Group Hatch


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Hello people of TamaTalk! I'm Tamagotchi-Ashu, and I was wondering whether anyone would like to start a group hatching. I have 5 tamas at home, which include two v3s, one v4, a Music Star, and a v5.5, or v5 celebrity*. If any of you have one or more of these tamas, post here, and we may be able to start a group hatch! :hitodetchi:

* Please note that my v5.5 is NOT just the normal v5, it is the v5 celebrity.

Please post back,

Tamagotchi-Ashu :huh:

I would love to join the hatch!

I will hatch my V5.5. Could you possibly make the date for this saturday?

Sorry I could not respond sooner, Gotchi Guy46, I was out. I'd love to hatch my v5.5, and I think I can on Saturday, May 8, right? Sorry, but I dont think I can photograph my tamagotchi, my camera really stinks, but I can keep you up to date on everything. Thanks for replying, I thought nobody would want to join. If I have to change the day of the hatching, I'll be sure to PM you. Thanks! :)

Hey, TamaGripzBurritos (hilarious avatar by the way), sorry I couldn't respond sooner. Thanks for joining the hatch, the more the merrier! The only problem is that I go to school during the week, so I kinda have to leave my tamagotchis at home (cause my principals crazy about keeping electronics out of school), and I really can't leave them paused, cause that messes up the growth, so I really won't be surprised if my tamas turn into Paparatchis or Modeltchis, lol. This is my first group hatch, and I know it's gonna be awesome! Thanks again for joining!

no problem! i leave my tamas at home too.My principals crazier than yours! :p :eek: :p :p

Anyway ive gotten paparatchis and modeltchis HUNDREDS of times! Your not the only one! ;)

Thanks~TGB B)

Hello again! I just wanted to confirm some info to you guys.

Date of Group Hatch: Saturday, May 8.

Time of Group Hatch: We can all start at different times, as long as we post on the 8th.

How long the Group Hatch will last: I don't know, maybe two generations, to make it more fun. I'll work it out.

If you have any questions, you can post it here, or for a quicker response, PM me. If it's on a week day, don't expect a response until about 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).

PS: TamaGripzBurritos, my principal is WAY crazier than yours! He set up METAL DETECTORS just to find our cell phones and any other electronics! :ph34r: :p :unsure: ;) :kusatchi:

Hello again, group hatchers! You can ignore this if you read my PM. Just lettin' you know that tomorrow is the hatch, and if we all live in different time zones, we can just hatch any time of the day, and it would be nice if you could post on the first day. :) I do beleive Gotchi Guy46 was going to post it on his log or something, which is fine. TamaGripzBurritos, be sure to post here when you hatch your tamagotchi, but PM me if otherwise. If you need to change the date of the hatch, post here, but PM me to be safe. I will PM you guys, so this post is useless if you read my PM.

Hello TamaTalksters! Today begins the Grup Hatch! I've decided to post early, incase I have to do something. :(

*Reseting Tamagotchi, waiting for eggs to*

Hooray! The eggs have hatched! The first to hatch was a male Futabatchi,then a female Mimifuwatchi, then finally a male Omutchi. I will give them names, though the v5.5 doesn't allow you to. The Futabatchi will be Victor, the Mimifuwatchi is May, and the Omutchi is Jeremy. I will post back when they evolve! Happy hatching!

NOTICE:I will not be in the hatch anymore due to the fact that I will be gone for 2 days. Sorry for any inconvenience, but the other hatchers may continue with their tamas. :D :D :p :p

Well, I'm real sorry I couldn't be in the hatch. By the way, my tamas turned into a Mametchi, Chantotchi, and Kuromametchi. Mametchi married my Music Star Sebiretchi, Hope, who I turned into a Dazzilitchi just a little while ago. Chantotchi married a Mametchi, had three babies, and Kuromametchi vanished into thin air and will never be seen again (LOL, not REALLY, he just left his sis :mimitchi: ). Bye!

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