Hair 8D


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I actually just got my hair cut yesterday! It's just past my shoulders (and I mean JUST!) and a honey brown. I have a side fringe, but it's short enough to not get in my eyes. I use Head & Shoulders shampoo and conditioner and wash my hair every single night. I am really proud of it! It's perfectly straight so I never straighten it, but sometimes I curl it. Variety is the spice of life! <_<

my hair is layered, brown, and has super light blonde highlights in it. none of the color is natural. i always straighten it and it's always parted waaay to the left with my fringe almost covering my right eye. i never put my hair behind my ears.

i occassionally put it in a low ponytail.

oh yeah, and it's about to my mid-back. im growing it out.

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My hair is a plain unshiny brown, and the cut it is is something between Nate River/Near and a sheepdog. I use no products.

Next year, for my birthday, when i'm finally old enough for my Mom's rules, I will ask for something upon my birthday.

Black hair dye and another pair of imprisionment pants. [another assuming I can convince her this fall shopping time. >DDDDD]

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my hair goes down to my the back though XP. and my fringe??it is SOOO annoying.and i use all products that make my hair SHINE!!mostly sunsilk.and i just LOVE shiny silky and straight hair.that is what it is X3. and my hair is chestnut brown.and my mums is chocolate brown.

My hair is naturally blonde, with ringlets at the bottom and blue streaks.

The blue streaks are like a really neon version of skyblue.

My Hairs just about my Shoulders, Dirty-ish Blonde, which is layered, so its all feathery. and I use whatevers there to keep it maintained.

well i am a brunette and since i have to go to dance practically every day i need my hair in a bun so i think my hair will permenettly have these kinks in it lol. I cant really were it down then. So i put it up in a halfway pony tail.

sort of like this

but a lot more messier and with a hair band. lol

I have medium length curly dark brown hair that i usually put into a bun or ponytail.

But soon I'm going to get it all cut off and donate it to locks of love :] Yeah I might look like a boy but I really don't care because it will go to someone who needs it more ya know?

I have medium length curly dark brown hair that i usually put into a bun or ponytail.But soon I'm going to get it all cut off and donate it to locks of love :] Yeah I might look like a boy but I really don't care because it will go to someone who needs it more ya know?
You are? O____o; You never told me that.

I keep TELLING you it looks pretty when you straighten it. Why would you want to cut all your hair off?

(LOL sorry, sister moment there x.x)

I don't like or want to dye my hair. I am happy with the way my hair is. I don't need to streak it or dye it or any of that stuff. Doesn't anyone else feel this way too?

I got a haircut ^^

It's pretty short, basically around my head. I straighten it. It's really layery, choppy looking. It kinda spikes out on it's own. I help it with gel/hairspray XD

And, of course, the almighty side fringe that's always in my right eye XD

My hair is naturally really really really dark brown. But summer in Florida highlights it with blonde D:

So I have it dyed almost black. My mom doesn't want it all the way black, though. Aw.

I want to do something cool with my fringe. Like... this.

-shot XD-

But... yeah. It's kinda hard to explain XD

I don't like or want to dye my hair. I am happy with the way my hair is. I don't need to streak it or dye it or any of that stuff. Doesn't anyone else feel this way too?
The only reason I wanted to get it Dyed was because my tips were dark blonde, and my hair was growing in a darker blonde, from the sun in the past

So I got highlights to even them out

I have blonde hair and like this horrid brown underneath it (i'ma dye it to black reall soon!) and it is really really curly so I basically always am straightening it. My hair goes liek halfway down my back and I basically always wear it down unless it's really hot or I need it up. When I leave it curly, I'll clip in pink and black extensions and just leave it down behind my back. If I straighten it, I'll slip in a little bow on the right side and divide it into two strips and put it off for show in the front. I detest my ears so I always have my hair covering my ears. When I tie it up, I'll tie it into a loose, low ponytail that's easy to get out. I use Garnier shampoos or I'll borrow my mom's organic type shampoo cause it works really nicely. To brush it, I take my aunt's advice and always use wooden brushes instead of cheap plastic ones.


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I wore my hair cool today O:

Like, when my hair gets wet, it curls. But it's like, reallly short now. So it only curled around once, and it was all spikey 8D

Then i straightened my sidebang and put it in my face.

But it's pretty short now. Short enough that I can give myself a fo-hawk in the shower 8D

I should o a fohwak with my sidebangs down. that would be awesome.

-gets gel, mousse, straightener, and hairspray-

Well, Mine is red, shoulder length, and poofy. That pretty much sums it up :angry:

I have to wear it in a ponytail or else it looks like I have an afro xD My mom got me a salon quality hair straightener for x-mas and it dosent work, its pretty much impossible to get my hair to go straight.

my hair is layered, brown, and has super light blonde highlights in it. none of the color is natural. i always straighten it and it's always parted waaay to the left with my fringe almost covering my right eye. i never put my hair behind my ears.i occassionally put it in a low ponytail.

oh yeah, and it's about to my mid-back. im growing it out.

how's about a pic to go along :D

My hair is dark brown (So it looks kinda black when it's wet) and...hmmm....slightly longer than shoulder length. It's usually straight down.

I think that's about it.

One thing I hate- Greasy hair. X_x

OK let's see...... My hair is shoulder length naturally dirty blonde but I dyed it black and green. It's really wavy almost curly if I don't blow dry it, I don't usually dry it though, too lazy, so it's usually really messy. For school though I think I might actually straighten it.

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