Goopy’s Funny Tama Log & Collection Updates! [Comments welcome!]


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Ohh! That will be so cool to see how the QR feature works! I honestly don't know much about the pix, so I'm enjoying reading any logs that include them!!
:hitodetchi: 5/26/23 :hitodetchi:

Well, I have good news, and I have bad news.
In good news, both Buddy and Roswell have done just fine, and are definitely enjoying their new forms! They're both happy and healthy, tho sometimes I have to discipline Buddy for calling me for no reason. xD Roswell still gets no discipline for now, I have to keep ignoring her until she's grown into an adult...
Soon enough, haha. For now she has a few days of being a teen. ^^
In terms of Mari, well.... He did just fine this morning, and called me often. I did my best to accommodate for his needs, but I suppose it wasn't enough. :(
Sadly, he passed away not too long ago, while I was watching a video... I heard him beeping and just knew it was his time to go.IMG_2634.jpgI was hoping for him to at least make it to a teen, but alas, I wasn't so lucky... Now I debate if I run my Ocean again, or pack it up for now and focus on Buddy and Roswell. It was a fun run, while it lasted, but I'm kind of heartbroken it had to end so soon. ;;o;;
I suppose let me know if I should try again, I'm definitely open to it, but I can also just stop here and focus on other tamas more...

Well, at the very least, Buddy and Roswell are fine and healthy. I'll keep everyone posted on how they're doing. :3

More tama mail! This time, it's the balloon Pix Party I ordered, along with the cases I wanted for all my tama pix. Now all my Pix have covers for them, keeping them just a bit safer. =w=/ Plus, they're just cute, and fun to have!
I'm definitely looking forward to running them all, when I can! I've wanted to spend a bit more time with the Pix, tbh, so this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Super excited for the Father's Day hatch now!
I'm really loving this log so far! May I ask how much your ocean was? I've been wanting to get one for a while, so long as it isn't devilgotchi price. I hope you get Bill soon!
I'm really loving this log so far! May I ask how much your ocean was? I've been wanting to get one for a while, so long as it isn't devilgotchi price. I hope you get Bill soon!
Tysm, I'm glad ur enjoying it!! :D I believe my japanese Ocean was $40-50, and I can't remember how much the english one was... Maybe $100??? I doubt I can look back and find the purchase history anymore but that's what my brain says....
AND TY again!! Crossing my fingers for sure but I think I got some care misses earlier today so it might not happen. 🤞
:hitodetchi: 5/28/23 :hitodetchi:

Sorry for no update yesterday, but not much had changed at the time!
Fortunately, I have news for today. :)
While I was still in bed, I heard Roswell beeping, and lo and behold, she had evolved! Say hello to my new....


Zuccitchi!! Seems like my work has paid off. B))
Now I have to try and take the best care I can of her in hopes of getting Zatchi... Crossing my fingers, since I think I messed up on getting Bill.
OH WELL... I'll still hope for Buddy to evolve into Bill, and I'll be doing my best to get Roswell to evolve into Zatchi. Even if neither evolve further, I'll do my best to take care of them both! Hopefully they both live for a good while. :kurbotchi:


Here's the two of them, just hanging out! They're probably chatting about adult things, like taxes and what their favorite foods are.

