Had a Baby then Died!


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Nov 21, 2007
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So my male Tamagotchi had its 2nd generation (a boy) this morning, through the matchmaker. That was very exciting! I watched him take care of it all day long. Around 6:30 tonight, I looked, and he was bathing. I put him down. Then around 7:00, he had turned into an angel!

The only thing it would let me do is reset, and downloading didn't help. I've only got a brand new egg!

My Tamagotchi was 7 years old and as far as I could tell, he was happy and healthy.

I paused him for one hour while I went to lunch today. Is that what caused him to die?

So now the new egg is hatched, and it's a boy. Everything seems to have reset, but when I look at "FAMILY" it lists the Tamagotchi that just died. He has a "1" beside him. It does not list any parents, however. So will it consider any Tamagotchi raised on this unit to be in the family? If the 2nd generation had gone smoothly, would it also list the one that died as the parent?


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AW.that sucks. ive never heard of that....


well ive only had a babby once on a v2 so.i dont know much about those.

i hope some one nows the anser to all this :[

-good luck


Um.. Tamas can some how die unexpectedly, and I don't know if there is an explanation for this.Any way,Maximum bathing time is 1 hour.This probably shouldn't have happened.

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