much and actually, I didn't have to study too much my 7th grade year, but you have to start developing study skills for highschool and beyond. It's a good idea to read the new chapters on the weekend before and then review the tougher class material daily. This will save you much trouble when it's the day before the test and you don't have to try to cram all of the last two weeks' lessons. If you can get by fairly easily without, at the very least study two days before. You'll have to learn to do daily review later, but depending on the school you may not need it.

- Don't mouth off: It's just a no no. When a teacher has 200 other students to deal with, she won't tolerate smart alecs. And once you get that rep, it may be hard to change.

- Think before you speak: Remember to consider the feelings of others before you say or do things. Don't act like a dunce but as an average student, it's really really irritating when someone just always must act and talk "GT". If someone says something grammatically incorrect, don't correct them. It's irritating and it gives off the "I'm better and smarter than you" vibe. Be your smart self but don't be so over the top people feel you think your smarter and better than them.

- Teacher tips:

Ask questions: Teachers like those who ask questions because they can tell you're interested and paying attention to what they're teaching. Ask even if you may know the question every once in a while just so you get that connection. They may be more willing to grant you those points in the grey areas if they get the impression you're trying.

Write about things teachers like: If a teacher asks you to write a paper about which president was the best overall and you know she just adores J.F.K., don't write about another if you thought he was just terrible. Though they try to be as unbiased as possible, if a teacher prefers cats, write about cats.

Bibs: When writing a paper, you must cite your sources. A handy tip is to pick internet sources that end in .gov or .edu because just by that .whatever they're seemingly more legit. And if you have to have multiple sources, look at the lists of cites the author wrote. They got their info from that other source and you put it in your paper so why not use those? Instead of 5 sources, you could easily have 15.

Pick your battles: Sometimes it's just not worth the fight with a teacher. Of course, there are always times it is necessary to stand up for yourself, always ask yourself if it's really worth the trouble.

Middle school is great so enjoy it. I'm sure you'll do just fine. :eek:

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- Do all homework:

- Study your material daily:

- Don't mouth off:

- Think before you speak:

- Ask questions:

- Write about things teachers like:

- Pick your battles:
That must be where I went wrong 8D

i'm learning long division. (4th grade) Fire.Fly, why do i see a three-year difference? 0.o


1. Hang low. It's important. You don't want to be the center of attention during math class. xP

2. Teachers!! :angry: if you don't pay enough attention, (or slack off in other means, or look like you are),

you'll be in the ultimate hotseat. Stay out of this.

Bonus points, practice having shifty eyes. :unsure: 8D

I'm probaly not gonna help much xP

(but i hope i did) Cecib :wacko:

^ xD sounds a lot like me

Once you make friends, everything will be easier, so the first couple days just work on making a couple friends, then eventually they'll introduce you to people and you'll be all good.

Give the teachers good impressions to, pay attention, answer questions, then they'll like you too.

I hope everything goes good! =]
*Throws Ryan's heavy trombone case at you*


I got honor roll only twice last year. So far I got a 26 out of 26 on my SS test and 25/25 on my science test! Both A's!

Just be nice to your teachers. Remember: Treat others how you want to be treated.

Good luck.

seventh grade is either your best or worst year of your life. For me it was my worst I hate to say. The best way to survive public school is to drink lots and lots of caffinated things and eating pop-tarts for breakfast. That's how I survived and ma surviving eighth grade. The worst part is the early mornings because you are probably used to slower mornings.

set yourself a schedule, it works for me :hitodetchi:

also pack your lunch... caf. food is gross.

It may be confusing, and you will meet new people. Try not to mouth off or yell at the teacher or bad things happen. Remember to study, try to get good grades, and be friendly and open so you can make new friends. Hopefully, they have someone come with you so you can get familiar with the school. Once you get to know people, school doesn't seem so long and you actually enjoy it.

Make sure you pay attention when the teacher is talking, not staring off into space or daydreaming. Also, don't chew gum or get caught with a cell phone. Bad things happen. Try not to stick out, or brag. Nobody likes those types of people.

That's about all the advice I can give you, and if you want some more, you can PM Me! :ichigotchi:

Hope I helped. Good luck in school. :hitodetchi:

P.S.-I'm in 7th grade, too. I'm also in a public school so I can help.

Wow! Entering public school for the first time - that's quite a big deal! So far, I've seen many useful posts in this topic, but the key thing is to always have friends to help you through lessons, homework, have someone to hang around with, show you where everything is and how everything works, etc. So how do we make friends quickly, children? Confidence!

I've actually just started 7th grade at a new school where I didn't know anybody just a couple of weeks ago! :) (I've never been homeschooled, though). It's a private school so it's probably a little different, though. Once you've made friends (by being yourself, etc, you can look it up on the Internet - lol!) you won't need this topic as much any more. You can ask them directly about anything you want that's to do with school - which will be much better than us! We're strangers to you and we don't know anything about the school you're going to, how it works, what the people, lessons and homework are like - or even what work you're going to be doing!

All I'm going to say is good luck! ;) I hope it works out great for you!

Best wishes,


i'm learning long division. (4th grade) Fire.Fly, why do i see a three-year difference? 0.o
I have absolutely no idea.

Curriculum difference I guess.

Or you must be super intelligent. LOL.

But aren't you like 7 years old in the 4th grade?

In 7th grade, the only thing I clearly remember learning about was Greek Mythology, but I don't know if that's a common thing. Honestly, I didn't really pay much attention to my middle school years.

As I've never been through home schooling I don't know what advice I can give that would be of help, but I'll try xP

Be polite to the adults around you. They're there to help you, not cause you hell(although it may seem opposite sometimes).

Be polite to students, but don't be afraid to stand your ground when someone messes with you.

Be studious, but don't forget to have fun. You're only a kid once, might as well enjoy it while it lasts ^.~

Pay attention. Don't pull a me and wade through class like a fat sack of crap xP It's just a bad idea.

Most things about school in general are just common sense. Behavior especially.

Treat others as you want to be treated, do your class/homework, and just in general be pleasant to people. You're there to learn, not to kill each other.

Also, don't be afraid to ask your teachers for help if you fall behind or what you've learned so far is not up to speed. Like I said, they're there to help you.

I have absolutely no idea.Curriculum difference I guess.

Or you must be super intelligent. LOL.

But aren't you like 7 years old in the 4th grade?
Nope. i'm nine. xP

i've gotta go to school. Hope this isn't SPAM.

Cecib ;)

[SIZE=13pt]Duuudee. :eek: That's trippy.[/SIZE]

I stopped home schooling in grade 7 too. O_O"

:D ...♥

Now...I don't really remember everything that happened. But I can tell you...

That you'll catch on pretty quickly. Trust me...In elementary school, you don't learn all THAT much. ;o...

It's the type of thing you'll have to experance your self. :p

Every school teaches grade 7 in a different way.

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i'm learning long division. (4th grade) Fire.Fly, why do i see a three-year difference? 0.o
wow. o.o I learned long division in...2nd grade, when I first transferred out.


Thanks for the advice, guys. 8:D

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