Happy Thanksgiving!


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Hey guys,

It's almost Turkey Day!! What are you thankful for?

I am thankful to God for:

• My family- I love them all so much. Even though they sometimes get on my nerves *cough* I don't know what I'd do without them. <3

• My country- I'm so blessed to live in America where all are free. I also thank those in the armed services for protecting us and our rights.

• My school- Yes, yes, it's school, how good could it be? But I'm glad that I can actually go to a school so I can do well in life later.

I'm also thankful that my doggy is still with us and that she is still going strong, for the nice cool weather, my friends, my kitty and my little breaks where I can relax.


Thanksgiving for me was over a while ago. But here's a list of the things I was thankful for:

- Education. It may seem like school is just a place you go to because your parents make you, but it's not, and I'm thankful for an education.

- Food & Water. A big one to be thankful for.

- A family that loves me. Lot of people in the world have families who abuse them and abandon them. I'm thankful that I have a family that is there for me.

- Where I live. My community is great, and everyone's friendly and helpful. I'm also thankful for living in Canada, where we can have free speech, education and much more.

Those are the main ones.

I'm thankful I still have people who care about me, I have a place to stay, and I'm gettng a better education.

I'm also thankful I'm still alive and I'm not blind or deaf.

I'm thankful that I have an education, a nice place to live, food & water, and a great family that loves me and cares about me (even though sometimes they do annoy me. xD)






-My education

and so much more :3

I am thankful for my family. That we are all together and I am cared for<33

I am thankful that there were no family emergancies in the past few years.

I am thankful for all of my friends that stick with me.

I am thankful for my Confirmation and my church, that I can see things clearer.

I am thankful for food to eat, water to drink. A roof above my head and clothes to keep me warm.

I am thankful for all of my blessings. <33

Absolutely every blessing God has given me! :chohimetchi: I'm not going to list everything and everyone that makes my life special, but I know that I am in an incredibly lucky position with a great school, great family, a bunch of great friends, a great home and so much more!!! :furawatchi:


I'm thankful for my family friends my life and for everything awesome! :chohimetchi:

I'm thankful that my family isn't going to be here this year XD

I'm also thankful that I wont have to cook or clean this year because we're going out to eat, lol.

My mom, grandma and I don't want to bother cooking, and my grandpa is a typical born in the 20's man so he doesn't cook.

I bless and am thankful for a roof over my head, family, and food+water.

I'm very thankful for everything God has given us.

Cecib :)


-My parents. They are really good people, sure, they don't do the right thing always, but they always help me[Like with instruments].

-Er.. Mr.H? He always helps me, is always willing to talk to me, and is always happy about my enthusiasm about new instruments.

-My apartment. Even though it isn't big, I still have somewhere to live, because not many people have places to live.

-People in band. They make me happy, by a joke or something stupid they do, even if they talk alot and dance during Caribbean Christmas, their like family to me. =] Even though sometimes they forget their instruments, they are still awesome people. The most awesome people that walked the earth. :3

-My friends.

-My instruments. *handslapface* Because it's a talent that only some people have.

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I am blessed for my family and all they have done for me even though I am total ^%&* up.

I am also blessed to have all my loving friends who have helped me through the rough times I have gone through.

We don't have thanksgiving. D:

I am thankful for everything that God has blessed me with.

Oh, don't diss God. He's my friend. >:3

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