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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
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Wherever you think I am.
Okay, I'll get to the point.

There's this guy called R. We've been friends for ever. So, My other friend, M, comes onto MSN and says, "R fancies you." I didn't believe him. So, R comes on and I tell him. He says, "Yeah. I do." And starts listing reasons why. I, meanwhile am in shock. R is a great guy, he's funny, smart, psychotic in a good way, and always there for me. So where's the problem? I already have a boyfriend called L. He's funny, smart, psychotic, and always there for me too. I honestly don't know who to go with.

What do I do?

Who do you think cres more about you?

I think that's how you should decide.


Both guys have positive qualities, so you state, but if you have to choose between both gentlemen I suggest to go with neither as all it will do if you choose one over the other is cause drama, chaos, and possibly other future issues.

Just let both boys know calmly you care for them both deeply, but the time and place right now is not for you to have a relationship, and to look into it again when you are a bit older. If both boys are respectful and supporting enough they will take your wishes seriously and either wait until you're older and support your growth or move on and find someone right for them.

Right now you see them both in admiration more than love, and only you will know when it is more than just liking someone for their qualities. For now just have them as friends and enjoy their company.

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Well, since you already have a boyfriend you shouldn't dump him for no reason, yes?

I'd hardly count that as choosing one over the other.

Well, since you already have a boyfriend you shouldn't dump him for no reason, yes?
I'd hardly count that as choosing one over the other.
Exactly. Just because more than one guys likes you doesn't mean you should dump one for the other.

If he asks you out, you could just tell him. It might hurt the both of you, but it's true that you're dating another guys and it wouldn't be nice to cheat on him.

Tell him that if he really cares about you, he can let you be happy with your current boyfriend. If he understands, and is willing to wait for you, good for you. If he acts like as ar*e about it, screw him and stay with your boyfriend. He probably wasn't worth it anyway.

I say stay with your boyfriend, and if it doesn't work out, he will be waiting ;D

well, I agree with most other people, you shouldn't dump your other boyfriend because this 'R' guy fancies you. If the guy you are with now is nice, why break up with him just to repair 'R's feelings?? You have feelings too, and do what you think is best. If you have known'R' for a long time then he will probably not mind at all, just say you want to be good friends, but are considering the relationship!

Hope this helps



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