grrrrrrr help? plzzzz help


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Aug 14, 2008
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Mah tama ish like....weird....she still gets older but she doesn't evolve, the shop won't get new items in it, I can't get the rest of the games, and I can't use any of mah things except dolls and stuff that the babies use. I've got Jumping rope and mimic.. but mah sisters tama ish only 0 but hers has all the games and it has already evolved? :)

I don't know what to do or whats happened to our tamas. plzzzz help!!!

It would be greatly appreciated.

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Do the easiest thing first. perform a "soft reset" yuo can tell ive been gone for awhile... PDA talk.

in otherwords, reset and download. if the problem keeps happening, Reset, reset it.You will loose all your info this way,but still...

If the problem persists, call bandai...

If its jumping rope and mimic, its version 4, provided your sister has the same version as you do.

Your sister doesn't have all the games, she only has more than you do. A Tamagotchi gets all the games once it turns into an adult, and that's not possible at 0 years old.

How long has this been happening? If its just a few hours then its nothing to worry about, your tamagotchi will evolve soon.

Try setting the clock to 2:59 PM and waiting one minute, then checking the shop again. If there's new items, your tamagotchi should be working properly. I THINK that's the restock time for the shop, but I'm not positive. It'll still be worth a try, though.

that sort of happened to me before, my tama is 0 years old but it has all the games. and its a young mametchi.

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