Grr...I feel so ungirly!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jan 8, 2008
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So I'm almost 19 years old, right? Right. Guess what. I still can't do my darn hair! The most I can do is straighten it. I'm talented enough to do that...barely. I can't use a curling iron, because no matter how hard I try or how many people I watch, I can't seem to figure it out. Same goes for curling my hair with a flat iron...I've watched like 6 videos on YouTube about how to create curls with a flat iron, and yet EVERY time I try it fails. I also fail at using bobby pins, but that is a whole nother story.

I also can't figure out eyeliner. There are girls almost ten years younger than me that can get perfect eyeliner, and yet I can't even figure out where on my eyelid to PUT it. I've figured out mascara thankfully, and concealer and all that other jazz, but I just can't get the hang of eyeliner. I've tried every kind imaginable-- liquid, pencil, using eyeshadow as eyeliner, the ones that go up when you twist the bottom... but I just can't get it!

Hair products- nope. Can't get them. I either get too MUCH hairspray, or too little...and I'm not really even sure when I need to USE hairspray. Gel doesn't work for me.... All these other girls have PERFECT hair that I know isn't natural (mainly because I have seen them when they haven't done their hair yet :mellow: ) and yet I can only get the hang of straightening mine, which I HAVE to do because mine is so damaged that if I just let it dry naturally I'm frightening to look at. Which is another thing I can't quite to make my naturally wavy/curly hair WORK without straightening it.

I'm starting to wonder if there is any hope for me. Maybe I was just meant to be a boy. By the amount of girly stuff that I CAN accomplish, I'm starting to think I was.

I want to be full of win, but I am full of fail.

You weren't meant to be a boy :mellow: You're a girl and you were meant to be one.

I can't get it either. I've never worn make up ever, and every other girl at my school uses heaps every day. I bet they use a butter knife to scrape it off at night :blink: It's ridiculous how much they use.

You weren't meant to be a boy :mellow: You're a girl and you were meant to be one.
I can't get it either. I've never worn make up ever, and every other girl at my school uses heaps every day. I bet they use a butter knife to scrape it off at night :blink: It's ridiculous how much they use.
I know EXACTLY what you mean about the makeup thing....I'm pretty sure that if I went up to any random girl on my college campus and asked her how much she spends on makeup, she'd probably tell me an amount that's more than I spend on food in a year lol

Don't worry, I'm 14 in July and have no-idea how to put on eye-liner either.

When you practise use a natural shade so mistakes aren't obvious.

And if you are blonde or red haired try using brown mascara rather than black.

I have no idea how to do the hair-curling bit. You could ask a friend maybe?

Good luck!

I don't have friends that know how to do it either...I don't have much for friends :mellow: most of my friends are guys too, so that doesn't help. I have practiced SO much with eyeliner...since I was 13, which is almost SIX years....and no matter what I do I still can't get it!

At least you had eyeliner at 13. I got my first one free with a magazine last week.

Maybe you could ask your mum?

Or a sister (if you have one)?

At least you had eyeliner at 13. I got my first one free with a magazine last week.Maybe you could ask your mum?

Or a sister (if you have one)?
My mom does makeup worse than I's pretty sad actually. And I have a twin sister, but she knows less than I do about all this I'm kinda on my own :(

You know for the longest time growing up, I couldn't brush my own hair either, my mother had to do it for me and since my scalp is REALLY sensitive it hurt sometimes, a lot. That's when I decided to learn how to do that.

Make up isn't the biggest thing in the world. All I know how to do is mascara and lipstick, rest I rarely wear except on special occasions. There's nothing wrong with being able to not curl or straighten your hair either, I can't do it by myself and for my grad I wanted my hair curly so I went to a professional to do it.

Point is, I wouldn't make such harsh judgements on yourself just because you can't do a few things. You should be focussing on what you CAN do and know you do what you can do, well. As others have said just seek some help outside of friends and family at a salon or something, and worse case scenario you'll do what I do and pay up a bit to be extra prettyfied (yeah that's my word XD!!).

Good luck!

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I really don't like using makeup, only for some special occasions. ;)

Anyways, you weren't meant to be a boy. I didn't know how to do my hair until I was 15, and right now I'm 19. Anyways, it's yourself that you're talking about. If you don't like to do your hair, don't do it. You could ask your mom if you aren't at the university yet. ;)

for eyeliner

close your eye, and put your finger on your eyelashes. open your eye, so your eyelid is stretched with your finger still on the lashes. put it right above your lashes. and use pencil, it's soo much easier.

and i have'nt figured out he ancient art of curling your hair either. i just straighten it.

and you were NOT meant to be a dude.

for eyeliner
close your eye, and put your finger on your eyelashes. open your eye, so your eyelid is stretched with your finger still on the lashes. put it right above your lashes. and use pencil, it's soo much easier.

and i have'nt figured out he ancient art of curling your hair either. i just straighten it.

and you were NOT meant to be a dude.
YAY!!! :D I think I MAY have figured out eyeliner!!! Thanks :angry:

And mom can't do anything better than me lol. And I WANT to do my hair... I just can't lol. And the worst part is, I can't afford to pay to be "prettyfied" (I SO love that word!)

I have no idea what a curling iron is o_O

Anyway you weren't meant to be a boy, if God made you a girl then you're meant to be a girl. Oh yeah and Eye liner isn't important unless you're a goth/emo which I don't think you are. Mascara is fine for any other style. If you wear too much make up you'll get all spotty and stuff.

I'm sure your beautiful without eyeliner. Maybe you think you need it, but you don't neeed it, lol. Don't worry, I hate eyeliner too, it hurts to put on because my eyes water up so much.

For hairspray, flip your hair over and evenly do it all over. Not too much, not too little.

Also, instead of curling your hair [which I can't do either xD] there's the awesome curling gel that makes little curls, and afterwards waves if it's in long enough. I love it, keep a look out for it in stores.

Don't worry, you were obviously meant to be a girl. ;] Just because your not as prepped up and "makedup" as the other girls, your still don't need all this.

Hope I helped. ^^

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