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I think pink would look nice in your hair. Because it's bright. Well, I don't really know...

You are incredibly pretty! looking at your hair length and the rings on your fingers, I would say a nice purple shade to streak your hair... My hair is really dark brown so I don't get to do as much, but I've found that lighter reddish tones work great on dark hair like mine, and vice versa with lighter colors.

a dark, shining purple is my suggestion, like RAW color from Hot Topic (it's what I've always used and it works great. Also, it's between $10 - $15 and it has no ammonia, which means none of that massive damage to your hair that other bleaching colors can do) and frame your face with the colors.

For a classic look, maybe black instead, but I like purple XD

Now I'm thinking about dying my own hair.

You have a fair amount of layers from what I can tell---uhm...if you want to do colors--a red would work.

My friend has hair about your shade and she's put red highlights in every now and then. It looks really good.

But I wouldn't do blue--according to my friend, it turns your hair green. Haa--I've witnessed her with a green stripe.

You could try pink or purple--but I've always preffered them on darker hair--something black. But that's also personal opinion.

Yeah, I reckon pink or purple...

Red would look okay --- But pink or purple would suit you really well.

That'sa just my opinion, we'll let Feebers herself decide.

I think pink or red streaks would look good.

I personally can't stand coon tails, so it'd be my opinion not to do it.

I'm not sure about an overall color. I can't picture it on you. I would think streaks would be better.

My best friend has the same colour and similar length and she got pink streaks and it looked stunning.

We wanted to work out which colours worked so we used Sharpies to experiment. I suit purple and red. [Putting it out there]

I want red in my hair now. Sharpies will solve the worlds problems.

Feebee. Is it just me or has your hair become increasingly blonder as time goes by?

Either way, it's absolutely gorgeous and I am envyful of it.

I'm going to go with the majority and say PINK.

Black or pink coontails are wonderful in my point of view, because I have a few in my hair.

But if not, go with the pink streak.


pink definitely :] i think red would look a little too harsh on you.

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I wouldn't do pink -- the light blonde and pink would make it too girly, but that's my opinion.

I would go red streaks.

I wouldn't do pink -- the light blonde and pink would make it too girly, but that's my opinion.
I would go red streaks.
This is a very fair point. I'm now reconsidering my previous comment.

Whatever you do, Feebee, you must take pictures.

Michelle, I have used sharpies before. The SAT test just isn't the SAT test without sharpies and severe hair damage.

I've been thinking about purple. I might rule out red, because last year I did that, and my hair turned orange after a few weeks of chorine exposure. I looked like Ariel the Little Mermaid after being dunked in bleach. xDD

I definitely want a little black, and another color. Plus, that was when my hair was un-straightened, which it usually is.

And Esther, yeah, my hair is getting lighter and lighter. Pretty soon I'll be really bleachy, if that's even a word, because of the harsh summer sun. It's the circle of life 'round here.

And so I still don't know.

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