Got a Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden Vers and it’s quiet?


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Mar 11, 2021
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I just got a Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden a few days ago and the beeping seems to be quite quiet... sometimes I don’t hear it alert me and I definitely don’t hear it if there’s any other noise in the environment I’m in... it’s quiet during menu navigation as well. Does anyone else have this issue? 

I have an On Magic version, and its noticeably far more quiet than my black and white Tamas. Yep, menu navigation is quite quiet too if I'm not in a room in silence. Same here, I won't hear it beep if I'm in a room with noise (like with a TV on, or someone talking quite loudly), but if I'm taking a nap with the Tama next to me, the small poop beep does wake me up then.

I have an On Magic version, and its noticeably far more quiet than my black and white Tamas. Yep, menu navigation is quite quiet too if I'm not in a room in silence. Same here, I won't hear it beep if I'm in a room with noise (like with a TV on, or someone talking quite loudly), but if I'm taking a nap with the Tama next to me, the small poop beep does wake me up then.
Yeah that’s the experience I have with mine, I check it quite often even if it’s not notifying me anyways so I’m not too worried about it. But I saw some posts on other sites about the sound being low and people getting them exchanged only to still have them be quiet. But I also saw some responses saying they didn’t have a low sound issue so I wanted to just see if people were also experiencing the same thing currently. As soon as I put it in my pocket or bag or anything I can kiss any chances of me hearing it goodbye lmao! I’ve just been carrying it around in my hand instead. I’m enjoying the experience anyways as it’s my first color tamagotchi and I’ve always wanted one but not having it in English was always so daunting to me.

Yeah that’s the experience I have with mine, I check it quite often even if it’s not notifying me anyways so I’m not too worried about it. But I saw some posts on other sites about the sound being low and people getting them exchanged only to still have them be quiet. But I also saw some responses saying they didn’t have a low sound issue so I wanted to just see if people were also experiencing the same thing currently. As soon as I put it in my pocket or bag or anything I can kiss any chances of me hearing it goodbye lmao! I’ve just been carrying it around in my hand instead. I’m enjoying the experience anyways as it’s my first color tamagotchi and I’ve always wanted one but not having it in English was always so daunting to me.
The low sound shouldn't really be an issue for the ON, no point in going through all the hassle of getting it replaced, to maybe still end up with the same problem and also having to restart your progress. The ON is quite a forgiving and low maintenance Tama, and rarely makes any beeps except when: it's attention icon lights up from an empty meter (which takes hours for one to fully empty except in the needy baby stage), it poops, gets sick during the baby stage or from neglect, and when it dreams. To my knowledge, it doesn't randomly get sick (I raised the same Tama for 23 days, and it only got the usual sickness during the baby stage in the whole 23 days, unlike black and white models), it doesn't call for discipline (so that's another reason for not needing to be on the constant lookout for it's beeping), it has a very long happiness bar which takes a VERY long time to completely empty once you fill it up initially, and 6 hunger balls instead of the common 4 hunger hearts, so as long as you give it a look like once every 3 hours it should be fine don't worry :)  I take mine to work with me, and on a busy day only get to check on it maximum 3 times in a whole work day, and never even once did a bar completely empty since I've been running it  :)  It really does feel more like a companion, rather than a needy pet you're constantly taking care of (like some of the black and white models I run).

Yeah same here, no chance of hearing mine if it's in my bag also, but no need to go to the extreme of keeping it in your hand either, as I stated in the paragraph above, it's quite a low maintenance Tama and it'll be fine for a couple of hours on it's own :)  Ahh yeah, DEFINITELY agreed about still enjoying the experience! I *ABSOLUTELY LOVE* the ON and that it's the first colour Tama in English! The addition of colour and a higher resolution screen adds so much more definition and vibrancy to the characters and the Tama World in my opinion. 

Hope this eased your mind a bit and you enjoy your new Tama :lol: :D  (sorry for the length and the rant btw)

The low sound shouldn't really be an issue for the ON, no point in going through all the hassle of getting it replaced, to maybe still end up with the same problem and also having to restart your progress. The ON is quite a forgiving and low maintenance Tama, and rarely makes any beeps except when: it's attention icon lights up from an empty meter (which takes hours for one to fully empty except in the needy baby stage), it poops, gets sick during the baby stage or from neglect, and when it dreams. To my knowledge, it doesn't randomly get sick (I raised the same Tama for 23 days, and it only got the usual sickness during the baby stage in the whole 23 days, unlike black and white models), it doesn't call for discipline (so that's another reason for not needing to be on the constant lookout for it's beeping), it has a very long happiness bar which takes a VERY long time to completely empty once you fill it up initially, and 6 hunger balls instead of the common 4 hunger hearts, so as long as you give it a look like once every 3 hours it should be fine don't worry :)  I take mine to work with me, and on a busy day only get to check on it maximum 3 times in a whole work day, and never even once did a bar completely empty since I've been running it  :)  It really does feel more like a companion, rather than a needy pet you're constantly taking care of (like some of the black and white models I run).

Yeah same here, no chance of hearing mine if it's in my bag also, but no need to go to the extreme of keeping it in your hand either, as I stated in the paragraph above, it's quite a low maintenance Tama and it'll be fine for a couple of hours on it's own :)  Ahh yeah, DEFINITELY agreed about still enjoying the experience! I *ABSOLUTELY LOVE* the ON and that it's the first colour Tama in English! The addition of colour and a higher resolution screen adds so much more definition and vibrancy to the characters and the Tama World in my opinion. 

Hope this eased your mind a bit and you enjoy your new Tama :lol: :D  (sorry for the length and the rant btw)
No need to apologize for the length! It's given me such peace of mind! I'm raising my first tama on it so I have no idea how needy they are which is why I would get so paranoid about something happening to it and carrying it around. I really wish it was just louder though even if it's not so needy.. as it does have kind of a high price tag... But thanks sooooo much for all the information I definitely feel less panicked about my tama and can go back to fully enjoying it. ❤️

No need to apologize for the length! It's given me such peace of mind! I'm raising my first tama on it so I have no idea how needy they are which is why I would get so paranoid about something happening to it and carrying it around. I really wish it was just louder though even if it's not so needy.. as it does have kind of a high price tag... But thanks sooooo much for all the information I definitely feel less panicked about my tama and can go back to fully enjoying it. ❤️
Haha yeah, the paranoia is easily understandable and relatable, I was like that too till I got a few generations in till I could actually gauge how needy they are (or aren't in the ON's case) :p . Agreed about wishing the sound was louder too, it's very noticeable till I get used to it again when powering up the ON again directly after doing a generation on my V4 (which is very loud, it's easily my loudest Tama), but it's not a game-breaking factor like say if having low sound when running an Ocean or Osu/Mesu instead, where discipline is critical so you really need to rely on sound to not miss any beeps. Awesome! REALLY glad to hear I helped and put your mind at ease so you could fully enjoy your Tama again!  :D  It's such a wonderful and immersive experience that truly deserves to be enjoyed to the fullest! Have fun!  :D :lol:

It Could be the battery or your volume. Try checking your volume or change the battery. some times the battery can be dead before the notification.

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Note:Not my image.

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