Growing out of halloween?


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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2006
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long poll question...

so basicaly i love halloween

and im 12 and this year will probably be my last trick or treating year...

so what age did you/your family or you think you will grow out of halloween??

I stopped Trick-or-Treating last year, at the age of 12. Instead, I handed out candy to Trick-or-Treaters.

But my sister is older than me, and she still Trick-or-Treats.

I think it differs from person to person. I only stopped because candy hurts my teeth and upsets my stomach easily.

I find it more fun to scare people and go to Haunted Houses and such anyway. :wacko:

Im 12, and i haven't grown out of it, yet. ;]

It's really fun.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!! How could you grow out of it?

Personal Preference or Feeling.

I am 11, going on 12 and I feel like it's a little childish.

I think even though I am growing older some things are still funn to do.

Get a group of friends, dress up, and have fun. The most important thing is having fun!

nobody can really answer your question because its really about how you feel about halloween

I kinda got out of it a couple years back, but this is the first year I'm really not going.

I just bought a bag of candy corn and I'm going to eat it (already started, lol) instead of getting candy.

My mom wont allow me to Trick or Treat as because I am truning 13 next week. She thinks Im to old and dun deserve candy because she knows how I get when Im hyper XD

I have never even been 'in' it. I've never gone trick-or-treating so it's not something I can exactly grow out of. xP

I did it last year, and I was 16 then. But that was with my friend and his little brother (and his friends).

This year, I'll probably dress up for school, but not go Trick-or-Treating (Why do they still call it that? No one has the fortitude to trick little kids anymore.).

How could you grow out of halloween? Halloween is so much fun!! And you get heaps of free candy!
I agree. Yet, this is my final year for Trick-Or-Treating. I'm going to be a Harry Potter person. OK, I'm not really obsessed with it, but it is something for both kids, and pre-adults :)

i love trick or treeting and im 12 me and my friends get lodes of candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am Growing out at 10 3/4 But still love candy so i still do go

Trick-or-Treating for me got less and less exciting, So I don't plan to this year. Instead, I might hand out candy, just hang out.. Or take my younger cousins around...

I still find it fun to dress up as something scary, though. >=D :D

If my friends convince me, I might go. I'm not too entirely sure yet.

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