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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2007
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In a piano. Yes, IN a piano.
i have a few habits.


whenever i wear my hair down, i constantly obsess over it.

whenever i have writer's block, i stare into space.

when i'm listening to music, i tap my fingers to the beat. always, even if it's just a song in my head.

whenever i'm nervouse, i automatically sing the great escape in my head.

whenever i hear one of my favorite songs, i have to sing along to it.




and stuff like that. do you have any?


Yes, I have them. o_o

-I AM OBSESSSIVE OVER YUKI. ;3 If thats a habbit?

-I wear my Yuki and Onigiri necklaces night and day

-I panic when I lose my Furuba stuff

-I chew my fingernails

-I bite my lip constantly

-I chew the inside of my mouth when I'm thinking

-when I have writer's block I write about purple dancing llamas or orange olives (??) or something of the like.

-Annd, I pull the tabs off soda cans and lick them. ?

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Top ten dudes!! XD

1. I bite my finger nails x_X ( I need to stop and especially when I'm nervous like around my crush lol )

2. I annoy my parents and friends alot ( lol Idk why it's fun )

3. I USED to get mad at like everything for nothing lol

4. I'm too random sometimes ( and that's bad why? lol )

5. I put my feet up on like the walls when I'm on the computer ( like now ) lol

6. I always need something to munch on ( junk food ) or a coke when I'm online Idk why lol

7. I'm over obsessed with cute cartoon characters! O_O;; lol ( they are just too darn cute!! XD)

8. I'm always getting in trouble ( lol it's too fun to stop )

9. I never like thinking or focusing ( too much work lol )

10. And I'm lazy and Proud! ( it's too fun try it lol )

*Edited* Oh crud I put that twice lol

Ok I'm done I hate long posts lol byes! =D

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I son't have a lot of habits. I tend to procrastinate a lot.



I like my bottom lip when im hungry or nervous

I...pull my eyelashes out -.-

I always pull the tabs off my soda and drop them in.

I chew on anything rubber, from cord coverings to the backs of disney pins.

I loose my glasses a lot.

-I bite my fingernails

- I procrastinate alot

- Whenever I'm alone, at like a place, I tend to call my friends for no reason

- I need to chew on something

- I like biting the tops of bottles

- I got told I look mad all the time


If there are lots of things around with a lot of different colors, I will put them in rainbow order, such as pens or rulers or paper. I will also eat skittles and other candy or colorful things so that there is only one color left, or one color at a time, etc.

I don't really have any other habits that would be considered strange or unusual..

I always sit crossed legged when in chairs.

I tap my fingers/foot to the beat of any song.

When someone says something jokingly to me I yell "Excuse me?!"

Someone hits me, I hit back.

Loud noises make me scream bloody murder.

I pick off my nails.

Group projects, I always take charge.

-I go into lala-land when someones talking to me

-I draw my favorite tamagotchi characters on any piece of paper I can find

-I'm most of the time singing something

-I'm always thinking of things I love (chocolate, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers...)

I think that's about it. :]

I occasionally bite my nails, only if I'm very, very nervous.

When excited, I talk faster and faster till my words are likethis.

I tap my fingers to the beat of a song...but only while someone's singing. With some exceptions.

I scream when people poke my in the side.

I tend to scream when things get thrown at me.

When my M&Ms are finishing, I have to have one of each color left, then eat them in order, starting with my least favorite, brown, to my favorite, red.

I stand with my legs crossed when I'm nervous.

And others.


*Bite my nails (Especially when they are painted, nail polish is good.)

*Chew my hair (Trying to stop)

*Biting... stuff? Anything, really. I don't always eat it, but I can practically garuntee that there is alot of crap in my stomach that shoudn't be there.)

*Annoying people (Habit?)

*When I am trying to focus, my foot twitches constantly.

*When I am typing, I always need to have something solid to put my arms on, otherwise, I go all OCD, and refuse to type.

*I has OCD

Okay lookie...


~Chewing and clicking pens.

~Tapping my foot and shaking my headv when listening to a song, even if it is stuck in my head.

~Playing mean and rude jokes, without any guilt.


~Chipping the nail polish off my nails

~Cursing and swearing.

~Sucking on my thumb and pinky

~Doodling in the margins of my notebooks



That's all I can think of now... I'll get back to you guys with more... when I do more thinking.



-If I'm bored I'll play with thespring hooked on the wire of my braces

-I'll randomly crack my knuckles

-At school if it's quiet or if I'm bored,I'll sing the CreditReport dot com songs

-At home I'll sing Draco and the Malfoys songs (mostly 'In Which I Kick Harry Potter in the Face')

I have more but I'm in a bit of a hurry.

I have quite a lot of habits:

- I bite the insides of my cheeks and lips until they bleed. I don't know why, I just do.

- I always have a song stuck in my head and I always hum it, even if I don't know the words.

- I dot my Is with hearts. =D I love doing that.

- I write song lyrics in my school organiser.

That's all I can think of for now. =D

I eat pens...when I'm writing I'll stop and chew the pen for a minute. They often explode in my mouth.

I say 'seriously' too much. Seriously.

I randomly crack the knuckle of my right middle finger...none of the others

I chew my lip

I click my jaw

I bite my nails. When I have no nail left, I bite the sides of my fingers until they bleed.

i procrastinate alot (expecially on home work)

-i yell in the middle of class my brain hurts

-i space out at art

-pick my nose....................JK!!!!!!!!

-and many more tht i cant think of

-bite the inside of my lip to get tht whoteish skin out

-sleep in

~I open the door with my mouth(I know its disutiing)when i dont have a hand to spare

~I Get ALOT of cravings

~I Don't study

~When my mom talks to me i stare off into space

~I leave my locker opend at lunch

My habbits are:

-Tapping my foot

-Saying random phrases when I'm bored out of no-where (sp?)

-Doing this weird thing with my hand [can't describe it...]

-Bitting my lip

-Doing this skipping thing in my house

-Brushing my hair [only when I'm at my house]

-Bitting my thumb

-Cracking my knukles

-Spacing out [sometimes when I do I draw random doodles and skiribbles on things]

-Talking very fast when I have lots of energy

-Pushing people, giving people high-fives, and patting people on the back


and some other things...


i talk WAY to much

i can never keep secrets

I HAVE to where my hair up (im scared it looks ugly down)

i sing out loud on accident at the end of the day

and definetly PROCRASTINATION (putting things off)

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Yes, I have them. o_o

-I AM OBSESSSIVE OVER YUKI. ;3 If thats a habbit?

-I wear my Yuki and Onigiri necklaces night and day

-I panic when I lose my Furuba stuff

-I chew my fingernails

-I bite my lip constantly

-I chew the inside of my mouth when I'm thinking

-when I have writer's block I write about purple dancing llamas or orange olives (??) or something of the like.

-Annd, I pull the tabs off soda cans and lick them. ?
Adding on now, thnx.

I also like to balance my forks, knives, and spoons on top of each other in a creative form, and absolutely must center my cup on a coaster.

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