Grow Faster?


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If you are talking about V4 there is nothing you can do without wrecking your tama, like Locky458 said just keep if off pause as much as possible.

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:blink: What's wrong with debugging v4s. Will it break it or something? My friend debugged hers, and she never spoke about it ever again.
I bought a previously debugged Tamagotchi and let me tell you, DO NOT DEBUG! It IS true that it makes your Tamagotchi grow faster, but to the point of almost death. Unknowing that it was debugged, I hatched a Tsubutchi and didn't even get to feed it before it grew into a toddler in a matter of seconds. I ended up having to reset him when I rebugged it. So as a warning to all who have debugged your V4s REBUG it! For those who want to debug DON'T!

you can debug but its really weird.

just be quick when you debug and dont make the debug permanent. you can stop the debug by erasing the pencil mark. if you want to know how to debug go to the tips and tricks section cause i dont feel like typing the details for you.

So if i debug my tama, i will never get it back

? What does it mean by PM me? Or in other words, PM`means what?

Boriquan :(

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