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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Okay, gothic. What is it truley?

Now, when people here 'goth', they think of people that wear all black, that listen to 'dark music'.

But, where is goth acutally derived from? People only think of the stereotype today.

I bet a lot of people don't know that the Gothics were actually a germanic tribe that destroyed the Holy Roman Empire. Now, there are many elements in art. The Gothic art. Churches, paintings, literature of the Gothic element. Author's such as Eger Allen Poe, and Lois Duncan. NO, THEY WEREN'T WHAT PEOPLE THINK GOTHS ARE TODAY. They didn't wear all black, and black nail polish and make up. They are author's of the Gothic genre of Literature. The Gothic arts are based off of the germanic tribe.

The thing I'm confused about though.. how did the modern Gothic term come to be? Does anyone know? I'm being serious, I'm curious about it. How did they get wearing all black, from a germanic tribe?

I want to hear how people think that the modern goth term was built off of the germanic tribe =D

*no flaming, no spam. please, no arguments. i'm just doing this to hear how people think how gothic culture of today came to be*

so please be respectful! no insulting, no rude comments. nothing, just opinions that shouldn't be rude.

I think it's fine. I feel like it's great, because they are expressing themselves and they don't care what other people say about their appearance.

It probably came this way overtime, people started dressing that way and people started to label them as Goths. Maybe that was the way, I don't know for sure, but that's my prediction.

I'm not really sure. But thanks for the info, Jinx.

Maybe It's Tina! is right. Maybe the people in the germanic tribe started dressing that way or something. But I don't really think that. I guess it's just one of those words that people start taking the wrong way.

i <3 their clothes!!! my cousins a goth and she wears some really fabulous clothes. I wear black sometimes, though i'm not a goth, but if I had to be one, I honestley wouldn't mind! :ichigotchi: :huh: :(

It was a silly label created by kids and they just wanted a cool name for it so they used 'Goth'.

It seems the two have nothing to do with each other to me. :D

I think people took the Dark Arts into meaning dark clothing, which eventually lead to people making it into morbid ideations and death.

I think Edgar Allen Poe also influenced the label with his stories. People took it to be somewhat literal and made a lifestyle revolving around it.

It's odd how our past and art can influence people to do stupid things like make labels that don't make sense.

i knew that ppl often get confused about goth and emo

for medival day i was an ostrogoth

Let me tell you this.

Most of you are wrong.

And here I leave you mystified.

What irks me though is when people are like 'OMG. I AM/YOU ARE GOTH. YOU ARE/I AM WEARING BLACK. OMG. OMG. OMG.'

THAT, is irritating.

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