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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
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It's Squeaky ^_^ ,

Today I died my hair B) . Actually I'm letting it dry will I'm making this post :gozarutchi: . It's not really dying I actually streaked it.


:hitodetchi: :wacko: :lol: B) :D :D :D

Do you :furawatchi:

No But I got it cut on Tuesday (May 20th)

But I'm trying to persuade my mom into buying hairdye

Since I reaaallly want to dye my hair a dark dark dark purple (like black with a purplish tint)

But Last time I dyed it was in march and I dyed it a dark brown

but its faded now

ahhhh... yeah when i was a kid... i <3ed it... but it... faded!!! or somethin like that...


To get good results you gotta use perminent hair dye!!!

:furawatchi: :wacko: :ph34r: :lol: :wub: :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :huh: :chohimetchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :D

I don't. I'm a boy. I keep my own hair color. Black. Just the way I like it. :huh:

My Hair is not really long, its kinda shaggy, and after I get out of the shower it trys to get it to my face, so I have to put it to the side.

Anyway, I don't want to die my hair. I like my hair color.

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Long. Naturally dark brown. soft, natural waves. Silky. purple and bleached-blond streaks. Luv it.

Note to pplz who wanna dye: if it's a unnatural coloured streak, BLEACH IT FIRST!!

I can't think of many colours that my hair hasn't been.

It's dark blue at the moment...when it grows out I'm going to bleach it and dye it red and blue.

Yes and my friend helped me! On the under side it is black, then in the middle it is really dark purple (with one random hot pink neighbor did that) then on top is my natural hair colour ( no I am not from england I just think colour looks cooler than color). I got weird looks at school though :huh:

No my hair is beautiful god gave it to me like this so I'll keep it this way =).

Yes and my friend helped me! On the under side it is black, then in the middle it is really dark purple (with one random hot pink neighbor did that) then on top is my natural hair colour ( no I am not from england I just think colour looks cooler than color). I got weird looks at school though :kuribotchi:
In Canada we use 'COLOUR' TOO ^^

[SIZE=13pt]Never have, and I don't think I ever will. D:...[/SIZE]

My mom will give me the whole... "IT'S NOT GOOD FOR YOU HAIR! z0Mg!11!" Speech.

>.> I do agree with her...But my hairs so LAME! D: I really wanna dazzle it up. T.T

I said yes and I hate it, but that's only partly true...

See it was DARK BROWN and I thought I could dye it blond WITHOUT using bleach - My 1st mistake. >.>

But before that I highlighted it blond, but the highlights made it look COMPLETELY orange, and everyone noticed.

That summer I dyed it blond but now it's orange/blonde/light brown depending on the light.

It's kinda funky, and my dark dark brown roots are about a hand grown out. My hair goes down to my back... It looks much thicker, and it goes with any outfit, but it's not my fav hair, but it's better than my old hair.

Plus, I got used to it fast, and it never occurs to me that I dyed it until I get asked the question...

I cant believe I did it tho not giving it much thought at the time....

EDIT: It matches my chihuahua!

If I wear black (my chihuahua's black)

and my hear matches COMPLEATLY his blonde spots on his head and face. You cant GET a BETTER compairison!

So me and my dog match well LOL

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