Guide For V3 Games


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Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hello all new tamagotchi connexion V3 more and more people are playing this cute tiny little digital egg and its main idea to keep up with is to buy things for your pet and keep it VERY HAPPY...but then you have to play games in order to have as much points as possible....SO I DECIDED TO MAKE A GAME SECTION GUIDE. ( Don't mind if i am a noob in some of my comments, i kept playing games to realize all their pros and con )

1) Full Pt Max + Bonus : Child : Get Musical Notes : 150pt

Teen : Get Musical Notes : 225pt

Adult : Get Musical Notes : 300pt !

Teen : Heading : 300pt

Adult : Heading : 400pt !

Adult : Flag : 300pt ( Yuck...waste of time )

Adult : Sprint : 10pt each round until last round + bonus = 300pt..

2) Pros and cons of each game :

Get Musical Notes : This should be your base game ( MAIN GAME ) to play with, you gotta train yourself to become an ace in it. Well it is kinda easy to score, but sometimes people get tense and miss a note or gotten a *waste* . Anyway, at the start until around 20pt , the ( drop ) rate would be around 2 seconds per drop, until it starts to go real fast, it would be around 1.2 seconds per drop, you should train your thumb to double press a button in one second just like how you sms on the handphone ^.^. Only then you can score victory in this game. This is the easiest game according to my rating.

Bump : Okay this game is really for slackers, you just have to press continueously when the gotchis start tapping their legs. Oh and about this rumor to keep repeat the b button. Well it kinda work for me but in a real sense, i feel that it just help you get more then half bar strength cause you keep pressing the button. -.- . No other things i found with this rumor. Also to play well in this game , you have to be heavy , not mentioning this is the *sumo* game, haha. Well i think roughly, your strength increase about 1 pt if your pet gain around 8-10 lbs. I don't really like this game after all, but if your real fat, you can get really huge amount of pts , around 1k-2.5k . Otherwise, i don't recommend your gotchi being overweight , try to keep it normal. This is the *weight* game according to my rating.

Flag Game : Oh my god, why should this game even be here, it is a waste of time, anyway try not to play this, it isn't worth. Anyway, this game test your *stupidity* . Oh well, i really hates it when there are double flags, it really is hard to press both buttons at the same time unless your reflexes are good. Anyway, the bogus flags are those short and round tipped ones, they would be gone in about 0.8 seconds if you didn't press anything. I don't wish to talk about this game, just play it yourself and you know why. I rate this game as the worse game of all.

Heading : Well this is a game where you get all your points, well i only recommend this game when you gotchi is a teen but not a adult. I see that some people have the psychological barrier of the adult gotchis's height and pressed too fast and then VEXED they be. Well just try not to press to fast, one button at a time. ( eg. when one button goes back up, the other button down ) But then its hard to react, i mean multi-task. Anyway the strategy is after you bounce the ball, you go back to the center/centre . If you are at the center/centre already then don't press anything. I ever got to tense, and press left/right button even though i am in the center/centre. I rate this the 2nd best game.

Memory : Eee, yucks again. This is a no-go other then Flag Game. Well its the most time wasting of all...and the memory go up to 9 buttons, omg. Its so hard to remember and you get mixed-up VERY EASILY. Its pts ain great too, a meagre earning if you play this. Unless you are photogenic or cheaty as to write down the sequence, otherwise you will not be able to score, NEVER... I rate this the 2nd worse game.

Sprint : Ohmigoshit , okay is not that bad anyway, some sadists would like to see their gotchis fall down, haha. Its pts are as meagre as the memory game, but i usually treat it as a training game to the bump game, you know how fast you press the buttons. Anyway, other than that excuse, don't play this games, accident may happen, your buttons might get soft or something like that. I rate this as the speed game.

3) Other Tips : At Child stage, i recommend you to save the weight up until its teen where you rush your pts by playing Get Musical Notes or Heading , cause at child stages, the pts you get are so meagre, you would...CRY...

Thats all for my guide, give me all your tips and goodbye...

some points to add:

I think either the max. pts vary by Tamagotchi type or you are mistaken about the points for the Flag game; I've consistently won 600pts from it as an adult (I'm on my 4th generation on my Tamagotchi Connection). 300pts is what I've gotten before becoming an adult (teen stage maybe?). hint: you can safely move your cursor (the can-looking thing) onto the same spot that a mess occupies almost immediately after the mess has dropped down onto it, in other words you don't need to wait for the mess to clear the screen before using its spot.

the Bump game turns out better if you do NOT press B before PUSH! pops up on the screen; press B once to start the "scaling bar" (i.e. strength meter for the forcefulness of your pushes) and almost immediately push it again to stop the meter at its fullest point -- you may need to try this game a number of times to get the right feel for timing. it's harder to get consistent results if you let the meter go up and down while trying to visually decide when to press the button. note: the length of time before PUSH! appears (while the Tamagotchis appear to be dancing) varies from round to round, my guess to try to throw you off by adding an element of uncertainty/anticipation, and if you wait too long to select push strength, PUSH! disappears and the Tamagotchis immediately start bumping each other.

the Memory game requires more concentration than the others, but if you are musically inclined, you should rely more on your ears than your eyes (I've had times where I missed or didn't pay enough attention to the visual display, and even though I didn't think I had correctly memorized the tune, I still was able to respond correctly). BTW, the sequence goes up to 10, not 9.

the Sprint game seems to be easier to play if you use both hands to press different buttons alternatively (I use my left thumb on button A and my right on button C), and try to position your hands and/or your Tamagotchi unit to maximize repetition while minimizing fatigue (i.e. pressing the buttons as quickly as possible without cramping up your muscles). continue pressing the buttons until your opponent falls down, at which point you can actually stop pressing altogether but your Tamagotchi will continue on past the finish mark.

hope this helps!

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Those are really helpful tips and I am sure that they helped lots of new version three tamagotchi owners! :mellow:



-sk8er girl- :furawatchi:

Hey there! I have the full point scoring for heading!

1 header) 4p (2 headers) 8p (3 headers) 12p (4 headers) 16p (5 headers) 20p


6 headers)30p (7 headers) 40p (8 headers) 50p (9 headers) 60p (10 headers) 70p


11 headers)80p (12 headers)90p (13 headers)100p (14 headers) 120p (15 headers) 140p


16 headers) 160p (17 headers) 180p (18 headers) 200p (19 headers) 250p *(20 headers) 400p*


hope it helped ;)


I have 3 things to say:

1. The Menory game sounds a LOT like dance on V1 to what i've been reading :D

2. THese stakes are way more better than v2, Double to be in fact :angry: :ph34r:

3. I'm not able to earn 400p on bump, believe it or not, it was on 6 round! ^_^ :lol:

Thank you for the info anyway, i can now tell my m8 this!

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