hamster lovers


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Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
New York
Hey all you hamster lovers! I wanted to make a special topic just for you. I started out with 2 hamsters and I thought they were both boys...I was wrong. One of them had babies so I seperated them. I put the father in a cardboard box that I got from a pet shop. It was only until I could get another cage. That night he chewed through it and I could never find him. Now I have the mother and her 3 of her 4 babies becuase I gave one to my friend in my neighborhood because that day on of her hamsters died. My friend has 2 hamsters, a guinea pig, a bunny, 2 rats, and 3 cats. She has made a good home for my hamster.

I love hampsters, but I don't have one. I used to have a guinea pig though. I have two dogs instead :)

This is in the wrong section. The Role Play section is for Role Plays, when you pretend you're a whole other person. It's quite fun. ^_^ I'm going to have to report this topic so a guide can move it into the 'Non-Tamatalk' forum. :p


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hamsters are really great even though they bite. My hamsters only bite when you stick your hands in their cage because they are territorial. I use gardening gloves when I pick them up out of their cage but I take them off when I hold them. Their bite hurts.

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