Has a Little Kid Ever Sweared at you Before?


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me and my little brother say uhmmm.. naughty words ( LOL ) when my mom is not home and then if i don't want to do somehting he tells me i HAVE to do.. he'll be like if you don't do this for me im telling mom you said the _________ word!! im like.. ugh

no, but, I go at a k-8 school, were in middle school, and so, it was our lunch and this little kids P.E. and one of them ran up to my friend grabbed her and shook her screaming as loud as he could then ran away. I was like "ookkkaaayy" It was wierd, I know it doesnt have to do with swearing but still.

Well my first word was s**t. I was at a mall once and a little kid asked me for a chip and I said no and their reply was(WARNING: THERE IS ALOT OF BLEEPED BITS):
" you mother f**ker. Give me the f**king chip. your a uptight s**tty lil sl*t who dresses like a skanky h*e"

They were about 6 and their mum came over and apologized to me for the rudness and he began to call his mum stuff he called me.
That left me laughing right there. What kind of six-year-old knows those words and knows how to use them properly.

And you guys are driving me nuts. Sweared is not a word. The word you should use is swore, not sweared, swore.

Me and Kitty were sitting in the park, and this...he looked about three year-old came a stuck his middle finger up at us.Being the charming people we are, we did the same, and then had a loud conversation about "The youth of today".
The three year old probably had no idea why they did, and no idea about the 'youth of today' conversation :angry: .

A little child has never sworn at me, but when I was in the Primary School I heard some of them swear - but it didn't sound like they were doing it to deliberately be rude.

The three year old probably had no idea why they did, and no idea about the 'youth of today' conversation :angry: .
A little child has never sworn at me, but when I was in the Primary School I heard some of them swear - but it didn't sound like they were doing it to deliberately be rude.
You don't know the children around here. They're evil, I swear. o.o;

(No pun intended, folks!)

Last year some of them pushed me down the skate ramp. It hurt. xD

This reminds me of a story.... ^^

17 years ago, when my mom was in the hospital giving birth to my brother, my cousin was only 2 years old. My aunt and uncle would cuss in front of their kids... a lot.

My little cousin was bored (and rather hyper), so he started running up and down the halls of the maternity word, screaming out one single word... Passers-by stopped and stared at the little boy as his mother called out after him, "That's right! Truck! Did you see a truck?"

Erm... wow. Just thought I'd share that. ^^

But to answer your question, yes, little kids swear at me. At dance, I help out with the little 5 year olds, and they always end up cussing at me.... I don't know why. =/


My little half sister said bulls*** when my Dad was talking once, she was 6 months old. A week later she told a mosquito to p*** off. She's four now, knows the f word, constantly calls me an idiot (that's been going on for a year now x.x) Last time I went to see her she called me a "f***ing hell" I was having a lot of trouble not laughing. My little half brother, about 6 weeks ago walked around saying " f*** f*** f***!" He is two in January.

After seeing this I remembered that when I was 5 or 6 I had no idea what these words meant, a boy at my school who was in about grade 4 told me to say c***, s*** and f*** but when he told be to say f*** he said "say the eff word" and I, not knowing what he meant by eff word, said "eff word"

Well my first word was s**t. I was at a mall once and a little kid asked me for a chip and I said no and their reply was(WARNING: THERE IS ALOT OF BLEEPED BITS):
" you mother f**ker. Give me the f**king chip. your a uptight s**tty lil sl*t who dresses like a skanky h*e"

They were about 6 and their mum came over and apologized to me for the rudness and he began to call his mum stuff he called me.
ok but none have ever swore at me!

i was playing with my friend(well,she is my x-friend now) and my other friend lottie. we where in this place where there are these soft small balls i hit one of the little kids on the arm. I DIDNT MEAN TO HIT HIM! then he said"who hit me?" we all pointed at my friend lottie. the little kid sweared at my friend and hit her! it was funny but my friend said it was me and the little kid hit me and.................... :eek: :eek: :eek:

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