Hamster name!


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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
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Ok, so I got a new hamster! (my other one died :D )He is a white color and he is hiper, very strong, and he loves to climb stuff! Please help me with names!If you like more than one of my names, or you like my names and other ones, just reply all the names you love! Thank you! Oh, P.S. my hamster does not bite and he is very fluffy.

P.S.S. He does bite, but not if you are not hurting him. You know what I mean

Oh, and I have a story! He was in the top part of the cage, we opened it and took my hamster out. So he's very new, he was jumping out of my hands and my friends hands and we were catching him in the air. He did not fall. I would not let my sweet baby hit the ground, if he did..... B) :p :p

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