Hair Dye


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NeverEnding A.B.Y.S.S.

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
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In an abyss of emptiness
Well, today, I managed to convince my mom to let me get highlights... of course, when I got to the store I had the biggest trouble, and we ended up buying dark brown hair dye, whoo! Of course, this took TONS of convincing and standing around in the store isle, telling my mom going three shades darker was fine.. xDD Well, I'm wary, because Im not aloud to dye my hair at school, but ehh. Whatever, it's not pink, right? My mom is still being a bit spazzy about it, "what if it doesn't work out?!" is her main concern, I assured her that my hair would not turn green.. xD

So, have any of you dyed your hair from a box before? Any tips? I love dark brown hair, it's my favorite color, hair wise. So I'm really excited 8D

I've Dyed my hair from a Box a few times,

[Last Time I dyed my hair though was at the hairdressers, not in a box, but otherwise I dye it in a box]

Anyways, I've had no Problem with Box Dying, from what my hairdresser told me, Its easier to go from a Lighter hair color to a darker one, than from a dark to a light [like, If you had Blond hair and wanted to go brown, or black, Than it'd be easy, But if you had like, black hair and wanted to go blonde, I wouldn't really reccomend getting it "Box" Dyed]

Yeah I dye my hair from a box (rather a bottle). I would just make sure that you follow ALL the instructions, like wear gloves and rub vasline on your hair line. If you want to keep your hair dark brown, make sure you 'touch up' every couple of weeks. But serously if your school doesn't allow it, then don't do it. No matter how much sense it makes to you, it's against the dress code. Would you ratehr get in HUUUGGGEEE trouble or keep your hair the way it is. It may make alot of sense to you that you are dying your hair a natural colour and not something like bright orange but the Head of School probably has reasons for this rule.

But serously if your school doesn't allow it, then don't do it. No matter how much sense it makes to you, it's against the dress code. Would you ratehr get in HUUUGGGEEE trouble or keep your hair the way it is. It may make alot of sense to you that you are dying your hair a natural colour and not something like bright orange but the Head of School probably has reasons for this rule.
Ehh, Some girl bleached her hair over the vacation one time, they didn't do anything about it...

Another girl did it and they made her dye it back.

I guess it's a matter of whether it looks good.

It's a private school, you can't even wear dangle-earrings.

I don't listen to that rule either ;3

I dye my hair every now and then.

NEVER dye your hair a bright blonde if your natural color IZNT a light color. I did that, my hair turned orange. So I colored it purple. Then black. ;3

I use box-dye all the time xP Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine.

When most schools ban dyed hair, it's mostly just unnatural colors. Dark brown is natural so they shouldn't have a problem with it.

I use box-dye all the time xP Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine.
When most schools ban dyed hair, it's mostly just unnatural colors. Dark brown is natural so they shouldn't have a problem with it.
Plus box dye is cheap and easy teehee.

My dean last year thought it was cute that my hair was purple ._.'' So I guess anything like dark colors that don't stand out that much should be fine.

Yeah I box dye all the time cause where would I get money to go to a hairstylist?

I didn't find any problem in bleaching my hair from black to blonde.

But maybe that's just me . . .

I went from blonde to black to brown to black to blonde to brown.

I wanna go red though.

I use box-dye all the time xP Just follow the instructions and you'll be fine.
When most schools ban dyed hair, it's mostly just unnatural colors. Dark brown is natural so they shouldn't have a problem with it.
Yeah, the key word is most. The private middle school I went to looked at me funny when they saw pictures of me and my hair over the summer. It was the end of year slide show that they do for all the graduating eighth graders. Some schools have a really strict dress code like mine did: No hair dyed; not even natural colours, no necklaces unless they were riligous, nothing on your wrists except watches or hair ties, only white socks, if you wear pants you have to wear a belt, no dangly earings, no makeup, no nail polish, no open toed shoes, no tanktops, skirts and shorts can be a maximum of an inch above the knee ect...


My math teacher got in trouble for wearing a shirt that sair "Weapons of math instruction" on it because it was to close to the phrase "weapons of mass destruction".


And A.B.Y.S.S. even if you haven't gotten caught before, that doesn't mean you won't get caught this time. Unless your school allows natural colors.

<3 So I just got done drying my hair, whoo!

It came out, AMAZING.

My hair is now a dark brown color (In contrast to it's normal Ginger/Blond)

Halfway through the washing out of the dye, my dad walked out, and caught us u___u;;

Luckily he thought we were attempting something with Kool-Aid and went to bed.

For a few minutes, then when I was done, he came out and demanded I show him.

No matter what, I LOVE this hair color <3

No one can make me dye it back. It is AMAZING.

Of course, getting my mom to dye it was different, she was scared, her first time, and I have school tomorrow.. so.. needless to say, if my hair turned green, I was going to school with green hair.


But anyway< follow the instructions, and I am sure you will LOVE it.

Even if it is like.. 15 shades darker.. xDD -fail-

I wanna dye my hair a different colour but honestly, brown is the only hair colour I can imagine myself with.

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Well, today, I managed to convince my mom to let me get highlights... of course, when I got to the store I had the biggest trouble, and we ended up buying dark brown hair dye, whoo! Of course, this took TONS of convincing and standing around in the store isle, telling my mom going three shades darker was fine.. xDD Well, I'm wary, because Im not aloud to dye my hair at school, but ehh. Whatever, it's not pink, right? My mom is still being a bit spazzy about it, "what if it doesn't work out?!" is her main concern, I assured her that my hair would not turn green.. xD
So, have any of you dyed your hair from a box before? Any tips? I love dark brown hair, it's my favorite color, hair wise. So I'm really excited 8D
the box says do the skin test for 48 hours. Don't. You only need to do it for 30 minutes and make sure you dont get it on your skin and on your eye brows.

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