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May 22, 2023
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United States
Hello! I'm Pie. I'm nearing 30, and I've been collecting for a few years. I've always been interested in virtual pets- I played Neopets for 20 years, I worked briefly as a writer for a virtual pet site named IcePets... but the physical devices always felt out of reach for me- they never stocked in the towns I lived in or near. They still rarely do, but the Internet is a wonderful thing! I'm now a happy Tama parent to a few p1s and p2s, an angelgotchi, a keitai, a connection v3, an ON, a few nanos, a Pix, a Smart, a few digimon, a vital bracelet, and a couple pocket Neopets. It's addicting sometimes!

I'm part of the Tamagotchi Collectors discord, and am hoping to make more community here!
Aw, thank you too! I love yours as well! What's your favorite tama?
My fave tama is the connection v2, tbh! It was my very first and it has since remained my favorite, but I think the P's comes in second because it's just so cute and creative. :> (which just reminds me I need to check on my collection again... I can't remember which piercings I have/don't have!)
My fave tama is the connection v2, tbh! It was my very first and it has since remained my favorite, but I think the P's comes in second because it's just so cute and creative. :> (which just reminds me I need to check on my collection again... I can't remember which piercings I have/don't have!)
I wish I had jumped on getting a V2 when they were affordable! I settled for a V3 shell I didn't really like because it was affordable at the time... I haven't looked into the P's much but with the love I see for them, it has me curious!
I wish I had jumped on getting a V2 when they were affordable! I settled for a V3 shell I didn't really like because it was affordable at the time... I haven't looked into the P's much but with the love I see for them, it has me curious!
Oh man I haven't looked at V2 prices recently... Just the V6 which was CRAZY expensive, so I can only imagine what a V2 is going for nowadays. @__@ It's probably better that u snagged a V3 at a decent price with a shell u didn't love, maybe down the road u can trade it for another u like more!
And yeah, the P's is super fun. I know the modding scene is pretty chill with it, and it can now be fully translated into english, so that's pretty neat! I haven't looked too much into that sort of stuff myself, but it would be great to have them in english, since I can read that!
Oh man I haven't looked at V2 prices recently... Just the V6 which was CRAZY expensive, so I can only imagine what a V2 is going for nowadays. @__@ It's probably better that u snagged a V3 at a decent price with a shell u didn't love, maybe down the road u can trade it for another u like more!
And yeah, the P's is super fun. I know the modding scene is pretty chill with it, and it can now be fully translated into english, so that's pretty neat! I haven't looked too much into that sort of stuff myself, but it would be great to have them in english, since I can read that!
I'm hoping to find one with a shell I like that's broken or damaged- so I can swap it out! The P's prices are pretty rough too, but I know I'll jump on one eventually... maybe after changing jobs!
I'm hoping to find one with a shell I like that's broken or damaged- so I can swap it out! The P's prices are pretty rough too, but I know I'll jump on one eventually... maybe after changing jobs!
Oh yesss, that'd be perfect! Then u can have a nice new shell without having to buy a whole other working one... Good luck to u either way, I hope u can get all the tamas u want eventually!!
Hi! Great to have you here. I joined yesterday, as well and I’m hoping to get to know some of the fellow tama parents here!
He is still only a teenager, but I have high hopes he’ll become a cute Mametchi tomorrow! :newmametchi: