Happy halloween everyone!


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Ooooh can't wait to trick or treat

This day has turned out better then expected. <3

I slow danced with my crush....we were so close, we were practically just hugging.

This is my 1st Halloween with my new dog Max

He goes ballistic when the door knocks and

goes all crazy

this is gonna be my weapon for scaring little kids MWHAHAHA :furawatchi:

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Sigh~ Trick-or-Treating went so well this year!

I got some quite rare candy, as well as coincidentally wearing the same costume as two other teachers xD

We were all bananas!

Cecib :furawatchi:

[SIZE=14pt]Happy Halloween to you guys too! :D [/SIZE] I was a goth this year and had a Fake lip wring. I wore my costume to school today and walked up to my guyfriend/crush and he's freaking out and he says"Is that real?" And I said "Umm..NO!" XD it was funny! Also,I got lots of candy and my BFF got to sleep over soooooo yeah!

nooo halloween's over! ah well.

I went to two parties, and I was zoey/ichigo from mew mew power/tokyo mew mew!


Happy late Halloween to you guys too!

I'm gonna tell about my Halloween cause I feel like it. ^_^

My school day was scary yet awesome at the same time. XD

Trick-or-treating was the best part!

I went with my BFF, and our parents just basically said "Bye. You're on your own tonight."

First we went in her neighborhood. We were REALLY hyper, so I started loudly singing and my friend was like "GIVE US CANDY!". One house was giving away Play-Doh, and my friend was like "PLAY-DOH!", and I took two things and she too 3. Then we went through a bunch of streets and scored big cause we took a bunch of candy and such. Then we got tired and she didn't want to go back to her house so we sat at a bench at the duck pond, like, in the dark, and we started eating candy and wondering where ducks went to sleep. XD Then we found my friend's friend and we walked with her for a while and went through streets second times. Then me and my friend went back to her house to grab a drink. Then we had to walk to the school because she knew how to walk there, and I knew how to get from there to my neighborhood, so yeah. So we ran through the parking lot, and my friend saw a camera. XD Oh boy. :( So I didn't want to walk through the wooded park because I heard hobos sleep there and with all the raccoons and such out at night, I decided to walk the streets until I found my street. As were walking there, a car full of kids yelled "TRICK-OR-TREAT" as they drove by and threw candy at us. XD I was like "WTF?" and my friend was like "CANDY!". XD Then we walked down my street to get a little extra candy, for it was almost 10 PM. I was nervous because I was never out this late before, but we actually got more candy because it was houses full of adults that just wanted to get rid of their candy cause we were the last trick-or-treaters. Then my friend ding-dong-ditched my neighbor's house. XD Then we made it to my house and took a lot of candy and had a drink, then me and my mom drove my friend home, then we started talking about how she once called KC101 (it was 10:13 at the time) and she said how they were mean people. XD

So that was basically my night. :D

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