Hannah Montana


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I hate how all the shows seem to be the same. .

The only thing I like about that show is the actress who plays Lily. I think she's funny, but otherwise not really.

Once,in a show, "lily" was wearing a hat that I have! That was a little exciting.

Honestly- the show is just a typical disney show from nowadays.

what ever happened to the good old disney? who knows.

it's just another teen thing..

i dislike the show, but not the people from it.

you can't hate 'em just for being on a cheesy show.

I have to admit, Hannah Montana is a little funny,but...

very annoying most of time and I really dont enjoy watching it....

again, no offense to anyone. Please leave a comment about what you think.
yeah i used to like hannah montana...................but hannah montana is so stupid!(how could i like hannah montana? B) ) i watch it if theres nothing on...

I really like Hannah Montana. I hate Miley Cyrus (who's on Hannah Montana) but that doesn't mean I hate the show Hannah Montana. I can't say it's my favourite show anymore (it used to be) but I still like it a lot. They have funny jokes, and the storyline's great! The actors/actresses on it are good too.

It's a good show. :chohimetchi:

Hannah Montana is one of the reasons I don't watch Disney anymore. It seems no matter what's on Disney at the time, they're constantly raping my eyes and ears with mindless dribble. I think Walt would probably kill someone if he saw what Disney is today.

I just find the plot somewhat dry and that the story just keeps dragging on. OK, we get she has to keep her pop star life a secret to stay "a normal teenager". But what is normal? And we already know about the secret so why's it still emphasized in a lot of episodes? Pretty much the same thing happens - something happens that in some weird way could reveal the secret. Big. Whoop.

I love that show sooooooo much! I have all the movies, the doll, and clothes! and sunglasses! (that I lost. opps!)

I love Hannah Montana! ^ _ ^ I don't watch it now as much as I did before but I still watch it quite a lot. I have a piczo site about her at www.hannahismontana.piczo.com and I think they are all great actors/actresses! I love watching Disney's comedies and I like most of the shows on Disney Channel, but this is definitely one of the best!

I really want the Hannah Montana Secret Pillow Diary because it is so...well, random! I mean, it's a pillow diary! Yay for randomness! ^ _ ^

Hannah Montana's a great show, but it can be kinda dumb at times. (Just a little though xD) I like the episodes from the 1st season better than the 2nd, cause Miley kinda acted like a brat in the 2nd season plus the storyline wasn't as good.

I really like the actors in it, and it's a really funny show! I'm not obsessed with it like I used to be. I have to say that Miley Cyrus is a better actress than Emily Osment though...


I find it a typical 2000's show from Disney- all the same.

The plot- sooo unrealistic. Miley's identity would have been already discovered if this was in real life.

And then the episodes- so dry, and stupid source of humor. Not funny.

And then it's all about the same stuff.

What's wrong with disney now?

I agree with Sweet Kandi:

"I think Walt would probably kill someone if he saw what Disney is today"

Disney has gone down the toilet. BLEH.

It used to rock years ago!

Now it's all garbage!

omg i was watching a google video and it said that the producers might put lily and oliver together cause alot of ppls want them together. i forget the link i can try to find it. hold on.....


Want my opinion? :p

*****The following post is not to be offense to any Hannah Montana fans******

Hannah Montana is a truly disappointing show. Have you ever noticed that in every show, something bad happens or they do something bad (sneak out, etc.) and always have to find a way to cover up for what they did, or they try to solve what happens? I found that out. It's not my kind of show, because Miley Cyrus has no talent, her daddy just bought her the part on Hannah Montana. He even explained it on CNN:

"...when I was picked the part of the dad, they offered Miley the part of Hannah/Miley (even thought they rejected her when she tried out) because they thought it would seem more like family on the show. Of course, she accepted..." and she can't sing. Her songs are pathetic and her voice is trying TOO hard to sound good.

the people on Hannah Montana (most of em) are good actors/actresses (mitchel musso, moises arias, emily osment) but they were shoved on the show where basically the same thing happens.

So basically, I don't like it.

Want my opinion? :p
*****The following post is not to be offense to any Hannah Montana fans******

Hannah Montana is a truly disappointing show. Have you ever noticed that in every show, something bad happens or they do something bad (sneak out, etc.) and always have to find a way to cover up for what they did, or they try to solve what happens? I found that out. It's not my kind of show, because Miley Cyrus has no talent, her daddy just bought her the part on Hannah Montana. He even explained it on CNN:

"...when I was picked the part of the dad, they offered Miley the part of Hannah/Miley (even thought they rejected her when she tried out) because they thought it would seem more like family on the show. Of course, she accepted..." and she can't sing. Her songs are pathetic and her voice is trying TOO hard to sound good.

the people on Hannah Montana (most of em) are good actors/actresses (mitchel musso, moises arias, emily osment) but they were shoved on the show where basically the same thing happens.

So basically, I don't like it.
I agree. They can't act at all. She tries to make everything so dramatic and pretend she is the one with all the attention. It's about crushes, dates, and messing everything up. At the end they finally get caught for the thing they were trying to cover up, and then she tells her Daddy, and then "everything is going to be all right." and then, end of the tv show.

I agree so much with ducky23.

I have to admit, Hannah Montana is a little funny,but...

very annoying most of time and I really dont enjoy watching it....

again, no offense to anyone. Please leave a comment about what you think.
I agree with ya :furawatchi:

Want my opinion? :blink:
*****The following post is not to be offense to any Hannah Montana fans******

Hannah Montana is a truly disappointing show. Have you ever noticed that in every show, something bad happens or they do something bad (sneak out, etc.) and always have to find a way to cover up for what they did, or they try to solve what happens? I found that out. It's not my kind of show, because Miley Cyrus has no talent, her daddy just bought her the part on Hannah Montana. He even explained it on CNN:

"...when I was picked the part of the dad, they offered Miley the part of Hannah/Miley (even thought they rejected her when she tried out) because they thought it would seem more like family on the show. Of course, she accepted..." and she can't sing. Her songs are pathetic and her voice is trying TOO hard to sound good.

the people on Hannah Montana (most of em) are good actors/actresses (mitchel musso, moises arias, emily osment) but they were shoved on the show where basically the same thing happens.

So basically, I don't like it.
exactly. i agree completely. (well with the crossed out stuff lol)
