got in a fight at school


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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2006
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i dun know why im telling this story i guess i jsut need some comments on it..

this realy isnt a long story since im gonna leave out alot of details that wouldnt realy make sense unless you knew me... anyways it all happened at lunch today it was all fine until about half way though it i was takling well more like getting mad at this kid named jacob that hangs out with me and my friends i realy dont like him but i dont realy have a choice not to hang out with him since hes always with my friends... anyways ya i was getting mad at him i realy dont remember why its all kidna a blur... but i remember getting up and saying something to him then just pummeling him with fists... the fight was over fairly quickly i wasnt sure what had happend but i looked behind me and saw the vice principle and he told me and jacob to come on we walked the long walk down to the office and i sat there for like 2 hours ding nothing but waiting for him.. anyways after that the vice principle told me that all he saw was that i was totaly on him punching him hard in the head around 3-4 times... ( he hit me once which i didnt feel hardly..i dont feel much pain anymore buts thats a different story) and now i have an in school suspension on monday... o well i dont regret anything i did

ya so feel free to comment i guess...

I got into a fight, earlier this school year, with a girl named La-lee. She made me mad so I punched her. then she made me even madder, to i pushed her into the locker. It just got worse the more madder she made me.

I was suspended.

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ya, fights are never good but the school i go to nothing esle works but pain and violence ive tried talking to these people and it gets worse so i blew a cork... theres so many threats at my school its not even funny theres this one kid who was armed with a nice and was attempting to stab me on 2 diffrent occasions.. and then a few weeks ago he threatend to bring a gun to school and shoot me.. my life is crazy lol...

me and mt friends got in a fight with an 8th grader because he wouldn't let us sit on the stage because we where 6th graders

Whoa, your school sounds like a nuthouse! I've never gotten into any fights at school. I'm a good little girl! ♪

You didn't have any authorities to be putting your hands on him, or anybody, for that matter. So now you have to face the consequences of your actions.

I never get into any fights at school. I don't really have anything to fight about.

And how come you don't regret it?? Suspensions go in your files and that can later effect you when you are trying to get a job.


A girl in the year below was calling me names so I slapped her one.I had a bad day already so I flipped.

My head teacher didn't even tell me off or anything...

GotchiGirl, you sound just like my vice principal i knew the consequences i was well aware of the no tolerece for fighitng rule at my school but frankly i dont care in the slightest im gonna do what ive gotta do no matter the consequences and this is what i had to do

mametchi, i realy cant my friends are as goody good as they realy get half of em are the type that have read everysingle book imaginable have 4.0 grade point average etc. so finding new friends would make things work if anything.

Puma, i dont regret it because it was something i had to do and i am aware that it will go on my permenant record too but i realy dont think it will affect my future much my record is COMPLETELY clean in fact it has alot of good stuff on it such as academic team, honor roll, student of the month, etc this is my only suspension so far in my 1 and a half years in jr high i havnet even gotten a detention

as you all can tell im complex i have my reasons for why i started this fight and everything else that i do. i dont regret doing anything in my life that ive done no matter how bad. i believe everything happens for a reason, including this fight. i could tell you guys more on that subject of everything happening for a reason but i dont think any of you care so i wont.... id write more but im outta time on the computer hope to see more replys to this topic- billowillo

ya, fights are never good but the school i go to nothing esle works but pain and violence ive tried talking to these people and it gets worse so i blew a cork... theres so many threats at my school its not even funny theres this one kid who was armed with a nice and was attempting to stab me on 2 diffrent occasions.. and then a few weeks ago he threatend to bring a gun to school and shoot me.. my life is crazy lol...
*shakes head sorowly* dude, that was NOT cool, in your school nothing works but vilence? no way! theres ALWAYS anouther way, that was YOUR stupid choice not theres, you will probubly just shake your head and not care about a word i say but LISTEN dude!!!!!! (sorry i say dude alot,its kinda my thing) give me ONE reson y u punched that kid and i can prove you wrong , just ONE reson, or give me one reson y you couldnt just ignore him! im sorry but there aint an exeption for that.



:p :D :p

p.s take my advice, from an older, wiser gurl ( yall are mostly preteens right? im A LOT older)


i feel bad for u.... ;) ur school sound like a living h***

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p.s if your gonna say that the reson you "had" to punch him was cuz he was threatining'n'stuff he wouldnt do it ;) and p.s.s a kid like THAT should be in juvie at this very momet :p

Whoa, your school sounds like a nuthouse! I've never gotten into any fights at school. I'm a good little girl! ♪
Same here I have never gotten into a fight!

(Never will!)

I had a brawl at the last day of primary school, I made up an excuse to get out of school because I couldnt handle the pressure of people telling me to keep it a secret. I don't regret it at all, but I do want to say sorry and become friends again.



lets see how many times have i almost got expleded this year

well almost killing herb

Attacking bria

Then punching brendon for i think he stole something of mine i forget

then there was something else but iforgot

I've been in a hissy fight but never in a phisical one... ;)

Edit: There's a girl in my class who know one likes...she is wierd and she always follows my friends and I around so we told her gently to please stop because we found it a little annoying...I know that sounds harsh but we weren't shouting and stuff. She just said "ok..."

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Well what is it about him that makes you so mad? Are you a bit upset because you think he's hogging your friends?

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