has anyone ever got 'kidnapped' on tamatalk?


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2006
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Nowhere! (a/k/a, Canada)
There was a presentation at my school, and it was about internet safety. The policewoman told us a few stories about kids who were fooled and the six (I'll try to remember them all) different types of internet concerns. The hacking one, when ppl steal your password or something, the virus, when someone sends you a virus in e-mail, the kind when someone robbs you, when they try to hurt you (for instance oooh, don't want to say it, it's 'sexual'), the kind when ppl want to meet you, and I'm not good at memorizing!! But I'm curious, do you know of anyone who got kidnapped on tamatalk?



There was a 'report' about it on the news apparently. It was a rumor, so I seriously doubt it actually happened. Nobody is going to get kidnapped or raped unless they do something extremely stupid like give out their address, phone number, full name, SS#, or parents' first and last names. As long as you have common sense, nothing will happen to you.

Tey actually said someone got abducted by someone on tamatalk SC?

[SIZE=12pt] Kidnapped on TamaTalk...?[/SIZE]

I am sure nobody on this site has gotten kidnapped because of TamaTalk. o_O


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i dont think that anyone COULD get kidnapped on tamatalk, because tamatalk has very good security.


No, they cant get raped or kidnapped here. The only chances are if someone manages to be done here is if you give out every single bit of your personal info.

Not to scare anyone, but I think it's more likely for a young girl to be kidnapped off the street by a complete stranger than to be stalked by someone she's meet online.

However, to be on the safe side, you should protect yourself by not posting personal information, that can be used to identify you, in your profile. This also includes links to personal web sites where you've posted pictures of yourself or other personal information.

Also remember that if someone PMs you asking "are you a girl or a boy?", "how old are you", "what's your real name", or other personal questions, you don't have to answer, or can just reply "I prefer to not give out personal information".

Also see this post by Bell Sprout: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showt...ndpost&p=141476 That topic is still open, so if you have any more concerns about personal safety on the internet, you can post it in there.

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