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Wellllll, I wash it and put shampoo in it in the evening.

Then I brush it through while it's still wet.

Then I blow dry.

Then in the morning I brush it through a little and straighten.

And I leave it down, all the time.

My hair's shorter now so I can't really do much with it. I wash it every two days cause it's thick and although it doesn't get greasy until like the fourth day of not washing it, I like clean hair. I do that in the evenings and then blow dry it, then in the mornings I straighten it unless I'm putting it in a bun.

I brush it and put it up ina ponytail for school. I leave it down and straighten it for parties/special events etc. and sometimes for school.

At night I shampoo and condition, then brush away the tangles. In the morning before school, I'll straighten it or curl it (depending on my mood) then I'll apply Biosilk to make it look soft and shiny and gatsby to add volume.

I used to have it out cos it's really curly naturally, it's very poofy. I put it in kawaii-style pigtails, or a high or low pony. It is about top-of-boob length. I'm trying to grow it out too. I used to have hip-length hair, but I got bored with it so I cut it. I hardly ever wash it (once every 3 weeks or so eww) but it never seems to get greasy. I am going to wash it today.

I learnt how to french braid recently and I've been wearing my hair a lot differently lately, because french braids can be used for so many hairstyles. I'm been practicing this thing called the waterfall braid, though ;D it's so cool!

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I brush and straighten my hair. I pretty much always style it in some way that doesn't involve a full ponytail. I'll always have my side-fringe away from my face though, sometime clipped away with a bow clip or tied in a small ponytail with the hair from my side-fringe in it and I'll put a ribbon around it.

I dunno how to describe my hair styles, haha. You can see what I mean in my avatar/profile picture though, I guess.

My hair is quite short so I brush it, put some hair gel in, brush it through and put a thin pink headband in. I ♥ my headband!

Started doing more just recently.

Um so I wash it every daaay.

And then only today while it was still wet I parted it to the side (because otherwise it parts in the middle) and I want the side part to stay so I'm going to keep doing that until it starts to fall like that naturally.

I blow dry upside-down.

I think someone before mentioned they did that too?

Yeah, it adds more volume and stuffs and makes my hair look betttttter in general.

And I'm going to start straightening less.

I like natural waves in my hair.

On special occasions I straighten, side fringe it, spice it up at the tips and let it get all a mess in my face XD

Okay. So. My hair's very light blonde, a bit past shoulder-length, and layered.

But it's like, super thin. I swear, it's lifeless. And when I get a good haircut? I wake up to it all bedheady and ruined. :l

So, this topic inspired me to do more with it. =] I basically do what Ksenia does- I blow dry upside down.

I like to whip it ( no, really, I do X] ) and flip it and make it all wild afterward, 'cause it makes my hair look kinda funky. Hahah. xP

I have hair that is really thick and wavy. It is now 4 1/2 feet long. I wash it every other day, and keep it in a tail bag made for horses. I do not brush my hair, but use a wide toothed comb. I do not comb it wet, and do not use a blow dryer. I just let my hair hang loose, and when at work keep it in the tail bag. I also do hot oil treatments and mayonnaise deep conditioning twice a week.

My hair is naturally very curly and I have it layered. Because of the short layers in the front, it looks bad if I leave it curly with no clips or anything in it. Way too poofy in the front. I've gotten into the habit of straightening it. When I'm too lazy to do that, I'll clip part of it back and leave the rest down and natural or do some sort of ponytail.

Wash, dry, brush, straighten.

I usually clip back my fringe at the moment because it's all weird.

And it's either down or in a messy bun.

I /currently/ have blonde hair, I usually curl it.

I rarely straighten it because I don't like the way it feels on my shoulders.

My hair doesn't really look the same everyday. But I like it.

I wish it was longer.

It would depend on the mood I am in.


Most of the time I leave it out, but if it is reallly hot like lately I put it up into a messy bun. C:

wash it obviously

then i really cant be bothered i just put it in a pony tail

I just comb it. Drying hair is a waste of time and energy because I have a lot of hair. I like my hair wavy. Straight hair is boring.

I wash it every other day, and other than that I just leave it how it goes naturally. If it's being unruly, I'll brush it straight, and sometimes I'll have it up in a ponytail.

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