Happy '09!


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Ugggghhhh.... I'm SO tired, and its over 2 hours 'till the flipping countdown. Arrrggh. T_T

We are 1st Jan today! Happy 09 peoples! 17 days until my b-day.

One hour and ten minutes left for me.

Can't wait.

I love New Years Eve. Its an excuse to stay up all night.

Its 2009 already for us in humble New Zealand!
I know we are the first country to be in 2009 in the world!

So no one else it atm.

Happy 2009 when you guys are in 09!
well happy '09! today I will stay up 'till mindnight and wach TV the chanlle with the ball droping in NYC!!!!

P.S my friends B-day is on new years day!!!! cool huh?

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It's like, 1:30 in the afternoon here. o.0

Won't be 2009 for awhile....

Well, happy 2009 for everyone else!

It's still 12:30 in the afternoon. Us silly Kansans with our timezones.. :x

My dad's having a New Years 'party' tonight, but thankfully I'm going to Nicole's with her brother and Chris so we can spend the night in the rent house and scream all we want. :3

It's 2:47PM here. So... about 9 hours to go.

Unfortunately, I don't have any plans for tonight. I'm just staying home. D: All of my friends are in the band and therefore are in Disney World right now. Poo. D:<

Happy im more like bored. I can't hang out with any of my friends new years and we never get invited to any partys. So new years is lame for me.

^ Well, if you haven't noticed, people live in different places. :/

( Sorry, Im cranky :angry: )

It's 4:07 pm here on December 31st. I'm going to my Animal Crossing countdown party. :D

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