Half Empty or half full?


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Niether. The glass is two times bigger than it needs to be... haha
Okay, this is creepy. I was gonna say that.

But I agree with Kristin, it depends on whether it was just filled up, or water had been taken out.

ACTUALLY. The glass is not either. It is full, because the "empty" bit is air particles.

' date='April 17, 2010 02:31 pm'] For me, it depends.
If the water was put it, it's half full.

If the water was taken out, it's half empty.

If I don't know if it was put in or taken out, it's just water.
The same for me.

But if I don't know whether it's been put in or taken out, I'll just say half empty. Atleast I think so. It's not really something I keep a log of. xD

It really depends on the object I'm talking about but usually I say halff empty. :furawatchi: I'm suchh a pessimist.

It depends. Today it's half-empty, 'cause I'm in a seriously cranky mood. I don't think it's going to be half-full until the weekend xD

I usually see it half full. But right now, half empty.

As far as a physical glass goes, it's half full.


Half empty or Half full?I'd say the glass is twice the size it should be.But otherwise,half full.

Depends how i feel.

Sometimes i will see it half full

Sometimes i will see it half empty


Half full, always. Even if it's s**t, it's still half full of something.

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