As a side note, I may have caved and bought some more tamas off of ebay yesterday evening...... One was just too good of a deal to pass up, and the others are ones I definitely want in my collection!! I can't wait until I get them all. :angry:
Until then, cheers!
Ahh! I simply love the look of the two together! So colorful and cute! Noooo Mari!!!! I would love to see what you get with your ocean next time! Since we have the same shell color, maybe it'd be fun for us to do a hatch together sometime? See if either of us can get them to adulthood? Lol! Also, I am very eager to read about your pix :lol: Such a cute color!! The cases are really cute that you picked out!
Ahh! I simply love the look of the two together! So colorful and cute! Noooo Mari!!!! I would love to see what you get with your ocean next time! Since we have the same shell color, maybe it'd be fun for us to do a hatch together sometime? See if either of us can get them to adulthood? Lol! Also, I am very eager to read about your pix :lol: Such a cute color!! The cases are really cute that you picked out!
Hehe, tysm!! Buddy and Roswell are very cute together, since their shells match. ^^ Can't wait to run the Pix too, I'm just waiting for the Father's Day hatch to do so... Unless I decide to just start them now and start them over when it's time for that hatch. 🤔 Maybe I run the original Pix rn, and the Pix Party for the planned hatch? I'll see how I feel tomorrow!
And YEAH I'm super sad about Mari but I know the Ocean is difficult on purpose, so I can't be too broken up. A hatch between us with our Oceans would be super fun, I'd totally be interested in doing one! Maybe we could log together? :3
Hehe, tysm!! Buddy and Roswell are very cute together, since their shells match. ^^ Can't wait to run the Pix too, I'm just waiting for the Father's Day hatch to do so... Unless I decide to just start them now and start them over when it's time for that hatch. 🤔 Maybe I run the original Pix rn, and the Pix Party for the planned hatch? I'll see how I feel tomorrow!
And YEAH I'm super sad about Mari but I know the Ocean is difficult on purpose, so I can't be too broken up. A hatch between us with our Oceans would be super fun, I'd totally be interested in doing one! Maybe we could log together? :3
Yes, yes and yes! Let's an Ocean hatch for sure! I'll have to dig my ocean out of my closet, lol! But perhaps sometime after the Father's Day Hatch? Eee! Either way I cannot wait to see your Tama Pix! They are so pretty. I may or may not have been stalking them on eBay and Amazon... :newmametchi: I have to think of what I am going to run for the Father's Day hatch.. hmm.. Keep up the great work! I love reading your log!
Yes, yes and yes! Let's an Ocean hatch for sure! I'll have to dig my ocean out of my closet, lol! But perhaps sometime after the Father's Day Hatch? Eee! Either way I cannot wait to see your Tama Pix! They are so pretty. I may or may not have been stalking them on eBay and Amazon... :newmametchi: I have to think of what I am going to run for the Father's Day hatch.. hmm.. Keep up the great work! I love reading your log!
Hehe, I may or may not have started my Pix today. :3c But yes, let's totally do an Ocean hatch! I'll make a separate thread for it in group hatches so we can plan. And yesss, maybe get a Pix when u can... The lack of actual buttons is a little odd, but it's a fun tama nonetheless!
ANd tysm!!! I have to update in a little bit here. xD
:hitodetchi: 5/29/23 :hitodetchi:

Today's a big one, so let's get started!

In good news, both Buddy and Roswell have survived the night, tho I slept in with them both muted, so I definitely got some care misses I think...
There goes my chance at Bill I think, but I still maybe have a chance for Zatchi?? I suppose we'll just have to see, haha...
Honestly nothing too exciting with them, but I'm happy to have them either way. :3

Onto the new guys...


I decided to start up my green and purple Tamagotchi Pix!
Of course I got a green egg on the green shell, and a pink egg on the purple shell, so lol, it matches. xD
I forgot how interesting the touch spots were, as opposed to actual buttons, and admittedly it's taking some getting used to. (Or maybe I just need to stop trying to play both tamas at the same time LOL)
Anyway... The two eggs soon hatched, into a little boy and a little girl! How perfect!
There isn't traditional marriage in this game sadly, so I can't marry the two as far as I know, but I can pretend, haha.


They were needy, as all baby tamas are, but it was easy enough to take care of the two. :angry:
I decided to name them Tsu and Poppy!
They ate, they pooped, they napped, and soon enough....


They evolved into Puchitomatchi and Tantotchi respectively! Super cute little guys, I can't believe how adorable they are tbh. :'D
My sweet little tomato and... Spoon? LOL.
I apparently fed them enough cookies to make them super happy, which isn't a bad thing at all. >w>
Now I have to start taking different levels of care with these two, because...
Since I got a pink egg with my purple unit, I'm going to be going for Momotchi with Poppy, and with my green egg, I think I'm going to try for Weeptchi with Tsu! I just think they're cute, and that they'd be cute together. So here's hoping I can get them both!

And just for fun, I decided to connect the two together, so they could go on a couple little playdates!


