Got married but parents won't leave!


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Aug 2, 2007
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I just got married with my V4.5 and the mom won't leave and i still am at 1 Generation even though i have a baby! :huh:

don't worry! the parents usually leave a day or 2 after they have had the baby.

Are you pausing it at night? If the tama is paused at midnight the parent won't go away. I have one that has stayed for a month because I have kept it paused overnight.

Yes, pausing it makes the parent stay a bit longer than normal. Normally, when not paused, the parent will leave on the next night, after being with the baby for one full night. It has to be two full nights for the parent to leave.


I just got married with my V4.5 and the mom won't leave and i still am at 1 Generation even though i have a baby! :D
It DOES have to be 48 hours before it leaves. If you can't take care of it during the day, just play with it later, and when it sleeps, don't pause it- it's a great source of aging, without needing care! (warning-babies take naps, but wake up later, so don't leave them unitended!)

Anyhow, just be paitent-it leaves during the night.

mametchi :D

p.s. When the baby gets sick, it'll have the parent leave within 24 hours! And having it paused will reduce the time, because you need 48 hours minimally.

:angry: do u hav any cheats for this? (2 make the parents go away)
There is no cheat, except changing the time to 11:59PM on the second night, but you still have to have had the baby and parent together for the 48 hours and without pausing because pausing is like stunting your tamagotchi's growth. There is no "cheat" to make the parent go away earlier. You will just have to wait for the second night for the parent to leave.



they shood really make a cheat bc its sorta stupid that they hav 2 stay w/ them bc it doesnt let u do as much

:D and does it effect the tama if u change the time and date wen the baby is there? wood this make the parents stay for a longer period of time?
It's okay. The parent will go away if you don't pause it at night when it's sleeping. Then it will go away on the second night.

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