GPA / Class Rank


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
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Sooo. Today (technically yesterday) the sophomores got their class ranks and cumulative GPA. (the fish will get them tomorrow, technically today)

For those of you who don't know, GPA is a grade point average. It's a small, tiny number. You get a different GPA for each class, and they're averaged together each semester for the semester GPA. Some schools have different systems, instead of semesters, but I'm pretty sure the majority of school is the US at least use GPA.

Our school does weighted GPA, meaning that an AP class would have higher GPA possibilities than a regulars class.

So, in a regs class, a 100 gets you a 4.0, while the same grade in an honors class earns you a 4.5. But in an AP class, a 100 will get you a 5.0.

And class rank is what number you are out of your graduating class, based on GPA. 1 being the best.


My GPA, right off the sheet, for last year and first semester of this year is 3.9260869. And my class rank is 186 out of 917.

Decent, but not top 10% decent.

But now, I'm going to get to my real point: all the drama that results from this GPA.

Now, the district my school is in is a good district. Like, one of the best in the country for a public school.

And my high school? Dear god, it's insane.

You can not make it through a day without hearing the word "GPA" at least once. And once is minimal.

But yeah. At my school, there's this constant, never ending panic about GPA and class rank. Now, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but we're experts. Professionals. We could make millions if this was a job. And I'm not exaggerating. The kids who are like in the double digits complain when their grade falls below a ninety seven.

No joke.

But it's really, really, really bothering me, y'know? Just this constant obsession with it. I have a 186, which is pretty darn good.

But at the same time, when I told my mom, I burst into tears, because I didn't want her to get mad at me. I made her swear not to before I told her.

But I hate the fact that even though I don't want to care, I have to. And I hate the fact that kids who really try get depressed when they're not good enough.

What really makes me mad, though, is just how unfair this system is in my eyes. Kids who take all regulars classes beat kids in all honors and AP classes.

Like, our regulars classes -- they're EASY. Especially core subjects. World Geography last year --- I was honestly bored to death in that class because all I had to do in the class was to pay attention whenever the teacher said something would be on the test.

Our honors classes honestly are a step up. They're more challenging than one expects an honors class to be honestly. Either AP World History is easy or Honors English is hard, but the two of those classes are at a pretty similar level.

Therefore, I find that the .5 GPA boost isn't worth the honors class, if that's the only factor you're considering.

But the AP class is worth it.


But I kinda wanted to know what your school does. it a similar system to my school? Is there the same grade panic? Sleep losing, life sucking grade panic? What do you think of this obsession with grades?

Oh. And I majorly apologize for this big block of text.

We do that where I live, in high school. I am not in high school yet, it starts in grade 9, so at my school we just get averages. Last 'semester' my average was 88.

In high school, it's similar to what the US has, except the names are different. There is applied (so like 'below average level), Scholar (average/slightly above average) and 'Honors' - except where I live, every high school has its own name for that. Every school is different, there is one school that is all about science and computers, and they have the S.T.E.P. (Science & Technology Education Program), one school is for 'The Arts' and they have some special honors program, and there are tons more..

The school that I (think) I am applying for is for all around academics, and their 'Honors' course is called IB. (International Baccalaureate program)

The thing I hate about my school's system is that you need at least an 85 average to apply for the Honors courses in high school, (even then they still might not accept you) so if you get like a 70 in music or art, (*cough* like me) and it brings down your average, even if you want to do Honors in English, Geography, History, Math, or anything unrelated to those subjects, you can't if your music/art mark brings down your whole average. And that sucks for me.

So yeah, that is pretty muchh our system here. ;]

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I had the same problem last year! And I posted a topic about it too! XD

In January 2009 (whoa over a year ago!) my GPA was a 4.25 and I was 49 out of 616 which is the top 6%. And it wasn't good enough for me. I was freaking out and so obsessed about it.

