Grade 3 plot


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I wouldn't blame it on the kids,

They'd have had to be pretty damaged to think of hurting someone

Wow thats horrible!

Although it is weird that the article was made April 1st.

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I dont know why, but this story makes me... laugh.

Yeah, its quite funny how stupid 3rd graders (At that school) are. Killing your teacher.

Maybe they need anger management, and a nice long stay in Juvie xD

Homicidal thoughts much?

.. Just thought about it again....


That teacher must feel weird, and maybe now the kids' parents are wondering what she did so bad lol.

Its amazing that children actually plot these things. I think they were pretty sharp, except that one with the knife who tipped it off to somone else and got them all caught.

But it also shows haw bad our economy's discipline has become. Its horribly wrong.

the article dosent mention if they had problems at home.

so i really dont know.

it's just sort of mindblowing finding out what a bunch of eight year olds are capable of.

I'm sorry, but I find the whole situation pretty amusing. 3rd graders trying to attack their teacher because one of them got scolded for standing on a chair? C'mon.

But it really does say what is going on with the world today. The war and everything is just taking over. x__X

It's really shocking, and all because the teacher gave someone a time-out.

Now they're going to be spending 5 years in time-out. |:

I heard about that, but for disabled kids, that were pretty smart to come up with a plan like that. I'm not encouraging thing or saying that it's the right thing to do because it isn't, but it's amazing what kids are capable of these days.
The thing is, though, the disablities those kids had weren't related to their intelligence. One of them was attention deficit (sp?) disorder, which is VERY common. I have it. It's not related to intelligence, it means you have trouble paying attention or listening to things. It can be either mild or very extreme, but I have it pretty mild. So it's not really like a bunch of idiots tried to plan it out, most people with ADD are perfectly normal. That said, though, what they tried to do was just....evil. There is obviously something else wrong with the kids, because I cannot imagine any average 3rd grader plotting to kill their teacher. And for standing on a chair? o_O What's so bad about telling someone not to stand on a chair? That's seriously ridiculous. I also think it's too quick to blame the parents. If these kids really do have serious problems, it's not the parent's fault unless they abused the child or exposed them to violence, and we have no proof that they did. I know many strange, violent kids with kind parents, so until we have proof that the parents were the cause, it's nobody's fault but the kids themselves.

my grandparents live near that town!!!!!!!!!!I heard about that in school!!!!

I loved my third grade teacher....she was awsome!

so if you hate kids does that mean you just sit 24/7 on tamatalk without a wife and kids because you sound like a grown adult! :angry: ;) :p
And you sound like a four year old. Immature much? ChibiMuffins is a very nice person.

And Cinderpelt, I agree completely xD

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