The two eagerly chased each other around their rooms, and after a little exercise and plenty of smiles, I decided to let them have a turn at cooking their own food! They're both old enough to be in the kitchen, right? xD
They ended up making some super cute cupcakes, and some neat little macarons, which they ate with big grins! They actually enjoyed their snacks so much, they floated up and sparkled together?? How cute omg. ;;v;;


I can't wait to keep raising Tsu and Poppy, and see just how they grow up! I already love them a ton, so it'll be fun to keep y'all updated on how they're doing. <33
Until next update, take care!​
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So cool to see how your progress is going! I hope you might still have a chance at getting Bill, but Zatchi would be awesome too! I don't think I've ever gotten Zatchi before! I'll have to try and get a Japanese ocean at some point.
So cool to see how your progress is going! I hope you might still have a chance at getting Bill, but Zatchi would be awesome too! I don't think I've ever gotten Zatchi before! I'll have to try and get a Japanese ocean at some point.
Tysm! I'm hoping for Bill too, but we'll just have to see! Definitely more hoping for Zatchi more at this point, I don't think I've gotten them before either so it'd be cool to see!!
And I'd definitely recommend! the Ocean is so unique and fun. :3
Oh.. omg!!!! I had no idea the pix characters were so cute!!? I simply love this! ;U; Oh my! The names you chose are so cute too! I am glad you're having fun with this run so far! It's really been fun to read. I'm looking forward to hearing more~ :ichigotchi:
It's be pretty cool to get Zatchi! Definitely something to cross off your bucket list! Can't wait to get an Ocean :biggrin:
Ty! And good luck getting an Ocean. :3

Oh.. omg!!!! I had no idea the pix characters were so cute!!? I simply love this! ;U; Oh my! The names you chose are so cute too! I am glad you're having fun with this run so far! It's really been fun to read. I'm looking forward to hearing more~ :ichigotchi:
Yeah omg, I forgot they were so cute tbh so I'm really glad! And tysm, I felt the names were fitting. :wub: They should be growing up again today so let's see what they turn into... I'll post an update when I get there of course. :3
:hitodetchi: 5/30/23 :hitodetchi:

Hello hello! So again, I have good news, and I have bad news...
Let's start with the good news.

Tsu and Poppy are doing great! They slept well, and woke up with plenty of energy!
In fact, I caught them both singing together while I was checking up on them at one point. How adorable!
I really adore these guys....


After a little while, I sent them both to the arcade to play some games and earn some gotchi. Let's just say that Tsu earned a little bit more than Poppy. xD
(It's hard to play the games with two units at the same time! Next time I'll just play one at a time LOL)
Either way, they seemed to be enjoying themselves, and having a great time playing ping pong with me! Today was apparently a sports day, so it was either that or football, and I much prefer ping pong myself. (Tho the football game isn't bad, just not quite as fun to me!)
We went back home after some time, and then rested for the remainder of the morning and early afternoon.
Then, suddenly...


They both evolved! Tsu became an amazing Terukerotchi, and Poppy became a lovely Haretchi!
Both are absolute cuties, tho pls ignore the poop on Poppy's floor, lol! I didn't have the time to clean it up beforehand. xD
Now, it's time to get care misses with Poppy, as much as I hate to do it... But man, I want Momotchi!! So it's just the sacrifice I have to make...
Tsu luckily doesn't need any care misses, so he gets to be spoiled like he deserves.
I can't remember at what age these tamas evolve at, but I suppose I'll find out soon enough!

Now, onto the not as good news....
Buddy and Roswell slept and woke up just fine, and nothing seemed to be wrong. I checked on them early on, and made sure to feed them both and play a game or two to keep them happy. These seemed to be enough for Roswell, but for Buddy... He wasn't as excited, it seems.
By the time I got home from work, I checked on all my tamas, and I found that Buddy had passed away. :(


RIP little guy, u and ur goofy walk shall be missed. :cry:
Roswell lives on in ur stead, I shall do better with her...​
Rainbow candy swirl tamagotchi shell looks so adorable and beautiful! Condolences for buddy, though.

I am not into new-gen color screen tamas with their new gameplay options, but yours look so good. Maybe in the future I may learn more about them, though they are impossible to find where I live I fear.
Oh man, R.I.P Buddy.. What a good run though! Long live Roswell!! :hanatchi: I love the evolutions of the Pix so far, super cute! Seeing the green out of the packaging makes me really want to get it! I may do just that! I'm enjoying these postings! Thanks so much for sharing ^^ Your pictures are awesome, by the way!