I think I'm probably about the same rank... my grades have been really consistent. Spring of ninth grade I had straight A's and this past fall I had all A's and one B, same as the fall of my freshman year.

I honestly doubt I'm going to get straight A's this coming semester, I see a B or two on the horizon. But you know what? I'm okay with that. Because I have my friends and my music and track and other things in my life that make me so happy, and there's really nothing wrong A's and B's, especially in honors classes! In the whole scheme of life, perfect grades and a spotless record aren't going to get you anywhere or affect where you are twenty years from now. Just enjoy your high school life so you can look back on what you did and smile, knowing you've enjoyed that time.

And the system really isn't fair. I'm taking photography right now, and even though I have an A, it's lowering my GPA. I would be better off taking a study hall because you don't get a grade in that class. Cause I'm getting pretty much all A's in honors, and honors are weighted as a 4.5, while photography (as all electives) are "average" courses, weighted as a 4.0. Lowers my GPA. My audition-only choir I'm in is lowering my GPA too, even though I have an A in that too. But whatever. I love my electives.

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My school is similar. However, we don't rank classes and both honors and AP classes only add .3 to your GPA. (Plus, you can only take three (or four, if you're really smart) honors classes, so it's almost impossible to get above a 4.2.)

Math is what makes me the angriest. Every single person in normal math that I know gets at least 90s on all of their tests, even the kids who really aren't very good at school. Everyone considers math the easiest class ever.... except for the kids in honors. We usually get in the 70s on every test. Even the very smartest kids get an A- or B+ for their final grade at best. It's ridiculous.

If I was taking normal math and French, I would have a 4.2. But I'm not, so I have a 3.9.

My English class also annoys me. My teacher is really tough (even on his non-honors classes). The other English teacher is really easy, even with his honors class. We write analytical essays all the time (where if we make any type of grammatical mistake or don't do a parenthetical explanation correctly, we get 50 points off our essay, which is usually worth 100 points), while they write creative papers that they all get A's on. It makes me especially angry for the kids who have my teacher and aren't in honors, because they are taking a class that is harder than the other honors class!

However, grades don't usually upset me that much. I just take what I get and work as hard as I can. That's all that matters to me.

I have a 4.0 GPA, ranking number 2 out of 179. I'm seriously upset about this.


Should be number 1. :(

Around here, we have class ranks that are "locally developed", applied, and academic.

In the senior classes we have some sort of lower class, college course, and university. I think there is mixed as well, which is a combination of college and university.

We just get grade percentages on our report card for each class, and then on the report cards, we get an average. You don't get any special marks for being in the "smarter" classes, what you get is what you get. The benefit of being in the academic classes is more of just the challenge, and the fact that you can get into more courses throughout highschool, it opens more doors.

There is not too much fuss over who has the best average, but on the day we get our midterms, everyone asks "WHAT DID YOU GET?!" then you either brag about it, be modest, or go cry.

I usually maintain at least an 85% or higher (last year was 91% omgomgomgomg) but it sucks when the kids who don't study and are just naturally smart boast about their 95% average. Blah.

It stresses me out a bit. It's like a big competition. And at grad, those are the ones getting all the scholarships.

Well I'm in Middle school, (6th grade xP) and I got a 4.0 for my first trimester. I don't really like it though, because if I don't get another one this trimester some people might be like 'Blah blah you aint smart!' Yeah.

My high school has two scales that they use. One is a 14 point scale, and the other is on a four point. If I remember correctly, I'm in the top 15 of the junior class, and I have a 3.4 (or something close to that) GPA.

^^^Heh, you said trimester. XD I think you mean semester.

My high school has two scales that they use. One is a 14 point scale, and the other is on a four point. If I remember correctly, I'm in the top 15 of the junior class, and I have a 3.4 (or something close to that) GPA.

^^^Heh, you said trimester. XD I think you mean semester.
No, I mean trimester. Our years are divided in three. So they call it trimester. Also because each trimester is three months long. Like a pregnancy :lol:

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